Ravenspire Belt

- Crypt of the Fallen Son
- Ravenspire (Bad Night)
- Ravenspire (Day)
- Ravenspire (Night)
- Ravenspire (Portal)
- Ravenspire (Tournament)
- The Doom of Ravenspire
Price: N/A
- Dropped by all monsters excluding:
Sellback: 0 Gold
Level: Base: 39, Max: 43
Power: Base: 780-860 (+0), Max: 800-880 (+20)
Description: A leather belt trimmed with silver.
Set Piece: Ravenspire Set
- This item can be infused to +20. Check Item Infusion for more information.
- This item level scales until level 43. Check Scaling System for more information.
- This item has a power variation. Check Scaling System for more information.