ae-staff aethemed aic animated aprilfools armor armorboost attaackboost attackboost axe backaccessory bankpet bb belt beta blackfriday bobber book boot boss bow cape carnaval catday challenge chestreward class collection common-rarity consumable cosmetic craftingitem craftingreward craftshop critboost custom cutlass cutscene cybermonday dagger daily darknesskind dc deposit disambiguation dogday dragon dragonkind dricken drop dungeon dungeonchest earthday energykind epic-rarity evasiobboost evasionboost firekind fish fishing fishingrod food free friday13th frostval glove grenwog guardian guitar gun hair hammer hasteboost hat healthboost helm helmet heroesheartday heromart hood horns houseitem houseplan human hurricaneparty icekind impossible2own incomplete inscription instrument july14th july4th junk-rarity katana kickstarter korinbag korn legacy legendary-rarity levelscaled lightkind list location luckyday lunarnewyear mace mask maythe4th misc mogloween moment monster morph mount mverse naturekind need-gif need-image need-image-female need-image-male npc obtainedonce old parody pet pirate polearm potion pridemonth quest questgiver questitem questreward rank rare-rarity region resource scythe seasonal set shield shop shopitem shoulder skeletal skeleton specialoffer spellforged spider staff staffbirthday starsword summerbreak sword tacoday thanksgiving tlapd tlpad token tradeskill translation travelform uncommon-rarity undead undeadkind unique use vendor wand waterkind weapon wedding wings wolf zard

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