- Character Creation
- Player's Main Menu
Price: N/A (Unlocks for free)
Description: Rogues follow their own set of rules. Take your enemies by surprise with a combination of speed, cunning, and poisons.
Resource: Spirit (up to 100)
- Agility:
- Increases Haste and Critical Hit chance by 5%.
- Leveling after Rank 10 receives Rogue Class Token x25 per level.
- Reaching the required level to unlock the Legendary piece automatically is rewarded the piece and can be brought at Rogue Class Gear.
- Reaching Rank 100 gives a Title and a Character Page Badge.
- Also see Rogue.
Base Class

Auto Attack
Attack Power: 10%
Cooldown: 0.5 Seconds
Type: Physical
Description: Repeatedly attack an enemy in melee range. Every third hit Poisons the enemy.
Additional Effect:
- Poison: Deals Poison damage over time.
- Attack Power: 20%
- Effect Duration: 5 Seconds
- Max Stacks: 8
Note: Every third hit combo applies 2 stacks of Poison, using a skill interrupts the hit combo.
Maxed Class

Auto Attack
Attack Power: 10%
Cooldown: 0.5 Seconds
Type: Physical
Description: Repeatedly attack an enemy in melee range. Every third hit Poisons the enemy.
Additional Effect:
- Poison: Deals Poison damage over time.
- Attack Power: 20%
- Effect Duration: 5 Seconds
- Max Stacks: 8
Note: Every third hit combo applies 2 stacks of Poison, using a skill interrupts the hit combo.
Cross Skill

Rank Needed: 10
Attack Power: 100%
Cooldown: 20 Seconds
Type: Physical
Description: Stab an enemy, dealing double damage if the target is Poisoned.
- Character Creation
- Player's Main Menu
Price: N/A (Unlocks for free)
Description: Rogues follow their own set of rules. Take your enemies by surprise with a combination of speed, cunning, and poisons.
Resource: Spirit (up to 100)
- Agility:
- Increases Haste and Critical Hit chance by 5%.
- Leveling after Rank 10 receives Rogue Class Token x25 per level.
- Reaching the required level to unlock the Legendary piece automatically is rewarded the piece and can be brought at Rogue Class Gear.
- Reaching Rank 100 gives a Title and a Character Page Badge.
Base Class

Auto Attack
Attack Power: 10%
Cooldown: 0.5 Seconds
Type: Physical
Description: Repeatedly slash and apply Poison to your enemy.
Additional Effect:
- Poison: Deals Poison damage over time.
- Attack Power: 16%
- Effect Duration: 4 Seconds
- Max Stacks: 8
Maxed Class

Auto Attack
Attack Power: 10%
Cooldown: 0.5 Seconds
Type: Physical
Description: Repeatedly slash and apply Poison to your enemy.
Additional Effect:
- Poison: Deals Poison damage over time.
- Attack Power: 16%
- Effect Duration: 4 Seconds
- Max Stacks: 8
Cross Skill

Rank Needed: 10
Attack Power: 100%
Cooldown: 20 Seconds
Type: Physical
Description: Stab an enemy, dealing double damage if the target is Poisoned.
Older System
- Character Creation
- Player's Main Menu
Price: N/A (Unlocks for free)
Description: Rogues follow their own set of rules. Take your enemies by surprise with a combination of speed, cunning, and poisons.
Resource: Spirit (up to 100)
Note: Also see Rogue.