Locations/Replays: Westmere
Thyton(Shadow Specialist): This is worse than I imagined!
Thyton(Shadow Specialist): Surmonox must have found out that DR-4G-0N Troop transports come here to repair and refuel.
Hero: You mean the dragons come here to molt and eat?
Thyton(Shadow Specialist): That's what I said.
Thyton(Shadow Specialist): He captured one, infected it, and now he's loading it up with Bane spellserum.
Hero: You mean if that dragon takes off, it will spread the Bane wherever it lands.
Thyton(Shadow Specialist): No. It will infect every square inch of area it flies over!
Thyton(Shadow Specialist): No time to waste. We have to stop him now.
Thyton(Shadow Specialist): I will do what I can to delay the dragon but you have to stop Surmonox from touching that lever!
Thyton(Shadow Specialist): If he uses that lever to open the canopy above the dragon, the Dragon can fly anywhere it wants!
Hero: Um. How do we get there?
Thyton(Shadow Specialist): The drone showed the passage to the clearing was lined with Banecrystal Auto-Turrets.
Thyton(Shadow Specialist): Those things hit like a M1A3 Boom-boom.
Hero: A what?
Thyton(Shadow Specialist): They hit very hard. You won't survive a shot. You need to sneak past them.
Hero: Got it. Find a way around the turrets.
Thyton(Shadow Specialist): Remember, stop Surmonox from touching that lever at all costs!