Spirit Wings

Locations/Replays: Slifsgaard - World Tree

H'rok (Raven Spirit Guide): So, Slifsgaard has a new student.
Hero: He said you could help me get in tune with the spirit world.
H'rok (Raven Spirit Guide): That's right.
H'rok (Raven Spirit Guide): The best way for you to learn to move through the unseen spirit world…
H'rok (Raven Spirit Guide): …is to become a spirit yourself.
H'rok (Raven Spirit Guide): I will let you borrow my spirit form.
H'rok (Raven Spirit Guide): Touch the Raven Totem to take on my spirit form! …Then fly to all of the Spirit Path markers that you see.
H'rok (Raven Spirit Guide): If you lose your concentration and return to your material form, just touch the RAVEN TOTEM again.
Hero: I am going to become a Spirit Raven? OK!

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