Robina's Quests

Quest Location: Greenguard
Quests Begun From: Robina
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Robina the Hood
The frogzards have been moving closer and closer to the gates of our town. They are testing our defenses and becoming a real threat. Take care of a few so they know we’re not letting them get any closer.

Items Required:


  • 18 81 Gold
  • 263 725 Exp

Quest Location: Greenguard
Quests Begun From: Robina

  • This quest is repeatable.
  • This quest appears during the 'Taking Stock (Repeatable)' quest when you have all the quest items to complete it.

My my, you've found quite the bounty of Fresh Greens there! You never know what sort of bounties you can find in the wild if you just keep your eyes peeled! I can tie those together for you and then you can be on your way.

Items Required:


  • 36 350 Gold
  • 360 2,341 Exp


Quest Location: Greenguard
Quests Begun From: Robina
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

So, you're interested in the Ranger life, eh? Not everyone has what it takes to live out here. You don't just live in the wilds, you're part of it. To know it is to know yourself. Hunt two of each of the creatures of Greenguard to show me you can be part of this forest.

Items Required:


  • 30 70 Gold
  • 300 455 Exp


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