Pumpkin Lord Boots

Location: Pumpkin Crafts - Mystcroft Manor

Sellback: 30 Gold
Level: Required: 1, Scaled: (Your Level -5)
Power: Scaled
Craft Time: 2 Hours
Speed Up: 50 Dragon Crystals
Description: The thick, orange husk latches to the skin of your lower legs. The fit is so disturbingly perfect that it's impossible to say where your leg ends and boot begins. What you do know however,is that these pumpkin-forged boots are aerodynamic and help you give you the upper-hand in difficult situations.
Set Piece: Pumpkin Lord Set

Type Bonus
Armor Scaled
Evasion Scaled
Haste Scaled


  • This item becomes scaled to your current level once (with a level penalty of 5) when you obtain it.
    • This level penalty cannot reduce item's scaled level under its required level.
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