The Headless Horseman of Mystcroft

Location: Mystcroft Town Square
Level: Scaled (Your Current Level +2)
Description This Ectoplasmic Equestrian rides in the night looking for a head to chop!
Temporary Items Dropped:
- N/A
Items Dropped:
- Black Cat Ears
- Broken Tombstone of the Unnamed Horseman x1
- Candy (Misc) x100-500
- Dark Ghoulish Gourd Pet
- Dark Pumpkin x1
- Ectoplasmic Blob
- Harvest Pumpkin x1
- Paranormal Protection Potion
- Scrap of Dark Parchment
- Shrieking Scrap
- The Headless Horseman's Sword
- UwU Pumpkin Head
- This monster can summon Flame (Level Scaled) (Version 1).
- This monster respawns every 15 minutes.
- Also see: