Serpent Fighter Set


Total Cost:


Total Craft Time: 15 - 20 Minutes
Set Pieces:

Name Level Power Price Craft Time Speed Up
Armor.png Serpent Fighter Plate uncommonsmall.png dcsmall.png Required: 1, Scaled (Your Current Level -2) Scaled Warrior Tactics x5, Thick Pads x5, Metal Plates x2, Heavy Bolts x1, 800 Gold OR 100 Dragon Crystals 5 Minutes 50 Dragon Crystals
Boot.png Serpent Fighter Boots uncommonsmall.png 15 300 Battle Gem x25, 500 Gold 5 Minutes 50 Dragon Crystals
Glove.png Serpent Fighter Grips uncommonsmall.png 15 300 Battle Gem x25, 500 Gold 5 Minutes 50 Dragon Crystals
Shoulder.png Serpent Fighter Scales uncommonsmall.png 15 300 Battle Gem x40, 500 Gold 5 Minutes 50 Dragon Crystals

Set Level: 1-15 (Your Current Level -2)
Set Power: Scaled
Set Stats:

Type Bonus
Health Scaled
Attack Scaled
Armor Scaled
Evasion Scaled
Crit Scaled
Haste 0

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