Rayst's Shop

Location: Rayst - Arcangrove Forest

Name Level Requirements Price
Belt.png Rayst's Belt 27 Magus Rank - (Pupil) Arcangrove Forest 10,000 Gold
Glove.png Rayst's Gloves 27 Magus Rank - (Novice) Arcangrove Forest 10,000 Gold
Shoulder.png Rayst's Shoulders 27 Magus Rank - (Neophyte) Arcangrove Forest 12,000 Gold
Cape.png Rayst's Cape 27 Magus Rank - (Acolyte) Arcangrove Forest 10,000 Gold
Armor.png Rayst's Robes 27 Magus Rank - (Warden) Arcangrove Forest 15,000 Gold
Weapon.png Scepter of Magus 27 Magus Rank - (Adept) Arcangrove Forest 15,000 Gold
Weapon.png Magus Staff 27 Magus Rank - (Master) Arcangrove Forest 15,000 Gold
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