Daily Tasks Updated
Staff Birthday Updated
Gaz Connections
Gaz Errands
Peaches' Answers
Potions Discoveries
Scissors Closed!
True Weaver Stealer
Truth Unfolded
Winnie's Stolen Scissors
Grizzly Boar Updated
Heartwolf (Monster) Updated
Thornwing Updated
Winnie Updated
Winnie's Quests Updated
Winnie's Supersleuth Shop
ArmorsSupersleuth Armor

Supersleuth Belt

Supersleuth Boots

Supersleuth Coat

Supersleuth Gloves

Supersleuth Hat

Fabrics and Leathers

Ghost Howl


Telltale Textile

Twilight Wolf Fur

Supersleuth Magnifying Glass

Commands Updated
- New Daily Task Hotkey.
- If you are underpowered, a new "Recommended Power" will appear in your inventory at the 'Equipped Items' section.
- Added support for Monster "Chain Aggro".
- Name colours will now also be shown in the chat window.
- You can now disable "GoTo" in the options.
- The quest reward formula was changed, making all quests give slightly different amount of Exp and Gold.
Adventure Crafting Updated
ArmorsEngraved Chevalier Armor

Engraved Chevalier Belt

Engraved Chevalier Greaves

Engraved Chevalier Back Shield

Engraved Chevalier Gauntlets

Engraved Chevalier Helm

Battle Gem

Engraved Chevalier Shoulders

Staff Birthday Updated
Darkon's Birthday Shop Updated
Helmets and HoodsCreature 18's Heads

Darkon's Debris 111

Creature 83

Creature 18's Faces

Creature 83 Travel Form

Darkon's Debris 29

Darkon's Debris 30

Darkon's Debris 88

Darkon's Debris 89

Darkon's Debris 90

Scaling System Updated
- Major changes to scaling system (Phase I).
- First update unscaling areas that are treated as "Main Story" and "Side Story"; Monsters and Craft Shops for these areas being non-scaled.
Holding the Orb
Informing Boog
Informing Shadowslayer W
Informing The Townfolk
Returning With The Orb
The Mayor's Story
The Truth About Darkovia
Boog's Basement
Founder's Sanctuary Updated
Boog's Boulders
Darkness (Monster) (1)
Lesser Shadow
Living Darkness
Sara Watterson (NPC) Updated
Slifsgaard Updated
The Difuser
Zakaru (NPC) Updated
Darkovia's Quests Updated
Tailoring Shop Updated
GlovesSweater Mitts

Character Page Badges Updated
Friend List increased to 80.
Health Bars appears above player and monster when in combat.
Main Menu Updated
- New Main Menu Inferface.
Max Bank Slots increased to 99.
Scaling System Updated
- Major changes to scaling system (Phase II).
- Second update giving more information to Power variation having an +0-20 at the start of the name of the item.
Titles Updated
- List of titles improved.
Battleon Social District Updated
Carnaval Sneevil
Grand Carnaval Sneevil
Carnaval Items
Your 2021 Carnaval Collection
ArmorsCarnaval Plume Armor (Chest)

Carnaval Plume Armor (Shop)

Carnaval Plume Belt (Chest)

Carnaval Plume Belt (Shop)

Carnaval Plume Sandals (Chest)

Carnaval Plume Sandals (Shop)

Carnaval Plume Cape (Chest)

Carnaval Plume Cape (Shop)

Carnaval Plume Bracers (Chest)

Carnaval Plume Bracers (Shop)

Carnaval Plume Helm (Chest)

Carnaval Plume Helm (Shop)

Battleon Firework Potion

Chrysanthemum Firework Potion

Colorful Carnaval Feather

Comet Fireworks Potion


Flying Fish Firework Potion

Roman Candle Firework Potion

Sky Rocket Firework Potion

Carnaval Plume Shoulders (Chest)

Carnaval Plume Shoulders (Shop)

Carnaval Collector's Chest 2021

Carnaval Pagode Spear

Carnaval Plume Sword (Chest)

Carnaval Plume Sword (Shop)

Carnaval Samba Spear


Character Page Badges Updated
Titles Updated
- Custom Mouse Cursor; changes the icon when hovering to a certain monster, npc or player.
Bringing The News To Constantine
Bringing The News To Safiria
Darkovia's Rune
King Vlad's Death
King Vlad's Thoughts
Queen Safiria's Thoughts
Returning The Darkness Orb
Senator Adrias's Thoughts
Senator Sevro's Disappearance
Senator Sevro's Murder
Senator Victra's Thoughts
ShadowSlayer W's Thoughts
Shadowslayer W's Betrayal
Shadowslayer W's Transformation
The Bad News
The Incense
The Meeting
The New Shadowslayer
The Siblings' Fight
The Spirits Of Fallen Allies
The Temporary Alliance
The Truth About Sevro's Murder
The Wolfwing
Vampire Knight's Thoughts 1
Vampire Knight's Thoughts 2
Vampire Knight's Thoughts 3
Vampire Knight's Thoughts 4
Werewolf Guard's Thoughts 1
Werewolf Guard's Thoughts 2
Werewolf Guard's Thoughts 3
Werewolf Guard's Thoughts 4
Wes The Shadowslayer
Wes's Story
Wolfwing Escaping
Monster Duels: Werewolf Arena - Keeli Duel
Monster Duels: Werewolf Arena - Practice Match
Monster Duels: Werewolf Arena - Senator Adrias Duel
Monster Duels: Werewolf Arena - Senator Victra Duel
Monster Duels: Werewolf Arena - Warden Gromm Duel
Lunar New Year (Event) Updated
Battleon Town Square Updated
Darkhurst Town Conflict
Darkhurst Town Meeting
Darkhurst Town Warfare
Darkhurst Town Updated
Monster Duels: Werewolf Arena - Ranked Match
Werewolf Baths Updated
Werewolf Coliseum Updated
Werewolf Garden Updated
Wolfwing Attack
Wolfwing Rematch
Chest (2)
Chest (3)
Chest (4)
Vampire Ghost
Vampire Knight (Monster) Updated
Werewolf Ghost
Werewolf Updated
Constantine (NPC) Updated
Feral Werewolf (NPC)
Keeli Updated
King Vlad Updated
Queen Safiria Updated
Senator Adrias Updated
Senator Victra Updated
ShadowSlayer W Updated
ShadowSlayer X
Vampire Knight (NPC) Updated
Warden Gromm Updated
Werewolf Centurion Blue
Werewolf Centurion (NPC) (2)
Werewolf Centurion Yellow
Werewolf Guard (NPC) (1) Updated
Wolf (NPC)
Darkovia's Quests Updated
Keeli's Quests
Lunar New Year (Shop) Updated
Monster Duels: Werewolf Arena Rewards
ArmorsOx Changshan Armor

Ox Cheongsam Armor

Ragnar's Golden Gladiator Armor

Ragnar's Golden Gladiator Belt

Ox Changshan Shoes

Ox Cheongsam Shoes

Ragnar's Golden Gladiator Boots

Gold New Year's Ox Cape

Red New Year's Ox Cape

Ragnar's Golden Gladiator Fur Cape

Ragnar's Golden Gladiator Gauntlets

Ragnar's Golden Gladiator Helm

Keeli's Token

Senator Adrias' Token

Senator Victra's Token

Ticket for your own Werewolf Centurion

Warden Gromm's Token

Werewolf Arena Token

Werewolf Practice Token

Ragnar's Golden Gladiator Shoulders

Centurion Recommendation Letter

Health Potion

Legatus Recommendation Letter

Mana Potion

Munifex Recommendation Letter

Optio Recommendation Letter

Perfect Werewolf Duelist Letter

Pilus Prior Recommendation Letter

Praefectus Castrorum Recommendation Letter

Primus Pilus Recommendation Letter

The Werewolf Monster Duel Arena Champion Letter.

Tirones Recommendation Letter

Ragnar's Golden Gladiator Sword

Ragnar's Golden Gladiator Sword and Shield

Character Page Badges Updated
Titles Updated
Heroes Heart Day Returns & Updated
Maurice Updated
2021 Heroes Heart Day Items
Heroes Heart Clothing Updated
Your 2021 Heroes Heart Day Collection
ArmorsKnight of Roses Armor (DC)

Knight of Roses Armor (Non-DC)

Knight of the Shattered Heart Armor (DC)

Knight of the Shattered Heart Armor (Non-DC)

Lady Paramour Dress (DC)

Lady Paramour Dress (Non-DC)

Lord Paramour Armor (DC)

Lord Paramour Armor (Non-DC)

Knight of Roses Belt (DC)

Knight of Roses Belt (Non-DC)

Knight of the Shattered Heart Belt (DC)

Knight of the Shattered Heart Belt (Non-DC)

Knight of Roses Boots (DC)

Knight of Roses Boots (Non-DC)

Knight of the Shattered Heart Boots (DC)

Knight of the Shattered Heart Boots (Non-DC)

Lady Paramour Shoes (DC)

Lady Paramour Shoes (Non-DC)

Lord Paramour Boots (DC)

Lord Paramour Boots (Non-DC)

Knight of Roses Cape (DC)

Knight of Roses Cape (Non-DC)

Knight of the Shattered Heart Cape (DC)

Knight of the Shattered Heart Cape (Non-DC)

Rosy Scarf

Knight of Roses Gloves (DC)

Knight of Roses Gloves (Non-DC)

Knight of the Shattered Heart Gloves (DC)

Knight of the Shattered Heart Gloves (Non-DC)

Lady Paramour Gloves (DC)

Lady Paramour Gloves (Non-DC)

Lord Paramour Gloves (DC)

Lord Paramour Gloves (Non-DC)

Cute Bow

Knight of the Shattered Heart Helm (DC)

Knight of the Shattered Heart Helm (Non-DC)

Lovely Earrings

Lovely Heart

Knight of Roses Shoulders (DC)

Knight of Roses Shoulders (Non-DC)

Knight of the Shattered Heart Shoulders (DC)

Knight of the Shattered Heart Shoulders (Non-DC)

Heroes Heart Day Collector's Chest 2021

Corrupted Heart Staff (Chest)

Corrupted Heart Staff (Shop)

Enchanted Heart Staff (Chest)

Enchanted Heart Staff (Shop)

Heartbroken Sword (DC)

Heartbroken Sword (Non-DC)

Heartfelt Sword (DC)

Heartfelt Sword (Non-DC)

The Heart Stopper (DC)

The Heart Stopper (Non-DC)

Wolfwing's Lair
What is this place?
Darkovia Forest Updated
WolfWing's Lair Lobby
Bloodlusted WolfWing
Chest of the BloodWolf
Howling Wolfwing
Vampire Knight (Monster) Updated
Vampire Shadow
Vampiric Wolfwing
Werewolf Shadow
Werewolf Updated
Wolfwing The Exiled
ShadowSlayer X Updated
Wolfwing's Mementos
ArmorsWolfwing Slayer Armor

Wolfwing Slayer Belt

Wolfwing Slayer Boots

Wolfwing's Batwings

Wolfwing Slayer Gloves

Wolfwing Slayer Helmet

Werepyre Fur

Wolfwing Slayer Shoulders

Wolfwing Blazing Lance

Wolfwing Slayer Lance

Wolfwing Slayer Stake

Titles Updated
Ancient Darkhurst Evil Updated
Ancient Evil Updated
Chest of the Bloodwolf Updated
Chest (2) Updated
Gate Guard Updated
Ghost of General Fang Updated
Lord Bludregen Updated
Lychimera (Level 22) Updated
Shadow Death Dealer Updated
Troma Terrortoma Updated
Warlord Specter Updated
ShadowSlayer X Updated
ShadowSlayer's Rank Quests Updated
ShadowSlayer W's Daily Quest Updated
Shadowslayer X's Daily Quests Updated
ShadowSlayer Shop Updated
ArmorsShadowSlayer W's Armor

ShadowSlayer W's Belt

ShadowSlayer W's Boots

ShadowSlayer W's Cloak

ShadowSlayer W's Gloves

ShadowSlayer W's Hat

Blood Fangs


Monstrous Blood

ShadowSlayer W's Shoulders

Titles Updated
Tower of Necromancy - Basement Updated
Tower of Necromancy - Lobby Updated
BaneWolf (Monster) Updated
Battle Brutalcorn Updated
Bone Spider Updated
Bothvar Yettisson Updated
Commander Xuren Updated
Darkwood Slaplings Updated
Deogoarth Updated
Doomguard Garr Updated
Doomwood Ancient Evil Updated
Doomwraith Dorn Updated
Eight Legged Terror Updated
Ghost of General Fang Updated
Granite Gollum Updated
Graveyard Defender Updated
Isle Crystal Golem Updated
Isle Crystal Golem Updated
Isle Skeleton Updated
Isle Zombie Updated
Lychimera (Level 22) Updated
Mogra The Mummy Moglin Updated
Noxus, Lich Awoken Updated
Raging Trolluk Updated
Risen Mage
Ryujin (Level 30) Updated
See'Esem Updated
Scrawler Updated
Shacklebone Updated
Shiny Fool's Gold Updated
Skitterling Updated
Tiny Frostvale Terror Updated
Tyrion the Tyrant Updated
Ultra Mega Don Updated
Valek Updated
Viassayth Updated
Void Knightmare (Monster) Updated
Zolin (Monster) Updated
Necronomicon (NPC) Updated
Stabatha Heartless
Viscerra Vex Updated
Necronomicon's Daily Quests Updated
Stabatha Heartless's Daily Quests
Stabatha Heartless' Quests
Viscerra Vex's Quests Updated
The Forgotten Staves
Wraithmancer's Attire
ArmorsWraithmancer Robes

Wraithmancer Belt

Wraithmancer Boots

Wraithmancer Spirit Conduit

Wraithmancer Gloves

Wraithmancer Helm

Doomed Dart

Old Staff Fragment


Unstable Gem

Wraith's Essence

Wraithmancer Shoulders

Acolyte's Wand and Tome (Rare)

Acolyte's Wand and Tome (Epic)

Summoner's Scepter and Codex (Rare)

Summoner's Scepter and Codex (Epic)

Warlock's Staff and Spellbook (Rare)

Warlock's Staff and Spellbook (Epic)

Wraithmancer Staff

- Big Unity Update - Quality of life updates for varios features present in-game
Scaling System Updated
- Major changes to scaling system (Phase III - Final).
- Third and last update the possibility to change between scaled and unscaled challenges and dungeons.
Titles Updated
- 'Pro Shooto' moved from the questing to legacy section.
Battleon Town Gates Updated
Death's Lair (Intro) Updated
Dragonwatch Village Updated
Heroes Bend Updated
Daily Boss Fight Updated
Armored Golem
Big Bones Updated
Blood Bat Updated
Brutal Bat
Frogzard Updated
King Drachus (Monster) Updated
Terrortoma Updated
Vampire Guard Updated
Count Mogula (NPC)
Death's Stash (NPC)
Dragonwatch Chest
Gaz Updated
Guardian (NPC) (2)
Guardian Golem (NPC) (2)
Secret Chest
Count Mogula's Daily Quest
Yulgar's Quests Updated
Count Mogula's Crafting Emporium
Count Mogula's Relics Shop
Death's Stash (Shop)
Dragonwatch Chest
Gaz's Cart
Hero's Bend Chest
Trade Skills
Fishing Updated
ArmorsDragonwatch Leathers (Level 2)

Dragonwatch Plate (Level 2)

Dragonwatch Robe (Level 2)

Dreaded Vampire Lord Armor

Eternal King Drachus Armor

King Drachus Armor

Prince Vlad Armor

Undying Vampire Lord Armor

Dreaded Vampire Lord Belt

Eternal King Drachus Belt

King Drachus Belt

Prince Vlad Belt

Reaper's Skull Belt

Torn Blue Sash (Level 2)

Undying Vampire Lord Belt

Dreaded Vampire Lord Boots

Eternal King Drachus Boots

King Drachus Boots

Red Ninja Tabbi Boots

Saucy Shoes

Undying Vampire Lord Boots

Dreaded Vampire Lord Cape

Eternal King Drachus Cape

King Drachus Cape

Torn Cloak

Undying Vampire Lord Cape

Dreaded Vampire Lord Gloves

Eternal King Drachus Gloves

King Drachus Gloves

Mac'Gyver'd Gloves (Level 2)

Undying Vampire Lord Gloves

Dented Helm (Level 3)

Blue Flying Eye-Patch

Battle Gem

Blue-Gill Pike

Daily Boss Trophy

Dead Mimic

Death's Note

Diamond Angelfish

Drachus' Dark Materials

Free Drink Coupon

Island Crab

King Drachus' Tattered Cape

Obsidian Koi

Parkour Note

Purple Tipped Toad

Rainbow-Tailed Trout

Sapphire Squid

Silverback Gupper

Spotted Koi

Wave Skitter

Dreaded Vampire Lord Shoulders

Eternal King Drachus Shoulders

King Drachus Shoulders

Undying Vampire Lord Shoulders

Health Potion

Stein of Moglinberry Juice

Bodyspray Axe (2)

Dreaded Vampire Lord Sword

Eternal King Drachus Sword

Gaz's Golden Hilted Sword (Uncommon)

King Drachus Sword

Prince Vlad Sword

Thief's Dagger (Level 3)

Undying Vampire Lord Sword

Titles Updated
Lucky Day
Battleon Social District Updated
Bad Luck Sneevil
Very Bad Luck Sneevil
Lucky Lad
Lucky Lad's Daily Quest
Your 2021 Lucky Day Collection
2021 Lucky Day Items
ArmorsLucky Piper Jacket and Kilt (Chest)

Lucky Piper Jacket and Kilt (Shop)

Lucky Piper Pouch (Chest)

Lucky Piper Pouch (Shop)

Lucky Piper Shoes (Chest)

Lucky Piper Shoes (Shop)

Lucky Piper Clover Cape (Chest)

Lucky Piper Clover Cape (Shop)

Golden 4-Leaf Clover Luckabuto

Lucky Piper Top Hat (Chest)

Lucky Piper Top Hat (Shop)

Clover Leaf

Lucky the Clover

Lucky Day Collector's Chest 2021

Travel Trail - Green

Golden 4-Leaf Clover Luckatana (Chest)

Golden 4-Leaf Clover Luckatana (Shop)

Lucky 4-Leaf Clover Daggers (Chest)

Lucky 4-Leaf Clover Daggers (Shop)

Lucky 4-Leaf Clover Staff

Lucky 4-Leaf Clover Sword & Shield (Chest)

Lucky 4-Leaf Clover Sword & Shield (Shop)

Lucky 4-Leaf Clover Sword (Chest)

Lucky 4-Leaf Clover Sword (Shop)

Lucky Piper's Bagpipes (Chest)

Lucky Piper's Bagpipes (Shop)

Adventures Updated
Commands Updated
Exp Charts Updated
- Level Cap increased to 32.
New reconnect feature, reconnects from the last session at the same spot that was abandoned.
Scaling System Updated
- Quest scaling level cap removed.
- NPCs now have speech bubbles.
- Speech bubbles can be shown to NPC; and NPC that later becomes a Monster.
- NPCs has a speech before and after a certain quest is completed in the current questline presented.
- NPCs that becomes a Monster, has a speech before turning into a Monster; during the battle and his last words during the death animation.
Titles Updated
Aquifer Problems
Deadliest Archer
Gaspar Introduction
Poisoned Water
Professor Bum
Putrid Beast Encounter
Putrid Death
Reporting the Aquifer Issue
So you're in charge here?
Talking to Valencia
Trustyworthy Stranger
Welcome to Bastion
What brings you to the Sandsea?
The Aquifer
Bastion Invasion
Bastion Onslaught
Cave Scarab
Croc Captain (Monster)
Croc Guard (Monster) (1)
Putrid Beast
Sandsea Rebel Corporal
Sandsea Rebel
Toxic Slime
Water Snake
Aquifer Well
Bobby B.
Croc Guard (NPC) (1)
Croc Guard (NPC) (2) x5
General Gaspar
Maurice Updated
Nigel Fuzzybum
Paul DeRonn
Skiffmaster Squint
Valencia Updated
Sandsea's Quests
Paul DeRonn's Quest
Bobby B's Potion Shop
Live Event Coin Shop Updated
Paul DeRonn's Armor and Outfit Shop
Paul DeRonn's Crafting Shop
ArmorsCEO Tracksuit Armor

Cobalt Oasis Armor

Crystal Oasis Armor

Dark Oasis Armor

Solar Oasis Armor

CEO Battle Belt

Cobalt Oasis Belt

Crystal Oasis Belt

Dark Oasis Belt

Solar Oasis Belt

Sandsea Foot Wraps

CEO Battle Bracers

Sandsea Star Hood

Bastion Bucks

Live Event Coin

Vial of Slimy Residue

Fancy Health Potion

Fancy Mana Potion

Health Potion

Mana Potion

April Fools' Day Returns & Updated
Battleon Town Square Updated
Yulgar's Inn Updated
Fool's Gimic
Artix Updated
Cujo Updated
Edward Updated
Guardian Soldier (2) Updated
Kaylia Updated
Maka Updated
Nanook Updated
Piddie the Fool
Ripley Updated
Riza Updated
Rukia Updated
Sam Updated
Simon Updated
Spike Updated
Fool's Day Items
ArmorsHarlequin Fool Armor

Harlequin Fool Belt

Harlequin Fool Boots

Harlequin Fool Cowl

Harlequin Fool Gloves

Harlequin Fool Hood

Harlequin Fool Mask

April Fool's Gold Coin

Mimic Pet

Potato Pet

Harlequin Fool Shoulders

Fool's Gift

Leafy Gang Green Potion

Mountain Pew Potion

Musical Fruit Juice

Skittal's Unicorn Juice Pouch

Darkon's Potato

Harlequin Fool Dagger

Harlequin Fool Gun

Harlequin Fool Scepter

Exp Charts Updated
- Level Cap increased to 33!
- The exp curve for levels 29-32 has been changed.
Exploration Scrolls Updated
Scaling System Updated
- The items inside dungeons no longer level scale, now they just drop at their base level with power variation (if applicable).
Titles Updated
Broken Lucky Compass
Gil Found!
From Keys to Lamps
Setting Sail Eventually
Meeting Skiffmaster Squint
The Voidrakar in the Sandsea
Welcome to the Sandsea Desert
Bastion Updated
Hidden Tomb Updated
Sandsea Desert
Desert Ornithon
Great Sand Sea Scarab
Sandsea Croc Guard
Sandsea Scarab
Sandsea Sand Worm
Sand Shark
Sand Twister
Vicious Sand Shark
Voidling (2)
Voidrakar Centution
Voidrakar Soldier (Monster)
Caravan Driver
Croc Guard (NPC) (1) Updated
General Gaspar Updated
Great Sandsea Scarab
Hot Plate Updated
Nigel Fuzzybum Updated
Simmi-Tar Updated
Valencia Updated
General Gaspar's Quests
Hot Plate's Quests
Nigel Fuzzybum's Quests
Sandsea's Quests Updated
Dahlia - Sandsea Caravan
Dahlia's Refreshment Shop
Fahad's Caravan Shop
Hot Plate's Food Shop
Paul DeRonn's Crafting Shop Updated
Sandsea Nomad Crafting
Simmi Tar's Weapon Shop
ArmorsAzul Ancestral Sandsea Armor

Crimson Ancestral Sandsea Armor

Stone Ancestral Sandsea Armor

Sandsea Nomad Armor

Tuscan Ancestral Sandsea Armor

Ancestral Sandsea Belt

Sandsea Nomad Belt

Ancestral Sandsea Boots

Sandsea Nomad Boots

Azul Ancestral Sandsea Cape

Crimson Ancestral Sandsea Cape

Sandsea Nomad Cloak

Stone Ancestral Sandsea Cape

Tuscan Ancestral Sandsea Cape

Azul Ancestral Sandsea Gloves

Crimson Ancestral Sandsea Gloves

Sandsea Nomad Gauntlets

Stone Ancestral Sandsea Gloves

Tuscan Ancestral Sandsea Gloves

Azul Ancestral Sandsea Hood

Crimson Ancestral Sandsea Hood

Sandsea Nomad Helm

Stone Ancestral Sandsea Hood

Tuscan Ancestral Sandsea Hood

Bastion Bucks

Blueprint for Toy Pet

Fiery Scarab Curry Voucher

Gifts for The Kiddos

Letter from General Gaspar

Loose Sand Shark Teeth

Lost Sandsea Scroll

Paul DeRonn's Late Package

Salty Sand Worm Sashimi Voucher

Sandsea Scarab Carapace

Sand Worm Silk

Sand Worm Steak

Sandy Bug Meat

Sandy Fin

Savory Sand Shark Stew Voucher

Shattered Voidshard

Squint's Broken Compass

Tomb Spice

Toy-making Components

General Gaspar Wind-up Toy Pet

Sandsea Nomad Shoulders

Fancy Health Potion

Fancy Mana Potion

Fiery Scarab Curry

Health Potion

Mana Potion

Salty Sand Worm Sashimi

Savory Sand Shark Stew

Bastion Broom

Bastion Broom and Bucket

Desert Wasteland Blade

Desert Wasteland Dagger

Scarab Smasher Hammer

Sandblasted Hollow Voidshard

Sand Shark Tooth Dagger

Sand Silk Wand

Adventures Updated
Status Effects Updated
- You will now take heat damage if you don't have Hydrated buff in Sandsea Desert.
- You can get this buff from safe zones around the map or by using Water Bottle or Moglinade.
- Item power variation is now displayed as an icon next to the item power instead of being part of the item name.
- You can now open news page in game by clicking on a letter in the Character menu before entering the game.
- Mogloween and TLaPD events have ended to give room for the upcoming events.
- Hidden Tomb no longer level scales.
- Daily Boss Area (Woundstock)
items now have a -3 level penalty to their scaling (up from -2).
- This change is related to the new upcoming feature, Infusion.
Nigel's Gift Basket Delivery
Professor Fuzzybum's Intern
What brings you to the Sandsea? Updated
Bastion Updated
Hidden Tomb Updated
Nigel's Office
Sandsea Desert Updated
Desert Ornithon Updated
Greater Mummy Updated
Great Sand Sea Scarab Updated
Great Sand Worm Updated
Ka-Snek Updated
Ka-Snek the Eternal Updated
Mogra the Mummy Moglin Updated
Mummy Updated
Putrid Beast Updated
Sandorg the Sand Horror Updated
Sandsea Sand Worm Updated
Sandsea Scarab Updated
Sand Shark Updated
Sand Twister Updated
Sand Worm Updated
Tomb Chest (1) Updated
Tomb Chest (2) Updated
Tomb Chest (3) Updated
Vicious Sand Shark Updated
Voidling (2) Updated
Voidrakar Centution Updated
Voidrakar Soldier (Monster) Updated
Zobekian Tomb Raider Updated
Bobby B. Updated
Craig the Intern
Croc Guard (NPC) (1) Updated
Dahlia Updated
Fahad Updated
Nigel Fuzzybum Updated
Simmi-Tar Updated
Valencia Updated
Bobby B.'s Quests
Craig the Intern's Daily Quest
Hidden Tomb's Quests Updated
Nigel Fuzzybum's Quests Updated
Simmi-Tar's Quest
Bladderwort Crafting Updated
Bobby B.'s Potion Shop Updated
Count Mogula's Crafting Emporium Updated
Cursed Cay Crafting Updated
Dahlia's Refreshment Shop Updated
Darkovia Daily Crafting Updated
Fahad's Caravan Shop Updated
Gorillaphant Crafts Updated
Hidden Tomb Treasures Updated
Hydration Station Specialty Potions
Keep Daily Crafting Updated
Lava Beast Crafting Updated
Simmi Tar's Weapon Crafts Updated
Vault Crafting Updated
ArmorsRoyal Privateer (Epic)

Undying Vampire Lord Armor

Undying Vampire Lord Belt

Undying Vampire Lord Boots

Hulking Trophy (Epic)

Lord Rathbeorn's Cape (Epic)

Undying Vampire Lord Cape

Undying Vampire Lord Gloves

Inferno Helm (Epic)

Lord Rathbeorn's Crown (Epic)

Ka-Snek's Golden Helm

Tusked Face Shield (Epic)

Warfiend's Hood (Epic)

Bastion Bucks

Gift Basket for Nigel

Lost Sandsea Scroll

Sandestine Alloy

Sandsea Salt

Sandsea Scarab Carapace

Sand Worm Steak

Sandy Bug Meat

Sandy Fin

Shattered Voidshard

Sand Skull Shoulders

Undying Vampire Lord Shoulders

Warfiend's Plates (Epic)

Warfiend's Spikes (Epic)


Salty Sand Worm Sashimi

Water Bottle

Carnivera Scythe (Epic)

Carnivera Wand (Epic)

Cobrelisk the Sand Scepter

Crimson Summoner's Staff (Epic)

Doomwood Skull Staff (Epic)

Doomwood Skull Sword (Epic)

Doomwood Skull Warhammer (Epic)

Golden Fist Fangs

Golden Snake Scepter

Gorthor's Axe (Epic)

Inferno Blade (Epic)

Ka-Snek's Fist Fangs

Lycan Bone Sword (Epic)

Lycan Howl Daggers (Epic)

Lycan Kama Scythe (Epic)

Scarab Pincer Claws

Sand Doom Staff

Sandsea Skewer

Sand Shark Reaper

Sand Storm Sword

Sand Worm Splitter

Seed Shooter Pistol (Epic)

Sharp Zobekian Khopesh

Ship Scythe (Epic)

Smashy McSmashface (Epic)

Pirate Trident (Epic)

Tusked Kama (Epic)

Tusked Blade (Epic)

Undying Vampire Lord Sword

Zobekian Khopesh

- You are now able to build a bridge to get across the parkour challenge in The Aquifer dungeon.
The Aquifer Updated
Bobby B. Updated
Chest Shop Updated
ArmorsBygone King Zealot Armor

Wasteland Exile Armor

Bygone King Zealot Belt

Wasteland Exile Belt

Bygone King Zealot Boots

Wasteland Exile Boots

Bygone King Zealot Cape

Wasteland Exile Scarf

Bygone King Zealot Gloves

Wasteland Exile Gloves

Bygone King Zealot Helm

Wasteland Exile Hood

Bygone King Zealot Shoulders

Wasteland Exile Shoulders

Bygone King Zealot Dagger

Bygone King Zealot Sword

Bygone King Zealot Sword & Dagger

Wasteland Exile Sword

May the 4th Returns
Dark Lord Updated
Character Page Badges Updated
Daily Tasks Updated
Exp Charts Updated
Item Infusion
Status Effects Updated
Titles Updated
- Level Cap has been increased to 35!
- Item Infusion is here, spend gold (gear below max level) and infused runes (gear at max level) to upgrade your gear!
- Completing all of your daily tasks at max level reward you with inert runes to craft infused runes.
- A new class: Healer + changes to existing support classes.
- Daily Boss Area (Woundstock) items you can craft got their level penalties changed.
items now have a penalty of 1 and
items have a penalty of 2.
- You are now able to inspect players to see what guild they are part of.
Angry Sharken
Crocos' Revenge
Dragon Egg Delivered
Dry Scales & Diet Options
Lord Sekt's Deal
Lord Sekt & The Lamp
New Protocols
Sharken Defeated
Skiff Invasion
The Reign of Lord Sekt
Valley of the Undying King (Cutscene)
Where's My Replacement?
Zhoom's Bow (Cutscene)
May the 4th (Event) Updated
Bastion Updated
Battleon Town Square Updated
Class Trainers Updated
Nigel's Office Updated
Squint's Skiff Adventure
Valley of the Undying King (Location)
Valley of the Undying King Onslaught
Chombi (Monster)
Croc General
Croc Guard (Monster) (2)
Croc Guard (Monster) (3)
Desert Snake
Great Sandsea Scarab (Monster) Updated
Giant Desert Scorpion
Grove Stalker (Monster) Updated
Sand Slime
Skewered Sand Shark
Small Desert Scorpion
Supply Barrel (1)
Chombi (NPC)
Cysero Updated
Dark Lord Updated
Crocos Pyramid Guard
Croc Guard (NPC) (2) Updated
Fahad Updated
Gar-Feld Pyramid Guard
Gil Updated
Lord Sekt
Nigel Fuzzybum Updated
Paul DeRonn Updated
Phara-Keet Pyramid Guard
Sgt. LeCosta
Skiffmaster Squint Updated
Valencia Updated
Death's Lair (Intro)'s Quests Updated
Hot Plate's Quests Updated
Ivory's Daily Quest
Nigel Fuzzybum's Quests Updated
Paul DeRonn's Quest Updated
Sandsea's Quests Updated
Simmi-Tar's Quests Updated
Bladderwort Crafting Updated
Capstone Rewards Updated
Count Mogula's Crafting Emporium Updated
Cursed Cay Crafting Updated
Darkovia Daily Crafting Updated
Fahad's Caravan Shop Updated
Gorillaphant Crafts Updated
Healer Class Gear
Healing Salve Bandages
Hot Plate's Food Shop Updated
Hydration Station Specialty Potions Updated
Infusion Runes and Capstones
Keep Daily Crafting Updated
Lava Beast Crafting Updated
Sandsea Cactus Knight Crafting
Sandsea Nomad Crafting Updated
Sandsea Royalty Crafting
Sandstorm Capstone Rewards
Simmi Tar's Weapon Crafts
Vault Crafting Updated
ArmorsCactus Knight Armor

Crimson Centurion Armor

Darkstar Legion Sentinel Armor

Dreaded Vampire Lord Armor

Galactic Scoundrel Vest

Golden Valor Armor

Healer Robes

Legendary Healer Armor

Royal Privateer (Cosmetic)

Royal Privateer (Uncommon)

Royal Privateer (Rare)

Royal Privateer (Epic)

Sandsea Royalty Armor

Undying Vampire Lord Armor

Cactus Knight Belt

Crimson Centurion Belt

Darkstar Legion Sentinel Belt

Dreaded Vampire Lord Belt

Galactic Scoundrel Belt

Golden Valor Belt

Healer Belt

Legendary Healer Belt

Sandsea Royalty Belt

Undying Vampire Lord Belt

Cactus Knight Boots

Crimson Centurion Boots

Darkstar Legion Sentinel Boots

Dreaded Vampire Lord Boots

Galactic Scoundrel Boot

Golden Valor Boots

Healer Boots

Legendary Healer Boots

Undying Vampire Lord Boots

Cactus Knight Cape

Crimson Centurion Cape

Darkstar Legion Sentinel Cape

Dreaded Vampire Lord Cape

Galactic Scoundrel Scarf

Golden Valor Cape

Healer Cape

Hulking Trophy (Epic)

Hulking Trophy (Rare)

Hulking Trophy (Uncommon)

Legendary Healer Cape

Lord Rathbeorn's Cape (Epic)

Lord Rathbeorn's Cape (Rare)

Lord Rathbeorn's Cape (Uncommon)

Sandsea Royalty Scarf

Undying Vampire Lord Cape

Guardian (Class) Updated
Healer (Class)
Moglomancer Updated
Paladin (Class) Updated
Cactus Knight Gloves

Crimson Centurion Gloves

Darkstar Legion Sentinel Gloves

Dreaded Vampire Lord Gloves

Galactic Scoundrel Gloves

Golden Valor Gauntlets

Healer Gloves

Legendary Healer Gloves

Sandsea Royalty Gloves

Undying Vampire Lord Gloves

Cactus Bulb Helmet

Cactus Knight Mask

Crimson Centurion Helm

Darkstar Legion Sentinel Hood

Galactic Scoundrel Visor

Golden Valor Crown with Hooded Mask

Golden Valor Crown

Healer Hood

Inferno Helm (Epic)

Inferno Helm (Rare)

Inferno Helm (Uncommon)

Legendary Healer Hood

Lord Rathbeorn's Crown (Epic)

Lord Rathbeorn's Crown (Rare)

Lord Rathbeorn's Crown (Uncommon)

Sandsea Royalty Crown

Sandsea Royalty Helm

Tusked Face Shield (Epic)

Tusked Face Shield (Rare)

Tusked Face Shield (Uncommon)

Warfiend's Hood (Epic)

Warfiend's Hood (Rare)

Warfiend's Hood (Uncommon)

Bastion Bucks

Cacti Bulb


Dry Desert Stinger

Green Grove Leaf

Healer Class Token

Healing Salve Bandage

Golden Thread

Inert Sandstorm Rune

Infused Sandstorm Rune

Lost Sandsea Scroll

Mogrevious' Diary

Prickly Cacti Porridge Voucher

Relic of Ka-Snek

Rusty Harpoon

Sandsea Salt

Sandstorm Capstone

Sandy Scorpion Carapace

Sandy Snake Skin

Tomb Spice

A2X2 Droid Pet

Guardian A2X2 Droid Pet

Cactus Knight Shoulders

Crimson Centurion Shoulders

Darkstar Legion Sentinel Shoulders

Dreaded Vampire Lord Shoulders

Galactic Scoundrel Shoulders

Golden Valor Pauldrons

Healer Shoulders

Legendary Healer Shoulders

Sandsea Royalty Shoulders

Undying Vampire Lord Shoulders

Warfiend's Plates (Epic)

Warfiend's Plates (Rare)

Warfiend's Plates (Uncommon)

Warfiend's Spikes (Epic)

Warfiend's Spikes (Rare)

Warfiend's Spikes (Uncommon)

Class XP Boost (2)

Prickly Cacti Porridge

Mogrevious Mech (Travel Form)

Blue Legion Starblade (DC)

Cactus Knight Kanabo

Carnivera Scythe (Epic)

Carnivera Scythe (Rare)

Carnivera Scythe (Uncommon)

Carnivera Wand (Epic)

Carnivera Wand (Rare)

Carnivera Wand (Uncommon)

Crimson Centurion Sword

Crimson Summoner's Staff (Epic)

Crimson Summoner's Staff (Rare)

Crimson Summoner's Staff (Uncommon)

Desert Cactus Spiked Knuckles

Doomwood Skull Staff (Epic)

Doomwood Skull Staff (Rare)

Doomwood Skull Staff (Uncommon)

Doomwood Skull Sword (Epic)

Doomwood Skull Sword (Rare)

Doomwood Skull Sword (Uncommon)

Doomwood Skull Warhammer (Epic)

Doomwood Skull Warhammer (Rare)

Doomwood Skull Warhammer (Uncommon)

Dreaded Vampire Lord Sword

Galactic Scoundrel Blaster

Galactic Scoundrel's Red Cup

Golden Valor Sword and Shield

Golden Valor Sword

Gorthor's Axe (Epic)

Gorthor's Axe (Rare)

Gorthor's Axe (Uncommon)

Healer Staff

Inferno Blade (Epic)

Inferno Blade (Rare)

Inferno Blade (Uncommon)

Legendary Healer Staff

Lycan Bone Sword (Epic)

Lycan Bone Sword (Rare)

Lycan Bone Sword (Uncommon)

Lycan Howl Daggers (Epic)

Lycan Howl Daggers (Rare)

Lycan Howl Daggers (Uncommon)

Lycan Kama Scythe (Epic)

Lycan Kama Scythe (Rare)

Lycan Kama Scythe (Uncommon)

Pirate Trident (Epic)

Pirate Trident (Rare)

Pirate Trident (Uncommon)

Mage's Staff

Mastercraft Sand Doom Staff

Mastercraft Sand Shark Reaper

Mastercraft Sandsea Skewer

Mastercraft Sand Worm Splitter

Mastercraft Scarab Pincer Claws

Orange Double Starblade (DC)

Red Legion Starblade (DC)

Rogue's Dagger

Sand Doom Staff

Sand Shark Reaper

Sandsea Skewer

Sand Worm Splitter

Scarab Pincer Claws

Seed Shooter Pistol (Epic)

Seed Shooter Pistol (Rare)

Seed Shooter Pistol (Uncommon)

Sharp Zobekian Khopesh

Ship Scythe (Epic)

Ship Scythe (Rare)

Ship Scythe (Uncommon)

Smashy McSmashface (Epic)

Smashy McSmashface (Rare)

Smashy McSmashface (Uncommon)

Tusked Blade (Epic)

Tusked Blade (Rare)

Tusked Blade (Uncommon)

Tusked Kama (Epic)

Tusked Kama (Rare)

Tusked Kama (Uncommon)

Undying Vampire Lord Sword

Warrior's Sword

Zobekian Khopesh

Character Page Badges Updated
Titles Updated
- Reduced the amount of monsters in the Barrow Pass.
Staff Birthday Updated
Barrow Pass Updated
Legion vs Paladin Assault
Armorsmith Balor (Monster)
Armorsmith Hemlock (Monster)
Big Bones Updated
Brocas the Dreadstrider (Monster)
Commander Morningstar (Monster)
Hallowed Revenant
Legion Barricade
Legion Catapult
Lieutenant Dreadshadow
Lieutenant Shatterstar
Necromancer (Monster)
Paladin (Monster)
Paladin Barricade
Paladin Catapult
Siegemaster Grimlock (Monster)
Siegemaster Rhea (Monster)
Skeleton Updated
Armorsmith Balor (NPC)
Armorsmith Hemlock (NPC)
Brocas the Dreadstrider (NPC)
Commander Morningstar (NPC)
Legion Acolyte Updated
Paladin Rhys Oathborne
Siegemaster Grimlock (NPC)
Siegemaster Rhea (NPC)
Golden Order Assault's Quests
Legion Assault's Quests
Your 2021 Dage Collection
2021 Dage Items
Golden Order Assault Quartermaster
Golden Order Assault Supplies
Legion Assault Quartermaster
Legion Assault Supplies
ArmorsLegion Archer Armor (DC)

Legion Archer Armor (Non-DC)

Legion Couture Lace-Up Armor (DC)

Legion Couture Lace-Up Armor (Non-DC)

Legion Couture Sleeveless Armor (DC)

Legion Couture Sleeveless Armor (Non-DC)

Legion Priest Armor (DC)

Legion Priest Armor (Non-DC)

Legion Archer Belt (DC)

Legion Archer Belt (Non-DC)

Legion Couture Belt (DC)

Legion Couture Belt (Non-DC)

Legion Priest Belt (DC)

Legion Priest Belt (Non-DC)

Legion Archer Boots (DC)

Legion Archer Boots (Non-DC)

Legion Couture Boots (DC)

Legion Couture Boots (Non-DC)

Legion Archer Cape (DC)

Legion Archer Cape (Non-DC)

Legion Priest Cape (DC)

Legion Priest Cape (Non-DC)

Legion Couture Cape (DC)

Legion Couture Cape (Non-DC)

Dreaded Legion Fishing Rod (DC)

Dreaded Legion Fishing Rod (Non-DC)

Legion Archer Gloves (DC)

Legion Archer Gloves (Non-DC)

Legion Couture Gloves (DC)

Legion Couture Gloves (Non-DC)

Legion Archer Deadeye Hood (DC)

Legion Archer Deadeye Hood (Non-DC)

Legion Archer Hood (DC)

Legion Archer Hood (Non-DC)

Legion Archer Huntsman Hood (DC)

Legion Archer Huntsman Hood (Non-DC)

Legion Archer Marksman Hood (DC)

Legion Archer Marksman Hood (Non-DC)

Legion Couture Horns (DC)

Legion Couture Horns (Non-DC)

Legion Priest Hood (DC)

Legion Priest Hood (Non-DC)

Morningstar's Helm

Barricade Repair Kit (Legion)

Barricade Repair Kit (Paladin)

Deployable Catapult Kit (Legion)

Deployable Catapult Kit (Paladin)

Golden Order Assault Boss Medallion

Golden Order Assault Token

Legion Assault Boss Medallion

Legion Assault Token

Legion Spider Pet (DC)

Legion Spider Pet (Non-DC)

Legion Archer Shoulders (DC)

Legion Archer Shoulders (Non-DC)

Legion Couture Shoulders (DC)

Legion Couture Shoulders (Non-DC)

Morningstar's Pauldrons

Dage Collector's Chest 2021

Legion's Aura

Brocas the Dreadstrider Travel Form (DC)

Brocas the Dreadstrider Travel Form (Non-DC)

Dreaded Legion Bow (DC)

Dreaded Legion Bow (Non-DC)

Dreaded Legion Halberd (DC)

Dreaded Legion Halberd (Non-DC)

Dreaded Legion Spear (DC)

Dreaded Legion Spear (Non-DC)

Dreaded Legion Wrist Daggers (DC)

Dreaded Legion Wrist Daggers (Non-DC)

Dreaded Legion Zweihander (DC)

Dreaded Legion Zweihander (Non-DC)

Golden Order Assault Hammer

Golden Order Assault Spear

Golden Order Assault Sword

Legion Archer Dagger (DC)

Legion Archer Dagger (Non-DC)

Legion Assault Blade Blaster

Legion Assault Hammer

Legion Assault Staff

Legion Couture Sword (DC)

Legion Couture Sword (Non-DC)

Legion Priest Staff (DC)

Legion Priest Staff (Non-DC)

Legion Soulripper (Chest)

Legion Soulripper (Shop)

The Harvester - Legion Greatsword

- Most of the Sandsea crafting materials were turned into tokens.
- Lost Sandsea Scroll wasn't turned into a token, but it's a unique now.
Misc. ItemsCacti Bulb

Dry Desert Stinger

Loose Sand Shark Teeth

Lost Sandsea Scroll

Sand Worm Silk

Sand Worm Steak

Sandsea Scarab Carapace

Sandy Bug Meat

Sandy Fin

Sandy Scorpion Carapace

Sandy Snake Skin

Shattered Voidshard

Vial of Slimy Residue

Armorsmith Balor (Monster) Updated
Armorsmith Hemlock (Monster) Updated
Brocas the Dreadstrider (Monster) Updated
Commander Morningstar (Monster) Updated
Lieutenant Dreadshadow Updated
Lieutenant Shatterstar Updated
Siegemaster Grimlock (Monster) Updated
Siegemaster Rhea (Monster) Updated
Armorsmith Balor (NPC) Updated
Armorsmith Hemlock (NPC) Updated
Deadeye Updated
Paladin Rhys Oathborne Updated
Golden Order Assault's Quests Updated
Legion Assault's Quests Updated
Misc. ItemsGolden Order Assault Boss Medallion

Golden Order Assault Token

Legion Assault Boss Medallion

Legion Assault Token

Legion Dread Rune Sword

Legion Dread Rune Sword & Shield

Lionfang Regiment Sword

Lionfang Regiment Sword & Shield

Exploration Scrolls Updated
Titles Updated
Status Effects Updated
A Gift from Zhoom
Cave Inspector
Conflict with Lord Sekt
Crocos Unleashed
First Lamp Piece Get!
Giving the Bow to Sekt
No More Violence!
Rebels Are Ill
The Loyal Fool Falls
The Might of Voidrakar
The Rebels' Name
Voidrakar Valley Offensive
Who are you? (2)
Why are you here?
Zhoom the Assassin?
Zhoom the Rebel Leader
Crocos Pyramid
Slitheroth's Cave
Bastion Updated
Rebel Camp
Rebel Camp Ambush!
Valley of the Undying King (Location) Updated
Voidrakar Temple Invasion
Baby Slitheroth
Cave Desert Snake
Cave Scarab Updated
Croc Guard (Monster) (2) Updated
Crocos (1)
Crocos Mummy
Egg (Monster) (1)
Giant Scorpion
King Nolagem
Sandsea Croc Guard Updated
Sandsea Rebel Updated
Sandsea Rebel Corporal Updated
Savage Croc
Scorpion Fish
Voidling (3)
Voidrakar Captain
Voidrakar Centurion
Voidrakar Soldier (Monster) Updated
Bobby B. Updated
Dr. Jones
Blacksmith's Apprentice
Brienne the Blacksmith
Crocos Pyramid Guard Updated
General Gaspar Updated
General Jumeau
Rebel Guard
Ross Bob
Secret Sneevil
Sick Rebel
Trader Josephine
Bobby B.'s Quests Updated
Sandsea's Quests Updated
Paul DeRonn's Quest Updated
Simmi-Tar's Quests Updated
Trader Josephine's Quests
Desert Hawk Crafting
Hydration Station Specialty Potions Updated
Refreshment Shop Updated
ArmorsDesert Hawk Armor

Desert Hawk Belt

Desert Hawk Shoes

Sun Keeper Boots

Desert Hawk Cape

Desert Hawk Gauntlets

Sun Keeper Gloves

Desert Hawk Hood

Bastion Bucks

Cacti Bulb

Dry Desert Stinger

Loose Sand Shark Teeth

Lost Sandsea Scroll


Rebel Rubies

Sandsea Scarab Carapace

Sand Worm Silk

Sand Worm Steak

Sandy Bug Meat

Sandy Fin

Sandy Scorpion Carapace

Sandy Snake Skin

Vial of Slimy Residue

Water Bottle

Desert Hawk Shoulders

Fancy Health Potion

Fancy Mana Potion

Health Potion

Mana Potion


Water Bottle

Rebel Camp Updated
Valley of the Undying King (Location) Updated
Captain Irwin
Cave Desert Snake Updated
King Nolagem Updated
Mamba Updated
Sting Updated
Slitheroth Updated
Brienne the Blacksmith Updated
Nigel Fuzzybum Updated
Schmoe Updated
Brienne the Blacksmith's Quest
Nigel Fuzzybum's Quests Updated
Schmoe's Quest
Trader Josephine's Quests Updated
Sandsea Deadly Monster Weapons
Misc. ItemsDeadly Desert Monster Parts

Rebel Rubies

Sandestine Alloy

Deadly Sand Snake Sai

Desert Slayer Claw

Golden Pharaoh Pistol

King Scarab Spear

Pharaoh Pistol

Sting's Telson

Battleon Social District Updated
Red Server Dragon
Red Server Dragonling
Rose's Daily Quest Updated
Battleon Social Prizes Updated
ArmorsRed Leaf Tunic

Red Scaled Robe

Pinky Pony Shoes

Deepling Lure

Red Cardboard Crown

Ultra Party Streamer

Travel Trail - Fire

Travel Trail - Red

Broken Dragon Server Sword

Crocos Pyramid - Challenge
Titles Updated
Crocos Unleashed Updated
Bastion Updated
Rebel Camp Updated
Valley of the Undying King (Location) Updated
Asp Updated
Cave Desert Snake Updated
Cave Scarab Updated
Chest of the Air Snake
Crocos (1) Updated
Crocos (2)
Crocos Mummy Updated
Crocos' Exalted Treasure
Crocos' Treasure (Monster)
Desert Cactus Updated
Desert Snake Updated
Giant Desert Scorpion Updated
Giant Scorpion Updated
Great Sandsea Scarab (Monster) Updated
Sandsea Scarab Updated
Savage Croc Updated
Scorpion Fish Updated
Small Desert Scorpion Updated
Water Snake Updated
Young Scorpion Fish
Crocos Pyramid Guard Updated
Fahad Updated
Kai-Lee Updated
Skiffmaster Squint Updated
Crocos Pyramid Guard's Quests
Kai-Lee's Quests
Paul DeRonn's Quest Updated
Simmi-Tar's Quests Updated
Gill Potions
Crocos' Treasure (Shop)
Kai-Lee's Pet Shop - Beetles
Kai-Lee's Pet Shop - Scorpions
Kai-Lee's Pet Shop - Snakes
Kai-Lee's Pet Shop - Special Varieties
ArmorsKeeper of Water Armor

Keeper of Water Armor (Alt.)

Keeper of Water Belt

Keeper of Water Belt (Alt.)

Keeper of Water La Crox

Sun Keeper Boots

Keeper of Water Cape

Keeper of Water Gloves

Sun Keeper Gloves

Keeper of Water Helm

Ancient Croc Scales

Asp Venom

Bastion Bucks

Crocos' Teeth

Scorpion Fish Gills

Blue Royal Scarab Pet

Blue Scorpion Pet

Blue Snake Pet

Dark Snake Pet

Desert Scarab

Fire Royal Scarab Pet

Fire Scarab Pet

Golden Scorpion Pet

Green Royal Scarab Pet

Green Scarab Pet

Green Scorpion Pet

Green Snake Pet

Ice Royal Scarab Pet

Ice Scarab Pet

Lil' Scorpion Fish Pet

Living Cacti Pet

Orange Scorpion Pet

Pink Royal Scarab Pet

Pink Scarab Pet

Pink Scorpion Pet

Pink Snake Pet

Purple Scorpion Pet

Purple Snake Pet

Red Royal Scarab Pet

Red Scarab Pet

Red Scorpion Pet

Red Snake Pet

Sandy Snake Pet

Teal Scorpion Pet

Keeper of Water Shoulders

Crocos' Champion Tablet

Crocos Pyramid Tablet

Health Potion

Mana Potion

Major Gill Potion

Minor Gill Potion

Keeper of Water Scythe

Phara-Keet's Aero Snake Scepter

- Daily Boss Area (Woundstock) no longer changes randomly every night at 12:00 Midnight EST.
- It now changes in the following order:
- Aurous
- Ironmaw
- See'Esem
- Carnivera
- Gorthor the Warfiend
- Cursed Captain
- Lava Braken
- Gorehambe
- King Drachus
- It now changes in the following order:
Daily Boss Fight Updated
Character Page Badges Updated
Titles Updated
Summer Break Returns & Updated
Battleon Bank Updated
Battleon Town Square Updated
Pointe Less Isle Updated
Big Bro-Huna Updated
Chompers Updated
Crab Cakes Updated
Island Shark Updated
Killer Clawg Updated
Annette Updated
Box Kahuna Updated
Hedwig Hootenheim Updated
Annette's Daily Quest
Annette's Quests Updated
2018 Summer Collection Returns
2019 Summer Collection Returns
2020 Summer Collection Returns & Updated
2021 Summer Items
Pointe Less Summer Shop
Summer Fishing Crafts Returns & Updated
Your 2021 Summer Collection
Trade Skills
Fishing Updated
ArmorsAqua Mage Armor (DC)

Aqua Mage Armor (Non-DC)

Blue Diving Suit

Cornflower Shirt & Shorts (DC)

Cornflower Shirt & Shorts (Non-DC)

Cornflower Sundress (DC)

Cornflower Sundress (Non-DC)

Dark Diving Suit

Deep Diving Suit

Green Diving Suit

Iron Diving Suit

Legion Swimwear (DC)

Legion Swimwear (Non-DC)

Old Timey Swimdress (DC)

Old Timey Swimdress (Non-DC)

Old Timey Swimsuit (DC)

Old Timey Swimsuit (Non-DC)

Paradise Vice Armor (DC)

Paradise Vice Armor (Non-DC)

Patterned Paradise Vice Armor (DC)

Patterned Paradise Vice Armor (Non-DC)

Pink Diving Suit

Purple Diving Suit

Red Diving Suit

Rosy Shirt & Shorts (DC)

Rosy Shirt & Shorts (Non-DC)

Rosy Sundress (DC)

Rosy Sundress (Non-DC)

Shark Fin-atic Diving Suit

Sporty Diving Suit

Tattooed Legion Swimwear (DC)

Tattooed Legion Swimwear (Non-DC)

Aqua Mage Belt (DC)

Aqua Mage Belt (Non-DC)

Crabby Bobby

Frosted Floaty Donut

Hollow Pineapple Bobber

Watermelon Bobber

Aqua Mage Boots (DC)

Aqua Mage Boots (Non-DC)

Blue & White Sandals (DC)

Blue & White Sandals (Non-DC)

Blue Suede Shoes (DC)

Blue Suede Shoes (Non-DC)

Boat Shoes (DC)

Boat Shoes (Non-DC)

Paradise Vice Loafers (DC)

Paradise Vice Loafers (Non-DC)

Sun Sandals (DC)

Sun Sandals (Non-DC)

Undersea KS Cape

Undersea Cape

Aqua Mage Gloves (DC)

Aqua Mage Gloves (Non-DC)

Paradise Vice Beaded Bracelets (DC)

Paradise Vice Beaded Bracelets (Non-DC)

Fish Ears

Floppy Sunhat (DC)

Floppy Sunhat (Non-DC)

Golden Sun Glasses (DC)

Golden Sun Glasses (Non-DC)

Paradise Vice Sun Glasses (DC)

Paradise Vice Sun Glasses (Non-DC)

Summer Solstice Crown

Wicker Trilby (DC)

Wicker Trilby (Non-DC)


Brave Daggerfin

Ember Willowfin

Fish Bones

Island Crab

Island Zard Fin

Jellyfish Egg (DC)

Jellyfish Egg (Non-DC)

Pointe Less Trophy

Pointe-y Shark

Pointed Shark

Rainbow Uni-Fish

Shark Attack Token

Spotted Koi

Summer Kelp

Warmshell Crab

Aqua Mage Shoulders (DC)

Aqua Mage Shoulders (Non-DC)

Unstable Jellyfish (DC)

Unstable Jellyfish (Non-DC)

Heat-seeking Water Balloon

Party Bubbles Potion

Summer Collector's Chest 2021

Water Balloon

Beach Spiker (DC)

Beach Spiker (Non-DC)

Fish Axe

Fishy Dagger

Fishy Staff

Fishy Sword

Koi Fish Staff

Oceana Glaive (DC)

Oceana Glaive (Non-DC)

Oceana Katana (DC)

Oceana Katana (Non-DC)

Oceana Tidal Sword (DC)

Oceana Tidal Sword (Non-DC)

Orange Tree Staff (DC)

Orange Tree Staff (Non-DC)


Sword Fish

Summer Break Updated
2021 Summer Items Updated
Your 2021 Summer Collection Updated
BobbersLegion Skull Bobber (DC)

Legion Skull Bobber (Non-DC)

Vetroid the Jellyfish Pet (DC)

Vetroid the Jellyfish Pet (Non-DC)

Vetroid the Jellyfish Travel Form (DC)

Vetroid the Jellyfish Travel Form (Non-DC)

Summer Break Updated
Pointe Less Summer Shop Updated
PetsLil' Snippy

Party Bubbles Coating

Sand Trap!
Sand Trap Dismantled
The Caravan Issue
The Caravan Issue Resolved
The Sand Witch
Searching for the Sand Witch's Lair
Turkey Sandwitch?
Welcome to the Sandsea Desert Updated
Zhoom is Back
Zhoom is Gone
Bastion Updated
Battleon Town Gates Updated
Rebel Camp Updated
Sandsea Desert Updated
Sandsea Desert (Defend the Ruins)
Sandsea Desert (Follow the trail)
Sand Witch's Lair
Sand Witch's Lair Battle
Valley of the Undying King (Location) Updated
Alter Ego
Giant Desert Scorpion Updated
Giant Scorpion Updated
Lil' Sand Horror
Sand Horror Sentinel
Sand Twister Updated
Self Doubts
Small Desert Scorpion Updated
Putrid Beast Jr
Tor-Kei The Sand Witch (Monster)
Vicious Sand Shark Updated
Voidling (2) Updated
Voidling (3) Updated
Voidrakar Centurion Updated
Voidrakar Soldier (Monster) Updated
Witch Altar
Alia Updated
Croc Captain (NPC)
Croc Commander
Croc Soldier
Croc Watchmen
Fahad Updated
Gable Updated
Great Sandsea Scarab (NPC) Updated
Kaia Updated
Nigel Fuzzybum Updated
Skiffmaster Squint Updated
Tor-Kei The Sand Witch (NPC)
Zahid Updated
Zhoom Updated
Fahad's Daily Quest
Nigel Fuzzybum's Quests Updated
Sandsea's Quests Updated
Fahad's Caravan Shop Updated
Gill Potions Updated
Hydration Station Specialty Potions Updated
Sandsea Nomad Crafting Updated
The Sand Witch Shop
ArmorsAlter Ego Warrior Armor

Alter Ego Warrior Belt

Alter Ego Warrior Boots

Alter Ego Warrior Gloves

Alter Ego Warrior Helmet

Bastion Bucks

Ghostly Cannon Ball

Sand Witch Leftovers

Shattered Voidshard

Tomb Spice

Lil' Yucky Pet

Alter Ego Warrior Shoulders

Major Gill Potion

Alter Ego Warrior Sword

Sandsea Desert (Defend the Ruins) - Challenge
Guilds Updated
Titles Updated
- Guild member cap has been increased from 20 to 100.
- New/updated item icons for potions and some stat boosting consumables.
- When you target something now, a targeting indicator appears above your target.
- All fishing nodes no longer have fixed spawn points in the locations they appear. The nodes with different power in said locations can spawn in the same spot now.
Returning Zhoom's Bow?
Vault of the Undying King
Battleon Scholar District Updated
Rebel Camp Updated
Sandsea Desert Updated
Valley of the Undying King (Location) Updated
Croc Guard (Monster) (2) Updated
Defender Chest
Flawless Chest
Golden Spawn
Guard Scarab
Left Over Chest
Protector Chest
Vault Scarab
Vault Keeper
Voidling (2) Updated
Voidrakar Captain Updated
Voidrakar Centurion Updated
Voidrakar Soldier (Monster) Updated
Void Warfiend Executioner
Brienne the Blacksmith Updated
Croc Captain (NPC) Updated
Croc Commander Updated
Croc Soldier Updated
Croc Watchmen Updated
Rosen Updated
Trader Josephine Updated
Zhoom Updated
Rosen's Quest
Trader Josephine's Quests Updated
Zhoom's Daily Quest
Zhoom's Quests
Kai-Lee's Pet Shop - Special Varieties Updated
Paul DeRonn's Crafting Shop Updated
Zhoom's Replica Bow Crafting
Misc. ItemsBastion Bucks

Deadly Desert Monster Parts

Rebel Rubies

Sandestine Alloy

Sandsea Bow Crafting Toolkit

Sandsea Vault Treasure

Zhounds Bow

Elite Croc Guard Figurine Pet

General Gaspar Figurine Pet

General Gaspar Wind-up Toy Pet

Onyx Croc Guard Figurine Pet

Rookie Croc Guard Figurine Pet

Savagedome Pet

Veteran Croc Guard Figurine Pet

'By the Skin of Your Teeth' Tablet

Fancy Health Potion

Fancy Mana Potion

Fiery Scarab Curry

Health Potion

Llussion's Lunch

Prickly Cacti Porridge

'Ruins Rescuer' Tablet

Salty Sand Worm Sashimi

Savory Sand Shark Stew


Water Bottle

Enhanced Replica of Zhoom's Bow

Replica of Zhoom's Bow

Superior Replica of Zhoom's Bow

Titles Updated
Gar-Feld Unleashed
Second Lamp Piece Get!
Sharken Problem
What Was That Noice?!
Gar-Feld Pyramid
Summer Break Updated
Bastion Updated
Valley of the Undying King (Location) Updated
Mummy Updated
Pyramid Scarab
Pyramid Scorpion
Sandy Snake
Gar-Feld Pyramid Guard Updated
Kai-Lee Updated
Nigel Fuzzybum Updated
Phara-Keet Pyramid Guard Updated
Gar-Feld Pyramid Guard's Daily Quest
Nigel Fuzzybum's Quests Updated
Sandsea's Quests Updated
2021 Summer Items Updated
Chest Shop Updated
Gar-Feld's Treasure
Gaz's Black Market Updated
Guardian Class Gear Updated
Kittarian Travel Forms
Your 2021 Summer Collection Updated
CapesArchangel Knight Wings

Sun Keeper Belt

Damaged Golden Helm

Fire Neck (DC)

Dry Desert Stinger

Gar-Feld Statue Dust

Lost Sandsea Scroll

Sandsea Scarab Carapace

Sandy Bug Meat

Sandy Scorpion Carapace

Sandy Snake Skin

Tomb Spice

Auroid the Golden Jellyfish Pet

Fuzzyson Pet

Gator of Mischief Pet

Golden Scorpion Pet

Ice Royal Scarab Pet

Fire Royal Scarab Pet

Onyx Croc Guard Figurine Pet

Vetroid the Emerald Jellyfish Pet (DC)

Vetroid the Emerald Jellyfish Pet (Non-DC)

Vetroid the Pink Jellyfish Pet (DC)

Vetroid the Pink Jellyfish Pet (Non-DC)

Sun Keeper Pauldrons

Alabaster Kittarian Travel Form

Azure Kittarian Travel Form

Cerulean Kittarian Travel Form

Chestnut Kittarian Travel Form

Gar-Feld Travel Form

Headless Horseman (DC)

Ivory Kittarian Travel Form

Khaki Kittarian Travel Form

Sandy Kittarian Travel Form

Umber Kittarian Travel Form

Guardian Aura

Archangel Knight Sword

Cobrelisk the Sand Scepter

Golden Snake Scepter

Taco Axe

Stone Statue Dagger

Stone Statue Sword

Daily Tasks Updated
- "Complete all tasks" daily task has been changed to "Complete 8 tasks" daily task, you need to only do 8 tasks instead of 10 now.
- The rewards from said task remain the same despite this change.
- Daily Boss Area (Woundstock) daily quests now give consistent Gold and Exp rewards.
Final Lamp Piece Get!
Khal-No'Bir the Djinn & Skorpienne
Lord Sekt's Trinket
Sharken Bait
Sharken Problem Updated
Team Voidrakar's Next Move
Void Sharken Down!
Battleon Town Square Updated
Bastion Updated
Rebel Camp Updated
Squint's Skiff Void-venture
Valley of the Undying King (Location) Updated
Desert Snake Updated
Giant Desert Scorpion Updated
Hollow Sharken
Invading Voidrakar
Sandsea Sand Worm Updated
Small Desert Scorpion Updated
Supply Barrel (2)
Voided Scarab (1)
Cysero Updated
Deckhand Updated
Gil Updated
Skiffmaster Squint Updated
Sandsea's Quests Updated
Adventure Crafting II
Daily Boss Rewards II
Chest Shop Updated
Fashion Crafts Updated
Simmi Tar's Weapon Crafts Updated
ArmorsArcane Jester Suit

Blue Brass Armor

Lunar Wizard Robes

Oni Syndicate Armor

Red Cloud Robes

Arcane Jester Book Strap

Oni Syndicate Katana Belt

Red Cloud Belt

Arcane Jester Boots

Blue Brass Boots

Lunar Wizard Shoes

Oni Syndicate Boots

Red Cloud Boots

Arcane Jester Cloak

Changeling's Butterfly Wings

Cobweb's Butterfly Wings

Diana's Butterfly Wings

Moth's Butterfly Wings

Mustardseed's Butterfly Wings

Oberon's Butterfly Wings

Peaseblossom's Butterfly Wings

Puck's Butterfly Wings

Titania's Butterfly Wings

Blue Brass Gloves

Lunar Wizard Gloves

Oni Syndicate Gloves

Arcane Jester Hat

Oni Archfiend Mask

Oni Crimson Mask

Oni Legion Mask

Oni Lunar Mask

Battle Gem

Bottle of Sandsea Venom

Bundle of Harpoons

Bundle of Poisonous Harpoons

Daily Boss Trophy

Poisonous Harpoon

Sandy Bug Meat

Blue Brass Shoulders

Oni Syndicate Shoulders

Red Cloud Pauldrons

Arcane Jester Scepter

Blue Brass Axe

Legendary Oni Syndicate Katana

Red Cloud Ji

Oni Syndicate Katana

Titles Updated
Bigger Badder Blaze
PetsChibi Blaze Pet

Class XP Boost (1)

Fire Fighter Commendation

Squint's Skiff Adventure - Challenge
Squint's Skiff Void-venture - Challenge
Titles Updated
Bastion Updated
Rebel Camp Updated
Valley of the Undying King (Location) Updated
Chest of the Sharken
Chest of the Void Sharken
Invading Voidrakar Updated
Sand Slime Updated
Sharken Updated
Skewered Sand Shark Updated
Supply Barrel (1) Updated
Voided Scarab (2)
Void Sharken
Deckhand Updated
Gil Updated
Hot Plate Updated
Paul DeRonn Updated
Skiffmaster Squint Updated
Simmi-Tar Updated
Hot Plate's Quests Updated
Simmi-Tar's Quests Updated
Chest Shop Updated
Gaz's Black Market Updated
Guardian Class Gear Updated
Sharken Slayer Crafting
ArmorsEmbossed Wyvern Leather Armor

Sharken Slayer Armor

Sun Keeper Armor

Sworn Guardian Armor

Void Sharken Slayer Armor

Embossed Wyvern Leather Belt

Sharken Slayer Belt

Void Sharken Slayer Belt

Embossed Wyvern Leather Boots

Sharken Slayer Boots

Void Sharken Slayer Boots

Archangel Knight Wings

Koala Kape

Sharken Slayer Cape

Sun Keeper Cloak

Void Sharken Slayer Cape

Embossed Wyvern Leather Gloves

Sharken Slayer Gloves

Void Sharken Slayer Gloves

Embossed Wyvern Leather Hood

Fire Neck (DC)

Sharken Slayer Hood

Void Sharken Slayer Hood

Bastion Bucks

Poisonous Harpoon

Rusty Harpoon

Sandestine Alloy

Sharken Filet

Sharken Parts

Void Sharken Parts

Boar Pet

Friendly Sand Slime Pet

Sharken Slayer Shoulders

Sworn Guardian Shoulderplates

Void Sharken Slayer Shoulders


Headless Horseman (DC)

Archangel Knight Sword

Black Star Sword

Crossfire and Longshot

Dustmaker and Spite

Echo in the Dark

Pinfeather Star Wand

Sharken Slayer Spear

Sharken Slayer Sword

Sharken Slayer Sword & Shield

Taco Axe

Void Sharken Slayer Sword

Void Sharken Slayer Sword & Shield

Squint's Skiff Adventure - Challenge Updated
Squint's Skiff Void-venture - Challenge Updated
Sharken Updated
Void Sharken Updated
Squint's Skiff Adventure - Challenge Updated
Squint's Skiff Void-venture - Challenge Updated
Item Infusion Updated
- The infusion cap has been increased to +15 (this only applies to Void Sharken Slayer items for now) and +9 to +10 infusion cost has been reduced from 10 to 5 Infusion Runes.
- All other max level items still have an infusion cap of +10.
- Both Sharken challenges can now fail if all Deckhands have been defeated.
Daily Boss Fight Updated
Golden Spawn Updated
Invading Scarab
SandSea Viper
Scratch Updated
Scratch's Daily Quest
Spikarox Crafting
ArmorsCochineal Oasis Armor (Cosmetic)

Cochineal Oasis Armor (Epic)

Cochineal Oasis Armor (Rare)

Cochineal Oasis Armor (Uncommon)

Cochineal Oasis Belt (Cosmetic)

Cochineal Oasis Belt (Epic)

Cochineal Oasis Belt (Rare)

Cochineal Oasis Belt (Uncommon)

Bastion Bug Parts

Battle Gem

Broken Telson

Daily Boss Trophy

Golden Egg

Guardian Report (Misc)

Shining Gold Paint

Sandsea Curved Knife (Cosmetic)

Sandsea Curved Knife (Epic)

Sandsea Curved Knife (Rare)

Sandsea Curved Knife (Uncommon)

Sandsea Dual Bladed Scythe (Cosmetic)

Sandsea Dual Bladed Scythe (Epic)

Sandsea Dual Bladed Scythe (Rare)

Sandsea Dual Bladed Scythe (Uncommon)

Sandsea Polearm (Cosmetic)

Sandsea Polearm (Epic)

Sandsea Polearm (Rare)

Sandsea Polearm (Uncommon)

Telson Daggers (Epic)

Telson Daggers (Rare)

Telson Daggers (Uncommon)

Titles Updated
Inside the Odd Snow Globe
Meeting Slash Catch'Em
Mysterious Johnson Saved the Day
Not Your Typical Snowglobe
Cabin in the Globe
Friday the 13th Returns
Battleon Town Square Updated
House of Oddities Updated
Raimi County Forest
Dreadite Augie
Dreadite Chest
Dreadite Hackett
Dreadite Mage
Dreadite Rogue
Dreadite Sentry
Dreadite Spider (1)
Dreadite Spider (2)
Dreadite Tempyst
Dreadite Trolok
Dreadite Warrior
Evil Tree
Gnarled Dreadzard
Shamblin' Dreadite
Augie's Remains
Hackett's Remains
MJ's Mysterious Mirror
Mysterious Johnson Updated
Odd Snow Globe
Slash Catch'em
Tempyst's Remains
MJ's Mysterious Mirror's Daily Quest
Mysterious Johnson's Quests Updated
Slash Catch'em's Daily Quests
Slash Catch'em's Quest
Friday 13th Cabin in the Globe
Slash Catch'em's Pet Shop
ArmorsDreadite Slasher Armor

Dreadite Slasher Belt

Dreadite Slasher Boots

Dreadite Slasher Holster

Dreadite Slasher Gloves

Dreadite Slasher Collar

Augie's Remnants

Dreadite Remains

Hackett's Remnants

Kul'Zandar Bones

Slashy Coupons

Tempyst's Remnants

Zandarian Grimoire Pages

Bitsy Gnarled Dreadzard Pet

Chibi Shamblin' Dreadite Pet

Dinky Dreadite Skull Pet

Dreadite Evil Sapling

Dreadite Evil Tree Pet

Dreadite Spider Pet

Dreadite Spiderling Pet

Dreadite Trolok Pet

Flying Dreadite Skull Pet

Hangry Dreadzard Pet

Itsy Gnarled Dreadzard Pet

Lil' Dreadzard Pet

Lil' Slashy Pet

Lil' Trolly Dreadite Pet

Shamblin' Dreadite Pet

Shiny Dreadite Evil Tree

Shiny Dreadite Spider Pet

Shiny Dreadite Skull Pet

Shiny Dreadite Trolok Pet

Shiny Dreadzard Pet

Shiny Gnarled Dreadzard Pet

Shiny Shamblin' Dreadite Pet

Dreadite Slasher Plates

Dreadite Skull

Dreadite Slasher Chainsaw

Dreadite Slasher Chain-Axe

Dreadite Slasher Dual-Saws

Dreadite Slasher Noisemaker

Dreadite Slasher Saw & Noisemaker

Dreadite Soul-starved Greatsword

Dreadite Soul-starved Staff

Dreadite Soul-full Greatsword

Dreadite Soul-full Staff

Completing the Djinn's Trial
Inside the Great Pyramid
The Invite
The Labyrinth
Friday the 13th Updated
Camp Gonnagetcha Returns
Genie's Entrance
Valley of the Undying King (Location) Updated
Yulgar's Inn Updated
Khal-No'Bir (Monster)
Spectral Mummy
Spectral Mummy Guard
Dottie Returns & Updated
Khal-No'Bir (NPC)
Lord Sekt Updated
Nigel Fuzzybum Updated
Khal-No'Bir's Daily Quest
Nigel Fuzzybum's Quests Updated
Sandsea's Quests Updated
Djinn Crafting
Gaz's Black Market Updated
Souvenir Shop Returns & Updated
ArmorsCursed Dragoneer Outfit (DC)

Frostlorn Summoner Robes (DC)

Mystical Djinn Robes

Pink Yukata

Sun Keeper Armor

Mystical Djinn Belt

Cursed Pirate Ship Bobber (DC)

Mystical Djinn Boots

Sun Keeper Cloak

Koala Kape

Mystical Djinn Gauntlets

Damaged Golden Helm

Kitsune Mask

Merry Maker Top Hat (DC)

Smile Mask

Sun Keeper Helm

Djinn Essence

Djinn Treasure

Boar Pet

Mystical Djinn Shoulders


Cookie Dreams

Dragoneer's Curse (DC)

Black Star Sword

Crossfire and Longshot

Dustmaker and Spite

Echo in the Dark

Frozen Viking Scythe

Mystical Djinn Blaster

Mystical Djinn Bow

Mystical Djinn Hammer

Mystical Djinn Sword

Pinfeather Star Wand


The Labyrinth of Persistence
Titles Updated
The Labyrinth Updated
Genie's Entrance Updated
Khal-No'Bir (Monster) Updated
Spectral Mummy Updated
Spectral Mummy Guard Updated
The Great Khal-No'Bir
Khal-No'Bir (NPC) Updated
Khal-No'Bir's Daily Quests Updated
Khal-No'Bir's Quest
Djinn Crafting Updated
Fallen Sun Keeper Crafting
The Djinn's Toys
ArmorsFallen Sun Keeper Armor

Menacing Djinn Robes

Mystical Djinn Robes

Sun Keeper Armor

Fallen Sun Keeper Belt

Menacing Djinn Belt

Mystical Djinn Belt

Sun Keeper Belt

Fallen Sun Keeper Boots

Menacing Djinn Boots

Mystical Djinn Boots

Sun Keeper Boots

Fallen Sun Keeper Cloak

Sun Keeper Cloak

Fallen Sun Keeper Gloves

Menacing Djinn Gauntlets

Mystical Djinn Gauntlets

Sun Keeper Gloves

Damaged Golden Helm

Fallen Sun Keeper Helm

Khal-No'Bir's Crowned Turban

Sun Keeper Helm

Djinn Challenge Treasure

Djinn Essence

Djinn Treasure

Sandestine Alloy

Solar Djinn Stone

Fallen Sun Keeper Pauldrons

Menacing Djinn Shoulders

Mystical Djinn Shoulders

Sun Keeper Pauldrons

'Wish Master' Tablet

Fallen Sun Keeper Sword

Giant Djinn Blaster

Giant Djinn Bow

Giant Djinn Hammer

Giant Djinn Sword

Menacing Djinn Blaster

Menacing Djinn Bow

Menacing Djinn Hammer

Menacing Djinn Sword

Sun Keeper Sword

Battleon Town Square Updated
Gaz Updated
Chest Shop Updated
Gaz's Black Market Updated
Guardian Class Gear Updated
Mysterious Heads Updated
The Djinn's Toys Updated
ArmorsGuardian Mage Armor

Guardian Mage Gloves

Blue Fur Kittarian Head Morph

Blue Scute Zobekian Head Morph

Brown Fur Kittarian Head Morph

Brown Scute Zobekian Head Morph

Guardian Mage Hood

Tan Fur Kittarian Head Morph

White Fur Kittarian Head Morph

Mage Class Token

Guardian Mage Shoulders

Giant Djinn Blaster

Giant Djinn Bow

Giant Djinn Hammer

Giant Djinn Sword

Titles Updated
Talk Like a Pirate Day Returns
Swolly's Chest
Gunpowder Mary Updated
Nigel Fuzzybum Updated
Nigel Fuzzybum's Quests Updated
2017 Pirate Collection Returns
2018 Pirate Collection Returns
2019 Pirate Collection Returns
2020 Pirate Collection Returns
Chest Shop Updated
ArmorsEclipse Assassin Armor

Garnet Garrison Coat

Eclipse Assassin Belt

Garnet Garrison Belt

Eclipse Assassin Boots

Garnet Garrison Boots

Eclipse Assassin Cape

Eclipse Assassin Gloves

Garnet Garrison Gloves

Eclipse Assassin Mask

A Special Prize

Lost Sandsea Scroll

Eclipse Assassin Shoulders

Eclipse Assassin Sword

Garnet Garrison Quad Cannon

Dread Pirate Roberto's Hand
Character Page Badges Updated
Titles Updated
Talk Like a Pirate Day Updated
Battleon Bank Updated
Battleon Town Square Updated
Lolosia Updated
Mega Don Returns Updated
Amethyst Stone Crab Updated
Angry Braken Updated
Avenging Clawgmurai Updated
Giganto Mushman Updated
Grog Blunderbuss Updated
Kappa Updated
Lava Globs Updated
Lolosia Shark Updated
Razorshell Updated
"Shady" Davis Updated
Shanty Sandberg Updated
Ultra Mega Don Updated
Blue Bart Updated
Gunpowder Mary Updated
Hedwig Hootenheim Updated
Master Shiro Updated
Pi Mae Updated
Poopdeck (NPC)
Requin Updated
Scurvy (1) Updated
Yulgar Updated
Blue Bart's Quests Updated
Master Shiro's Quests Updated
Pi Mae's Quests Updated
Requin's Quests Updated
Scurvy's Quests Updated
Yulgar's Quests Updated
2021 Pirate Collection
Blue Bart's Fish Ale
Dread Pirate Roberto's Treasure
Master Shiro's Tsunamurai Shop
Pointeless Isle Fishy Yums Updated
Your 2021 Pirate Collection
Yulgar's Crafting Updated
Trade Skills
Fishing Updated
ArmorsCannoneer Armor (DC)

Cannoneer Armor (Non-DC)

Dread Pirate Armor

Shark Hunter Pirate Armor (DC)

Shark Hunter Pirate Armor (Non-DC)

Tsunamurai Armor

Cannoneer Belt (DC)

Cannoneer Belt (Non-DC)

Dread Pirate Belt

Shark Hunter Pirate Belt (DC)

Shark Hunter Pirate Belt (Non-DC)

Tsunamurai Sash

Fishy Sparkle

Shiro's Prized Ham

Cannoneer Boots (DC)

Cannoneer Boots (Non-DC)

Dread Pirate Boots

Shark Hunter Pirate Boots (DC)

Shark Hunter Pirate Boots (Non-DC)

Tsunamurai Sandals

Cannoneer Barrel Back (DC)

Cannoneer Barrel Back (Non-DC)

Cannoneer Flag Cape (DC)

Cannoneer Flag Cape (Non-DC)

Dread Pirate Belt Strap

Spinning Sharks Back (DC)

Spinning Sharks Back (Non-DC)

Tsunamurai Cape

Healer (Class) Updated
Buried at Sea Fishing Rod (DC)

Buried at Sea Fishing Rod (Non-DC)

Cursed Fishing Rod

Life at Sea Fishing Rod (DC)

Life at Sea Fishing Rod (Non-DC)

Cannoneer Gloves (DC)

Cannoneer Gloves (Non-DC)

Dread Pirate Gloves

Shark Hunter Pirate Gloves (DC)

Shark Hunter Pirate Gloves (Non-DC)

Tsunamurai Wraps

Cannoneer Hat (DC)

Cannoneer Hat (Non-DC)

Dread Pirate Tricorne

Shark Hunter Pirate Hat (DC)

Shark Hunter Pirate Hat (Non-DC)

Tsunamurai Hat

Blue Anchovy

Fresh Anchovy

Rotten Anchovy

Sparkling Anchovy

The Shiro Special

Marrow Pet (DC)

Marrow Pet (Non-DC)

Dread Pirate Crossbones Shoulders

Dread Pirate Plate Shoulders

Shark Hunter Pirate Shoulders (DC)

Shark Hunter Pirate Shoulders (Non-DC)

Tsunamurai Shoulders

Snaggletooth Travel Form (DC)

Snaggletooth Travel Form (Non-DC)

Breakfast Potion

Fish Juice

Fish Juice II

Fish Juice III

Fish Snack

Peach Froot

Pirate Collector's Chest 2021

Cannoneer Tri-Cannon (DC)

Cannoneer Tri-Cannon (Non-DC)

Dread Pirate Cutlass

Dread Pirate Cutlass & Pistol

Dread Pirate Pistol

Shark Hunter Pirate Blade (DC)

Shark Hunter Pirate Blade (Non-DC)

Tsunamurai Katana

Titles Updated
Catching Up with Valencia
It's Time for a Truce
Keeper of Death Sanctuary Appears!
Keeper of Death Sanctuary Explodes!
Key to the Hollowing
Lord Sekt Confronts Skorpienne
Passage to Skorpienne's Pyramid
Sandsea's Rune
Skorpienne Defeated!
Skorpienne's Offer
Team Up Against Skorpienne
The Invite Updated
Vane's Sneak Attack!
Zhoom's Gratitude
Keeper of Death Sanctuary (1)
Keeper of Death Sanctuary (2)
Talk Like a Pirate Day Updated
Bastion Updated
Battleon Town Square Updated
Nigel's Office Updated
Rebel Camp Updated
Sandsea Desert Updated
Valley of the Undying King (Location) Updated
Amethyst Scorpion
Chest (2) Updated
Deadly Scorpion
Destruction Diamond
Skorpienne (Monster) (1)
Skorpienne (Monster) (2)
Skorpienne (Monster) (3)
Treasure (Monster)
Unstable Barrier Breaker
Lord Sekt Updated
Nigel Fuzzybum Updated
Skorpienne (NPC)
Stryche Updated
Zhoom Updated
Lord Sekt's Daily Quests
Lord Sekt's Quests
Nigel Fuzzybum's Quests Updated
Sandsea's Quests Updated
2021 Pirate Collection Updated
Skorpienne Wardrobe Crafting
Your 2021 Pirate Collection Updated
ArmorsAlpha Pirate Fiend Armor (DC)

Alpha Pirate Fiend Armor (Non-DC)

Skorpienne Battle Armor

Skorpienne Ceremonial Garb

Alpha Pirate Fiend Belt (DC)

Alpha Pirate Fiend Belt (Non-DC)

Skorpienne Belt

Alpha Pirate Fiend Boots (DC)

Alpha Pirate Fiend Boots (Non-DC)

Skorpienne Sandals

Alpha Pirate Fiend Eye (DC)

Alpha Pirate Fiend Eye (Non-DC)

Alpha Pirate Fiend Gloves (DC)

Alpha Pirate Fiend Gloves (Non-DC)

Skorpienne Gloves

Alpha Pirate Fiend Face (DC)

Alpha Pirate Fiend Face (Non-DC)

Alpha Pirate Fiend Hat (DC)

Alpha Pirate Fiend Hat (Non-DC)

Skorpienne Gloves

Skorpienne Crystal Dust

Skorpienne's Treasure

'Crystal Seeker' Note

Alpha Pirate Fiend Shoulders (DC)

Alpha Pirate Fiend Shoulders (Non-DC)

Skorpienne Shoulders

Alpha Pirate Fiend Pistol (DC)

Alpha Pirate Fiend Pistol (Non-DC)

Alpha Pirate Fiend Pistol & Sword (DC)

Alpha Pirate Fiend Pistol & Sword (Non-DC)

Alpha Pirate Fiend Sword (DC)

Alpha Pirate Fiend Sword (Non-DC)

Alpha Pirate Fiend Sword & Pistol (DC)

Alpha Pirate Fiend Sword & Pistol (Non-DC)

Nigel's Sandsea Scroll

Zhoom's Bow (Weapon)

Mogloween Returns & Updated
Taco Day Returns
Battleon Town Square Updated
A Ghost!
Magical Pumpkin (1)
Mayor McPumpkins Updated
Guardian Soldier (4) Updated
Myx Updated
Spirit of Maka
Spirit of Spike
Taculous Updated
Rose's Daily Quest Updated
2017 Mogloween Collection Returns
2018 Mogloween Collection Returns
2020 Mogloween Collection Returns
Battleon Social Prizes Updated
Mogloween Collection 2019 Returns
ArmorsRed Leaf Tunic

Red Scaled Robe

Red Cardboard Crown

Ultra Party Streamer

Broken Dragon Server Sword

Mogloween Updated
Talk Like a Pirate Day Updated
Guardian Tower Updated
Fortes Updated
Guardian Special Rewards
Misc. ItemsGuardian Class Token

Punkin Pet

Blimey, the Pirate Dragon Travel Form

Punkin Travel Form

Exp Charts Updated
Main Menu Updated
Titles Updated
- AQ3D's new PvP system, the Battle Arena, is out!
- All classes have received balance changes which apply to both PvP and PvE.
- As a part of this class balancing for PvP, all melee classes get Arena Ready buff in Battle Hall and Battle Falls:
- +15% Health (Doesn't apply to Moglomancer)
- +10% Movement Speed
- As a part of this class balancing for PvP, all melee classes get Arena Ready buff in Battle Hall and Battle Falls:
- During PvP combat, your item slots are replaced by 1 slot for a travel form, and 2 slots for PvP spells.
- These slots must be set up before starting combat as they are empty during the first time you get access to them.
- This can be done in Battle Hall.
- The list of current PvP spells:
- Recover: Restore your Health. Restores more as your Health decreases.
- Dash: Rush forward a short distance.
- Block: Briefly prevent all damage while being unable to take any actions.
- Refresh: Fully restore your Resource bar.
- Swiftcast: Greatly increase casting speed and skill speed.
- Mark: Single out a target to take extra damage.
- These slots must be set up before starting combat as they are empty during the first time you get access to them.
- First PvP mode part of the Battle Arena is Capture and the location it takes place in is Battle Falls.
- You can enter this location by joining a queue through the Main Menu from the PvP Menu or by talking to High Marshall Firebrand in Battle Hall.
- You must be at least Level 5 to join this queue.
- This location is for 5 vs. 5 PvP combat.
- Score points over time by capturing controls points, defeating enemy players, and capturing Bounty Zones (appear every 2 minutes) which give immediate points.
- First team that reaches 750 points wins.
- You will be rewarded with Gold, Marks of Glory, Character Exp, Class Exp, and Class Glory at the end of each match.
- Winners get 100% of the rewards and losers get 50% of the rewards.
- You can enter this location by joining a queue through the Main Menu from the PvP Menu or by talking to High Marshall Firebrand in Battle Hall.
Speak with High Marshal Firebrand
Battle Falls
Battle Hall
Battleon Scholar District Updated
Battleon Town Square Updated
Combat Golem
High Marshal Firebrand's Quest
Battle Arena Rewards
ArmorsImperial Usurper Armor

Knight of Radiance Armor

Savage Warlord Armor

Imperial Usurper Belt

Knight of Radiance Belt

Savage Warlord Belt

Imperial Usurper Boots

Knight of Radiance Boots

Savage Warlord Boots

Imperial Usurper Cape

Knight of Radiance Shield

Savage Warlord Cape

Savage Warlord Supreme Cape

Berserker (Class) Updated
Dragonslayer Updated
Guardian (Class) Updated
Healer (Class) Updated
Mage Updated
Moglomancer Updated
Necromancer (Class) Updated
Ninja Updated
Paladin (Class) Updated
Pirate Updated
Ranger Updated
Rogue Updated
Warrior Updated
Imperial Usurper Gloves

Knight of Radiance Gloves

Savage Warlord Gloves

Imperial Usurper Helm

Knight of Radiance Helm

Savage Warlord Helm

Savage Warlord Supreme Helm

Mark of Glory

Imperial Usurper Shoulders

Knight of Radiance Pauldrons

Savage Warlord Shoulders

Savage Warlord Supreme Pauldrons

Imperial Usurper Sword

Knight of Radiance Hammer

Knight of Radiance Staff

Savage Warlord Supreme Sword

Savage Warlord Sword

- The list of hotfixes added for the Battle Arena:
- Players that leave an in-progress PvP Battle for any reason will now face a 10 minute leaver penalty that will prevent them from queueing for a new match.
- Players will now be removed from PvP Battles for being AFK. This will trigger the leaver penalty.
- Food buffs are now removed when joining a PvP Battle.
- Ready checks now last 20 seconds, up from 15 seconds.
- Added more messaging during ready checks.
- Fixed occasionally being removed from queue after repeated ready checks.
Titles Updated
Battle Falls Updated
Battle Hall Updated
Amala Updated
Auden Updated
2017 Mogloween Collection Updated
2017 Pirate Collection Updated
2018 Dage Collection Updated
2018 Mogloween Collection Updated
2018 Pirate Collection Updated
2019 Dage Collection Updated
2019 Pirate Collection Updated
2020 Dage Collection Updated
2020 Mogloween Collection Updated
2020 Pirate Collection Updated
2021 Dage Items Updated
2021 Pirate Collection Updated
Battle Arena Rewards Updated
Chest Shop Updated
Class Gear Shop Updated
Gaz's Black Market Updated
Mogloween Collection 2019 Updated
ArmorsBrazen Buccaneer Armor

Swallow Tail Armor

Brazen Buccaneer Pistol Belt

Swallow Tail Belt

Brazen Buccaneer Boots

Swallow Tail Boot

Brazen Buccaneer Scarf

Swallow Tail Wings

Brazen Buccaneer Gloves

Swallow Tail Glove

Brazen Buccaneer Eyepatch

Swallow Tail Helmet

Swallow Tail Shoulder

Glory Rank 10 Insignia

Glory Rank 30 Insignia

Glory Rank 50 Insignia

Glory Rank 75 Insignia

Brazen Buccaneer Blunderbuss

Brazen Buccaneer Double Cutlass

Volcanic Fury Sword

Character Page Badges Updated
Daily Tasks Updated
Titles Updated
Mogloween Updated
Battle Hall Updated
Battleon Bank Updated
Battleon Town Square Updated
Mystcroft Manor Updated
Mystcroft Manor Grounds Updated
Mystcroft Town Square Updated
Destruction Diamond Updated
Treasure (Monster) Updated
Unstable Barrier Breaker Updated
Auden Updated
Hedwig Hootenheim Updated
High Marshal Firebrand Updated
Jack the Pumpkin (1)
Mayor McPumpkins Updated
Myx Updated
Thadeus Glume Updated
High Marshal Firebrand's Daily Quests
2021 Mogloween Collection
Mystcroft Candy Shop Updated
Special PvP Rewards
Your 2021 Mogloween Collection
ArmorsGown Of Darkness (DC)

Gown Of Darkness (Non-DC)

Haunting Wraith Robes (DC)

Haunting Wraith Robes (Non-DC)

Suit Of Darkness (DC)

Suit Of Darkness (Non-DC)

Haunting Wraith Band (DC)

Haunting Wraith Band (Non-DC)

Pumpkin Bard Belt (DC)

Pumpkin Bard Belt (Non-DC)

Boot Of Darkness (DC)

Boot Of Darkness (Non-DC)

Pumpkin Bard Boot (DC)

Pumpkin Bard Boot (Non-DC)

Haunting Wraith Cloak (DC)

Haunting Wraith Cloak (Non-DC)

Kandle Guitar Back (DC)

Kandle Guitar Back (Non-DC)

Glove Of Darkness (DC)

Glove Of Darkness (Non-DC)

Haunting Wraith Claws (DC)

Haunting Wraith Claws (Non-DC)

Pumpkin Bard Glove (DC)

Pumpkin Bard Glove (Non-DC)

Haunting Wraith Hood (DC)

Haunting Wraith Hood (Non-DC)

Headdress of Darkness (DC)

Headdress of Darkness (Non-DC)

Mask of Darkness (DC)

Mask of Darkness (Non-DC)

Pumpkin Bard Head (DC)

Pumpkin Bard Head (Non-DC)

Pumpkin Witch Head (DC)

Pumpkin Witch Head (Non-DC)

UwU Pumpkin Witch Head

Warrior Pumpkin Head

Mark of Glory

Jack the Pumpkin Moglin (DC)

Jack the Pumpkin Moglin (Non-DC)

Lantern the Pumpkin Moglin

Vampragon Skeleton Pet

Haunting Wraith Shoulders (DC)

Haunting Wraith Shoulders (Non-DC)

Pumpkin Bard Shoulder (DC)

Pumpkin Bard Shoulder (Non-DC)

Jack B Nimble Travel Form (DC)

Jack B Nimble Travel Form (Non-DC)

Vampragon Skeleton Travel Form

Mogloween Collector's Chest 2021

Carver the Bard's Sword (DC)

Carver the Bard's Sword (Non-DC)

Haunting Wraith Scythe (DC)

Haunting Wraith Scythe (Non-DC)

Iron Bat Staff (DC)

Iron Bat Staff (Non-DC)

Kandle Guitar Weapon (DC)

Kandle Guitar Weapon (Non-DC)

Pumpkin Blade

Spooky Lantern Staff (DC)

Spooky Lantern Staff (Non-DC)

- "Leaver" penalty now adds increased time to your queue the more PvP matches you leave; completing more matches will lower / remove this penalty.
- PvP match will now be won automatically if the entire opponent team leaves.
- New SFX when an enemy captures a zone.
- Support for new popup NPC dialogues added for battles.
- Fixed an issue where NPCs could slide around while teleporting.
A Cup of Slumber
A Mysterious Invitation
Back from the Ashes
Countess Unmasked
Dead Behind the Mask
Duchess Unmasked
Greeted By the Greeter
Horrific Nightmare
Impactless Pact
Many Questions And Masks
Not So Immortal
True Nature of the Party
Uninvited And Maskless
Keeper of Death Sanctuary (1) Updated
Keeper of Death Sanctuary (2) Updated
Mogloween Updated
Bastion Updated
Battleon Town Square Updated
Great Banquet Ball Room
Rebel Camp Updated
Sandsea Desert Updated
The Keeper of Death's Burial Chamber
Valley of the Undying King (Location) Updated
Arm of Darkness
Bard Pumpkin
Bone Spider Updated
Clawette Updated
Fleshette (2) Updated
Ghostly Attendee (Monster)
Gourdite Updated
Masked Macabre
Mummy (2)
Pumpkin Lord (Monster)
Shrade Updated
The Headless Horseman
Trollenstein's Monster Updated
Vampire Knight (Monster) Updated
Werewolf Updated
Archiducissa Weaver
Ballroom Defender
Baron Belgosi
Countess Rieno'o
Duchess De'wallise
Ghostly Attendee (NPC)
Lady Garnett
Lord Ingland
Magical Pumpkin (2)
Pumpkin Lord (NPC)
The Ballroom Bookshelf
The Organizer
The Urn
Viscount Vincent
Ballroom Rank Quests
Great Banquet Ball Room's Quests
Lady Garnett's Daily Quests
The Ballroom Bookshelf's Quest
2017 Mogloween Collection Updated
2018 Mogloween Collection Updated
2020 Mogloween Collection Updated
2021 Mogloween Collection Updated
Masquerade Shop
Mogloween Collection 2019 Updated
The Masquerade Urn
Your 2021 Mogloween Collection Updated
Your Masquerade Masks
ArmorsBlue Iron Masquerade Dress

Blue Iron Masquerade Suit

Blue Masquerade Armor

Burgundy Iron Masquerade Dress

Burgundy Iron Masquerade Suit

Emerald Iron Masquerade Dress

Emerald Iron Masquerade Suit

Gold Masquerade Armor

Green Masquerade Armor

Iron Pumpkin Armor

Purple Iron Masquerade Dress

Purple Iron Masquerade Suit

Purple Masquerade Armor

Rusted Iron Masquerade Dress

Rusted Iron Masquerade Suit

Red Masquerade Suit

Iron Pumpkin Belt

Masquerade Belt

Iron Masquerade Boots

Iron Masquerade Slippers

Iron Pumpkin Boot

Masquerade Boots

Blue Masquerade Cape

Gold Masquerade Cape

Green Masquerade Cape

Iron Pumpkin Cape

Purple Masquerade Cape

Red Masquerade Cape

Iron Masquerade Fingerless Gloves

Iron Masquerade Opera Gloves

Iron Pumpkin Gauntlets

Masquerade Rings

Battleworn Red Mask

Belgosi's Split-Skull Mask

Blue Iron Masquerade Mask

Blue Masquerade Mask

Burgundy Iron Masquerade Mask

Countess Rieno'o's Mask

Duchess De'wallise's Mask

Emerald Iron Masquerade Mask

Gold Masquerade Mask

Green Masquerade Mask

Ingland's Dark Horned Mask

Iron Pumpkin Head

Mask of the Masquerade Macabre

Phantasm of the Masquerade

Purple Iron Masquerade Mask

Purple Masquerade Mask

Rusted Iron Masquerade Mask

Red Horror Mask

Red Masquerade Mask

Ballroom Bounty

Masked Macabre Soul Fragment

Iron Pumpkin Shoulder

Masquerade Shoulders


Iron Pumpkin Mace

The Temple of Death
Character Page Badges Updated
Exploration Scrolls Updated
Item Infusion Updated
Titles Updated
- The infusion cap for max level
items is now +20.
- This will currently only apply to the new Hallowed Champion set items.
- Max level
items only go up to +10.
Mogloween Updated
The Keeper of Death's Burial Chamber Updated
Great Banquet Ball Room Updated
Valley of the Undying King (Location) Updated
Crocos (1) Updated
Destruction Diamond Updated
Fatal Scorpion
Gar-Feld Updated
Hollowed Champion
Khal-No'Bir (Monster) Updated
Lethal Scorpion
Putrid Beast Updated
Sharken Updated
Skorpienne (Monster) (1) Updated
Skorpienne (Monster) (2) Updated
Skorpienne (Monster) (3) Updated
Skorpienne (Monster) (4)
The Great Khal-No'Bir Updated
The Keeper's Chest
The Keeper's Treasure
Tor-Kei The Sand Witch (Monster) Updated
Unstable Barrier Breaker Updated
Void Sharken Updated
Chombi (NPC) Updated
Lord Sekt Updated
Skorpienne (NPC) Updated
Chombi's Daily Quest
Chombi's Quests
Lord Sekt's Daily Quests Updated
Lord Sekt's Quests Updated
Umbra's Quest
Legendary Sun Fury Scythe
Skorpienne Raid Crafting
ArmorsHollowed Champion Armor

Hollowed Champion Belt

Hollowed Champion Boots

Hollowed Champion Cloak

Hollowed Champion Gloves

Hollowed Champion Crown

Skorpienne Carapace

Skorpienne Crystal Dust

Skorpienne Crystal Fragments

Sun Fury Ore

Obsidian Crystal Pet

Skorpienne's Lamp Pet

Hollowed Champion Plates

'Battalion' Note

Health Potion

'Keeper of Death' Note

Hollowed Champion Bow

Hollowed Champion Dagger

Hollowed Champion Dual Daggers

Hollowed Champion Greatsword

Hollowed Champion Greatsword & Dagger

Hollowed Champion Scythe

Sun Fury, Blessed Blade of the Keeper

Sun Fury, Enduring Blade of the Keeper

Sun Fury, Mighty Blade of the Keeper

Sun Fury, Swift Blade of the Keeper

Gothic Paralune

- The cat model that is used by travel forms, pets, and NPCs now has a new idle animation.
Church Updated
Mr. Jingles Updated
Sam Updated
Stripes Updated
Guardian Special Rewards Updated
PetsBlack Cat


Hex the Cat (DC)

Hex the Cat (Non-DC)

Orange Tabby Cat

Punkin Pet

Shiver Me Whiskers (DC)

Shiver Me Whiskers (Non-DC)

Smokey Cat

Galvanite Travel Form

Punkin Travel Form

Status Effects Updated
- PvP Skill changes:
- Recover: Heal Power: 15%-30% -> 10%-20%
- Swifcast: Now also increases Auto-Attack Speed by 30%
- Arena Ready Buff has been categorized to 4 different types:
- Arena Ready - Melee: +15% Health and +10% Movemenent Speed
- Used by: Warrior, Rogue, Guardian, Dragonslayer, Ninja, and Berserker
- Arena Ready - Melee Support: +20 Outgoing Healing, +15% Health, and +10% Movemenent Speed
- Used by: Paladin and Moglomancer
- Arena Ready - Ranged: +10% Damage
- Used by: Ranger, Pirate, and Necromancer
- Arena Ready - Ranged Support: +20 Outgoing Healing and +10% Damage
- Used by: Healer
- Arena Ready - Melee: +15% Health and +10% Movemenent Speed
Nigel's Office Updated
Yulgar's Inn Updated
Artix Updated
Valencia Updated
Advanced Sandstorm Capstone Rewards
Special Gifts
ArmorsJackal's Wrath Plate Body

Jackal Warrior's Plate Body

Jackal's Wrath Waist Guard

Jackal Warrior's Waist Guard

Jackal's Wrath Greaves

Jackal Warrior's Greaves

Crimson Mantle of Balance

Bulwark of Honor

Bulwark of Valor

Shepherd's Mantle

Ninja Updated
Ranger Updated
Jackal's Wrath Gauntlets

Jackal Warrior's Gauntlets

Jackal's Wrath Cowl

Jackal Warrior's Headdress

Sandstorm Capstone

Jackal's Wrath Pauldrons

Jackal Warrior's Shoulder Plates

Jackal's Wrath Glaive

Jackal's Wrath Glaive and Shield

Jackal Warrior's Glaive

Jackal Warrior's Glaive and Shield

Staff Birthday Updated
Battleon Social District Updated
Battleon Town Square Updated
Hero Hangout Updated
Big Blaze
Gifting Fire
Shadow Blaze
UwU-champ Blaze
Wide Blaze
Wide Blaze Walking
Blaze's Daily Quest
Rose's Daily Quest Updated
BlazeCoin Gift Shop
Blaze's Birthday Shop
ArmorsFlamewalker Armor

Reinforced Flamewalker Armor

Spellforged Flamewalker Armor

Sturdy Flamewalker Armor

Unbreakable Flamewalker Armor

Flamewalker Belt

Flamewalker Boots

Reinforced Flamewalker Boots

Spellforged Flamewalker Boots

Sturdy Flamewalker Boots

Unbreakable Flamewalker Boots

Flamewalker Wings

Flamewalker Gloves

Reinforced Flamewalker Gloves

Spellforged Flamewalker Gloves

Sturdy Flamewalker Gloves

Unbreakable Flamewalker Gloves


Ultra Party Streamer

Chibi Blaze Pet

Blaze's Flame Pet

Cinder the Obsidian Blaze

Wide Blaze Pet

Flamewalker Shoulders

Reinforced Flamewalker Shoulders

Spellforged Flamewalker Shoulders

Sturdy Flamewalker Shoulders

Unbreakable Flamewalker Shoulders

Cinder Travel Form

Battleon Firework Potion

Blaze's Hot Feet Aura

Chrysanthemum Firework Potion

Comet Fireworks Potion

Fire Starter


Flying Fish Firework Potion

Hot Streak

Roman Candle Firework Potion

Sky Rocket Firework Potion

Wide Blaze's Calling Card

Blaze's Bapper

Black Friday (Event) Returns & Updated
Battleon Cemetery Updated
Battleon Town Square Updated
Archiducissa Weaver Updated
Cat (1)
The Midnight General
Black Friday (Shop) Updated
Masquerade Shop Updated
Your Masquerade Masks Updated
ArmorsMidnight General Armor

ShadowStalker Robes

Midnight General Belt

ShadowStalker Band

Midnight General Boots

Midnight General Cape

ShadowStalker Cloak

Midnight General Gloves

ShadowStalker Boney Hands

Midnight General Helm

ShadowStalker Hood

Midnight General Shoulder

ShadowStalker Wraps

Dark Slicer

Cyber Monday Returns & Updated
Battleon Scholar District Updated
Battleon Town Square Updated
Stryche Updated
The Midnight General Updated
CyberWolf Quests Updated
Boxhead Shrade Collection
Cyber Monday Shop Updated
CyberWolf 2020 Trove Updated
Dark Thief Collection
Great Thief Collection
Immortal Edge Pirate Collection
ArmorsAE Cyberskirt

AE Cybersuit

Boxhead Shrade Armor

Dark Thief Armor

Electromage Armor

Enhanced Virtual Assassin Armor

Great Thief Armor

Immortal Edge Pirate Armor

Virtual Assassin Armor

Boxhead Shrade Belt

CyberStudded Belt

Dark Thief Belt

Electromage Belt

Great Thief Belt

Immortal Edge Pirate Belt

Virtual Assassin Belt

Boxhead Shrade Boot


Dark Thief Boots

Electromage Boot

Enhanced Virtual Assassin Boots

Fashion CyberBoots

Great Thief Boots

Immortal Edge Pirate Boot

Virtual Assassin Boots

Dark Thief Cape

Electromage Energy Ribbons

Gonnagetcha Flag Back

Great Thief Cape

Virtual Assassin Cape

Boxhead Shrade Glove


Dark Thief Gloves

Electromage Glove

Great Thief Gloves

Immortal Edge Pirate Glove

Virtual Assassin Gloves

Boxhead Shrade Helm

Boxhead Shrade Mask

CyberGamer Headphones (Shop)

Dark Thief Hood

Electromage Helmet

Electromage Streamlined Helm

Enhanced Virtual Assassin Hood

Great Thief Hood

Immortal Edge Pirate Hat

Virtual Assassin Hood


Dark Thief Shoulders

Electromage Shoulder

Great Thief Shoulder

Immortal Edge Pirate Shoulder

Virtual Assassin Shoulder

Boxhead Shrade Great Machete

Code Breaker

Dual Cyber Chakram

Edge of Tranquility Pistol

Electrostaff of Hakkenmagen

Golden Wing Dagger

Gonnagetcha Flag Weapon

Gonnagetcha Toxie Mop


Silver Wing Dagger

Frostval Returns & Updated
Battle Falls Updated
Battle Hall
Battleon Trade District Updated
Harbusher of Doom
Artix Updated
Auden Updated
Blizzy (NPC) Updated
Guardian Soldier (4) Updated
2017 Frostval Collection Updated
2018 Frostval Collection Updated
2019 Frostval Collection Updated
2020 Frostval Items Updated
Guardian Special Rewards Updated
Special Gifts Updated
CapesBlack Flame Cloak of 2020

Blue Flame Cloak of 2020

Hindsight is 2020 Cape

Leaf of Paper

License to Kale

Bing Vampragon Pet

Bing Travel Form

Claim your 2020 Badge!

Fire Starter

Hot Streak

Wide Blaze's Calling Card

Staff Birthday Updated
Darkon's Birthday Shop Updated
Helmets and HoodsCreature 83 Hat

Debris Halo 64

Debris Halo 65

Creature 72 Pet

Creature 72.B Pet

Creature 72 Travel Form

Creature 72.B Travel Form

Darkons Debris 11

Darkons Debris 25

Darkons Debris 31

Frostval Updated
Battleon Social District Updated
Yulgar's Inn Updated
007 Bush
Rose (1) Updated
Rose's Daily Quest Updated
Holiday Prizes
The Wreath Of Khan
ArmorsDark Kringle Outfit

Sinister Santa Suit

Dark Kringle Belt

Sinister Santa Belt

Dark Kringle Boots

Sinister Santa Boots

Dark Kringle Cape

Sinister Santa Cape

Leaf of Paper

License to Kale

Ultra Party Streamer

Wreath Of Khan Pet

Wreath Of Khan

Cold Shoulder


Health Potion

Sniper Snowball


Glóa, The Glowing One

Hermaðr, the Warrior of Winter

LÃk, the Icy Death

Varnaor, Herald of Ice

Veizla, the Feast of Frostvale

Status Effects Updated
- New Control PvP mode map, Battle Feast, is out!
- PvP changes:
- New PvP Skill added: Recall
- Heals you fully and teleports you to your team's base after a 3 second cast time, ANY damage received during said channel will interrupt it.
- This PvP Skill is available to everyone by default in 5th skill slot and cannot be switched to any other PvP Skill.
- Swiftcast: Cast Speed reduced from 70% to 40%.
- Moglomancer no longer uses Arena Ready - Melee Support buff, but now uses a new buff, Arena Ready - Moglomancer:
- Increases movement speed by 10% and outgoing healing by 20%.
- New PvP Skill added: Recall
- Gift Leaderboard has been introduced to track the amount of item drops shared with the use of Gifting Runes.
- Bush Faction Gold Card and Guardian Gifting Rune do not count.
- Players are now able to receive Gifting Runes by opening Treasure Chests.
- New emote, Dansen, has been added!
Frostval Updated
Battle Falls Updated
Battle Feast
Battle Hall Updated
Guardian Tower Updated
Yulgar's Inn Updated
Gift'thulu Updated
Guardian Gift'thulu Updated
Magic Bush Updated
The Giving Shrub (NPC) Updated
Zoria Updated
Zoria's Daily Quests
Battle Arena Rewards Updated
Chest Shop Updated
Gift'thulu Shop Updated
Special PvP Rewards Updated
ArmorsBlue Glow Armor

Polar Ninja Armor

Blue Glow Belt

Polar Ninja Belt

Blue Glow Boots

Polar Ninja Boot

Blue Glow Cape

Frostval Jinbaori

Icy Jinbaori

Polar Ninja Scarf

Blue Glow Gloves

Polar Ninja Glove

Blue Glow Beret

Polar Ninja Hood

Guardian Class Token

Mark of Glory

Spirit of Caring

Spirit of Giving

Spirit of Taking

Blue Glow Shoulders

Polar Ninja Shoulder

Bush Faction Gold Card

Gifting Rune

Guardian Gifting Rune

Sniper Snowball


Frosty Dual Katana

Frosty Katana

Frosty Sai

Ice Kunai

Character Page Badges Updated
Titles Updated
- Every existing account that logged on this month before this date was given 500 Dragon Crystals and 1 bank vault slot.
- This extra bank vault is now what all new accounts start out with, increasing the starting amount of them to 2.
- The maximum amount of bank vault slots has been increased to 101.
- All existing accounts with Guardian were given 10 Guardian Gifting Runes.
Frostval Updated
Battleon Bank Updated
Battleon Scholar District Updated
Battleon Town Square Updated
Frostval Lobby Updated
Blizzy (NPC) Updated
Hedwig Hootenheim Updated
High Marshal Firebrand Updated
Stryche Updated
2017 Chronomancer Collection Updated
2018 Chronomancer Collection Updated
2019 Chronomancer Collection Updated
2020 Chronomancer Collection Updated
2021 Chronomancer Collection Updated
2021 Frostval Collection
Plush Moglins Collection Updated
Poster and Print Rewards Updated
Quantum Chronomancer Collection
T-Shirts and Hats Rewards Updated
Your 2021 Frostval Collection
ArmorsIce Ranger Armor (DC)

Ice Ranger Armor (Non-DC)

Prince of Icemoore Suit (DC)

Prince of Icemoore Suit (Non-DC)

Princess of Icemoore Gown (DC)

Princess of Icemoore Gown (Non-DC)

Quantum Chronomancer Armor

Shiver Armor (DC)

Shiver Armor (Non-DC)

Ice Ranger Belt (DC)

Ice Ranger Belt (Non-DC)

Prince of Icemoore Sash (DC)

Prince of Icemoore Sash (Non-DC)

Quantum Chronomancer Belt

Shiver Belt (DC)

Shiver Belt (Non-DC)

Ice Ranger Boots (DC)

Ice Ranger Boots (Non-DC)

Prince of Icemoore Boots (DC)

Prince of Icemoore Boots (Non-DC)

Princess of Icemoore Slippers (DC)

Princess of Icemoore Slippers (Non-DC)

Quantum Chronomancer Boot

Shiver Boots (DC)

Shiver Boots (Non-DC)

Shiver Dark Boots (DC)

Shiver Dark Boots (Non-DC)

Ice Ranger Cape (DC)

Ice Ranger Cape (Non-DC)

Quantum Chrono Hourglass Back

Quantum Chronomancer Back Wires

Royal Icemoore Cape (DC)

Royal Icemoore Cape (Non-DC)

Shiver Cape (DC)

Shiver Cape (Non-DC)

Ice Ranger Gloves (DC)

Ice Ranger Gloves (Non-DC)

Prince of Icemoore Gloves (DC)

Prince of Icemoore Gloves (Non-DC)

Princess of Icemoore Long Gloves (DC)

Princess of Icemoore Long Gloves (Non-DC)

Quantum Chronomancer Glove

Shiver Dark Glove (DC)

Shiver Dark Glove (Non-DC)

Shiver Glove (DC)

Shiver Glove (Non-DC)

Ice Ranger Helm (DC)

Ice Ranger Helm (Non-DC)

Prince of Icemoore Crown (DC)

Prince of Icemoore Crown (Non-DC)

Princess of Icemoore Tiara (DC)

Princess of Icemoore Tiara (Non-DC)

Shiver Deluxe Helm (DC)

Shiver Deluxe Helm (Non-DC)

Shiver Horns Helm (DC)

Shiver Horns Helm (Non-DC)

Shiver Streamlined Helm (DC)

Shiver Streamlined Helm (Non-DC)

Shiver Tail Helm (DC)

Shiver Tail Helm (Non-DC)


Frostlorn Reindeer Pet (DC)

Frostlorn Reindeer Pet (Non-DC)

Quantum Chrono Hourglass

Winter Wolf Pet (DC)

Winter Wolf Pet (Non-DC)

Ice Ranger Shoulders (DC)

Ice Ranger Shoulders (Non-DC)

Quantum Chronomancer Shoulder

Shiver Shoulders (DC)

Shiver Shoulders (Non-DC)

Frostlorn Reindeer (DC)

Frostlorn Reindeer (Non-DC)

Frostlorn Rider (DC)

Frostlorn Rider (Non-DC)

Winter Wolf Travel Form (DC)

Winter Wolf Travel Form (Non-DC)

Frostval Collector's Chest 2021

Blade of Icemoore (DC)

Blade of Icemoore (Non-DC)

Glowing Quantum Chrono Fist

Ice Kunai

Ice Ranger Bow (DC)

Ice Ranger Bow (Non-DC)

Frostlorn Ice Daggers (DC)

Frostlorn Ice Daggers (Non-DC)

Frost Maw Hammer (DC)

Frost Maw Hammer (Non-DC)

Quantum Chronomancer Sword

Shiver Lance And Shield (DC)

Shiver Lance And Shield (Non-DC)

Shiver Sword And Shield (DC)

Shiver Sword And Shield (Non-DC)

Character Page Badges Updated
Titles Updated
Battleon Bank Updated
Battleon Scholar District Updated
Hedwig Hootenheim Updated
Stryche Updated
2022 Chronomancer Collection
ArmorsContinuum Chronomancer Armor

Quantum Chronomancer Armor

Continuum Chronomancer Belt

Quantum Chronomancer Belt

Continuum Chronomancer Boot

Quantum Chronomancer Boot

Continuum Chrono Hourglass Back

Continuum Chronomancer Back Wires

Quantum Chrono Hourglass Back

Quantum Chronomancer Back Wires

Continuum Chronomancer Glove

Quantum Chronomancer Glove

Continuum Chronomancer Mask

Continuum Chrono Hourglass Pet

Quantum Chrono Hourglass

Continuum Chronomancer Shoulder

Quantum Chronomancer Shoulder

Glowing Continuum Chrono Fist

Glowing Quantum Chrono Fist

Quantum Chronomancer Sword (Signed)

Quantum Chronomancer Sword

Frostval Updated
Epic Party Sneevil Updated
Artix Updated
2022 Chronomancer Collection Updated
Holiday Presents Updated
Live Event Coin Shop Updated
Quantum Chronomancer Collection Updated
Special Gifts Updated
ArmorsHeroic Coat

Nut Cracker Armor

Romeo Armor

Villainous Coat

Nut Cracker Belt

Party Drum Belt

Heroic Boots

Nut Cracker Boots

Shiver Boots (Non-DC)

Shiver Dark Boots (Non-DC)

Villainous Boots

Flamingo Wings

Roseate Wings

Nut Cracker Gloves

Astral Witch's Hat

Black Werewolf Head Morph

Blue Oni Mask

Brown Oni Mask

Brown Werewolf Head Morph

Continuum Chronomancer Mask

Dark Grey Werewolf Head Morph

Dark Red Werewolf Head Morph

Nut Cracker Hat

Quantum Chronomancer Mask

Red Oni Mask

Wreath of Flame

Blue Kite

Quantum Chrono Hourglass

Red Kite

Yellow Kite

Continuum Chronomancer Shoulder

Nut Cracker Shoulders

Quantum Chronomancer Shoulder

Arch Mage's Treasured Staff

Astral Staff

Bee Knife

Blinding Axe of Frostval

Celestial Scepter

Dragon Wing Blade


Golden Skull Rune Blade

Golden Staff of the Magi

Grimbeard's Rifle

Lance Of Hope

Magician's Battle Rod

Magician's Rod


Platinum Light Dagger

Rose Mace

Royal Focus


Twin Legion Kamas

Twisted Ice