- After completing the 'Hall of Secrets' quest
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): Ah, a new Guardian.
Hero (New Guardian): Whoa! Um… hello. I'm <hero>.
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): Yes, I sense an aura of power about you.
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): I can see you will wield my power well, <hero>.
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): I am the Guardian Dragon. Ask what questions you will.
Hero (New Guardian): OK. first one… how has nobody noticed a dragon coming to or leaving Battleon?
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): Many dragons can change shape. We can take many forms.
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): But with the Seekers growing in number and strength, I have not left the tower in many years.
Hero (New Guardian): So the Seekers are after you too?
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): I would be their most cherished prize. They desire the Guardians' power… our power
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): The Guardians' power flows from me… to you. The Chosen.
Hero (New Guardian): So we are using dragon magic?
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): No, a Guardian's power is singular, unlike any other form of magic.
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): I am a conduit to the source. A door through which energy flows.
Hero (New Guardian): Then, what is the source?
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): Even I do not know that. But perhaps we will find out together.
Hero (New Guardian): What do you mean, dragon?
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): This portal was build by my ancestors and it will soon open.
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): When it activates, it will take you to where sacred Guardian relics are kept.
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): Each relic will allow the gate to open to the location of the next relic.
Hero (New Guardian): I see. And when I collect all the relics?
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): I am not certain but we believe it will lead directly to the source.
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): Once you are there, perhaps you can find a weapon to defeat the Seekers and save the Guardians of Lore.
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): If you fail, I fear the Seekers will gain control of the source. Then nothing will be safe.
Hero (New Guardian): I will not fail. I swear it!
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): I believe you, <hero>. I will summon you again when the gate finally opens.
Guardian Dragon (Wise Dragon): Until then, keep to your duty and defend Lore.