- Enter the beam in Darkovia Castle Throne Room during the 'Speak to the King' quest.
«Scene: King Drachus clapping from his throne»
King Drachus (Vampire King): Impressive.
King Drachus (Vampire King): MOST Impressive.
King Drachus (Vampire King): It seems the rumours about you are true, <hero>.
Hero: I'm here for the Mayor's daughter…
King Drachus (Vampire King): …
King Drachus (Vampire King): That's why you've come?
King Drachus (Vampire King): Haha.
King Drachus (Vampire King): HAHAHA….
King Drachus (Vampire King): HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Hero: I will not ask you again, where is Safiria?!
King Drachus (Vampire King): Why do you not see for yourself?
King Drachus (Vampire King): My son should consider this snack an early wedding gift.
«Scene: King Drachus raises his hand and then the eyes of the golem on his chair glows. A whirlpool appears under the hero and the hero falls down into Darkovia Castle Catacombs»