Pirate Gathering


Ruthless Roger (Pirate): Arrr, Mordred Blackthorn be parleyin' with that sneaky ninja hound Kurohane as we speak. One final round o' negotiations, or so the whispers say…
Salty Sally (Pirate): Parley? Enough o' this jabberin'! They be needin' to pay fer their misdeeds!
Iron Marty (Pirate): Been a year since they took his lad. An' them ninjas still be slayin' pirates to this very day!
Salty Sally (Pirate): Mordred ain't been himself of late. Folks say he's been hearin' voices o' late.
Ruthless Roger (Pirate): Voices, ye say? Aye, I've heard o' that too. But don't be mistakin' the man's sorrow fer mere superstition.
Iron Marty (Pirate): Mordred be certain the voices'll guide him to a way to vanquish the Midori Kage.
Ruthless Roger (Pirate): Ahoy, <Hero>! I reckon ye've heard the news! Ye'll be fightin' alongside us, aye? The free spirit of a pirate can't be shackled by them shadow-dwellin' cowards!
Hero (Hero of Lore): (I'd better head to the Shadow of the Wind Village and see what's going on with the ninjas over there.)
Hero (Hero of Lore): Oh-! Haha, yeah about that. I actually gotta go but you guys have fun with that ever it is you're doing!

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