The Mysterious Stranger


Mysterious Stranger: Oh, <Hero>? What an unexpected surprise…
Mysterious Stranger: This changes my plan.
Hero: Excuse me?
Mysterious Stranger: What do you know of the plane of Darkness, <Hero>?
Hero: ….
Mysterious Stranger: It is a dimension of eternal night….
Mysterious Stranger: The Darkness hungers to expand and consume these lands of Light.
Mysterious Stranger: The creatures from that dark plane are powerful beyond even your understanding.
Hero: Great story bro.
Hero: I'm leaving.
Mysterious Stranger: WAIT!
Mysterious Stranger: <Hero>… I know you seek great power…
Mysterious Stranger: I am offering you a once in a lifetime deal.
Mysterious Stranger: For when the moon rises tonight…
Mysterious Stranger: The barrier between the plane of Darkness and this one will b at its weakest.
Mysterious Stranger: This is the only time you can…
Hero: Not interested.
Mysterious Stranger: What?
Hero: Look at you.
Hero: You literally put the shade in shady.
Hero: It's a trick!
Hero: I know it….
Hero: You know it….
Hero: I'm not trusting a single word coming out of the black hole you are using for a mouth.
Hero: In fact, I am skipping all of this.
Hero: I'm going to time travel to the future and just slay whatever monster you're inevitably creating to hurt these people.
Mysterious Stranger: But <Hero>…..
Hero: Quiet!
Hero: Stay here in your little corner shadow man….
Hero: I'm out.

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