Ready For Company


Hero: Aspen says that Frostvale is ready for the next batch of newcomers.

Blizzy (Frost Moglin Leader): That is great news! Perfect timing too.
Blizzy (Frost Moglin Leader): The scouts say that the next wave of weary travelers is expected any time now.
Blizzy (Frost Moglin Leader): I'm glad that we're prepared to welcome to their new home with open arms.
Blizzy (Frost Moglin Leader): <hero>, I really can't thank you enough.
Blizzy (Frost Moglin Leader): I hope that the Frost Moglins can repay you someday.

Hero: Don't worry about it.

Blizzy (Frost Moglin Leader): I mean it. If there is ever a time that we can help you… we stand ready.

Hero: Thanks Blizzy, I appreciate that.

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