Sci-Fi Movie


Hero: Is it ture that you guys released a Sci-Fi film album Black Antenna that's kind of based on the album?
Jerry Cantrell (Alice in Chains Lead Guitarist): Black Antenna will be a 90 minute feature film, but we released it in 10 webisodes.
Jerry Cantrell (Alice in Chains Lead Guitarist): Each episode coincides with a song on our album Rainier Fog.
Jerry Cantrell (Alice in Chains Lead Guitarist): I don't know that I'm a believer in Aliens visiting our world but it's a fun idea.
Jerry Cantrell (Alice in Chains Lead Guitarist): We are just one tiny little planet and there are billions and billions more suns and planets.
Jerry Cantrell (Alice in Chains Lead Guitarist): I absolutely believe that if life exists here, it's kind of a rule of nature…
Jerry Cantrell (Alice in Chains Lead Guitarist): …Where you find one, you find another.

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