Siege of Souls

- N/A
- Golden Order:
- Legion Onslaught:
- Golden Order:
- Legion Onslaught:
- N/A
- N/A
Access Points:
- Button in Main Menu.
- Interact with High Marshal Firebrand.
- ALL Mounts and Travel Forms move at 160% movement speed in this location.
- Taking any damage will make your character dismount/turn back to normal.
- You can change your PvP Skills here
- The objective is to defeat the enemy team general (reach 750 points) to win or have more points before the 10 minute match timer has ran out.
- You get points defeating monsters and players of the enemy team.
- Brocas the Dreadstrider/Commander Morningstar: 750 Points
- Turret: 75 Points
- Big Bones/Pala-tron: 15 Points
- Player: 5 Points
- Hound/Wolf: 2 Points
- Skelly/Revenant: 1 Point
- All team generals and inner turrets start out with the 'Invulnerable' buff.
- This buff can be removed by lowering the defenses of a team by destroying turrets that are connected to them.
- Inner turrets lose the buff by destroying an outer turret on the left or right side.
- Both inner turrets will lose the buff if the middle outer turret is destroyed.
- A team general loses the buff by destoying one of the two inner turrets.
- All players are able to gain the 'Fervor' buff by landing a killing blow on an enemy, it increases Attack and Max Health by 4%.
- There are 3 spots with a Fervor Crystal that can be collected to gain 3 stacks.
- These crystals have a 1 minute respawn timer.
- The middle Fervor crystal spawns 20 seconds after a match has started.
- The buff stacks up to 30 and 3 stacks are lost when a player is defeated or a player switches their class under 15 stacks of it.
- Players who join an ongoing match will be given Fervor stacks based on the current time of the match, 3 stacks per 1 minute that has passed.
- The buff also increases the size of player characters, making it easier to spot who has stacks of it.
- There are 3 spots with a Fervor Crystal that can be collected to gain 3 stacks.
- When the match is over, you get to see the results screen which lists the following statistics:
- Kills
- Deaths
- Assists
- Damage Dealt
- Healing Done
- Zones Captured
- You will be rewarded the following after each match:
- Gold
- Marks of Glory
- Character Exp
- Class Exp
- Class Glory
- Winners get 100% of the rewards and losers get 50% of the rewards.