RetroQuest Worlds Beleen Outro


Beleen (Pretty Pinkomancer): Wow! I guess you can teach an old game a new trick!
Beleen (Pretty Pinkomancer): I'm so glad you made it out of there alive, <Hero>!
Beleen (Pretty Pinkomancer): Those retro zombies really BYTE.
Beleen (Pretty Pinkomancer): And just think… Building new releases like this every week for 20 years?
Beleen (Pretty Pinkomancer): You really gotta appreciate the game dev's DEAD-ication!
Beleen (Pretty Pinkomancer): They either totally love what they do… or they have a few screws loose. (I think it's both!)
Beleen (Pretty Pinkomancer): But enough of the past, right?
Beleen (Pretty Pinkomancer): We're looking forward to the future!
Beleen (Pretty Pinkomancer): But… it's not looking like a happy ending.
Beleen (Pretty Pinkomancer): Get ready, <Hero>. This next adventure may just be your last!

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