Squint's Skiff Void-venture - Challenge (Old)
Dungeon Level 35+
Difficulty: Challenge
Recommended Players: 5
Dunes in the Sand Sea
- N/A
- Chest of the Void Sharken (Old) x1
- Supply Barrel (1) (Level 35) x1
- Void Sharken (Old) x1
- Random Spawn x4
- N/A
Access Points:
- Enter from Bastion after completing the 'The Beast Emerges -- A Void Sharken!' quest
- Enter from Valley of the Undying King (Location) after completing the 'The Beast Emerges -- A Void Sharken!' quest
Party Size: 5
- Poisonous Harpoon
- Sharken Filet
- Void Sharken Parts
- Sun Keeper Armor
- Sun Keeper Cloak
- Void Sharken Slayer Sword
- Void Sharken Slayer Sword & Shield
- You must defeat Void Sharken (Old) in 8 minutes or else it will escape and you will get no loot.
- Clicking on a Harpoon Turret puts the camera in the First Person, being able to shoot a Poisonous Harpoon.
Note: Also see Squint's Skiff Void-venture - Challenge.