Stygis' Daily Quest (Old)

Quest Locations: Doomwood Forest
Quests Begun From: Stygis


Necromancers hold power over the undead, but this knowledge does not come free! One must always strive to continue learning and studying: about both the living and the dead. Doomwood Forest has a great many creatures that a Necromancer can study.

NOTE: You may only complete either the Paladin or Necromancer Training Quest each day.

Items Required:


  • 430 Gold
  • 2,580 Exp



Necromancers hold power over the undead, but this knowledge does not come free! One must always strive to continue learning and studying: about both the living and the dead. Doomwood Forest has a great many creatures that a Necromancer can study.

NOTE: You may only complete either the Paladin or Necromancer Training Quest each day.

Items Required:


  • 2,180 Gold
  • 6,540 Exp


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