The Outcast Hand


Hero: What can you tell me about this gang of bandits?

Edon (Revenge Obsessed Mage): Those filthy codswallows!
Edon (Revenge Obsessed Mage): They used to be farm hands who worked around here.
Edon (Revenge Obsessed Mage): They were caught trying to steal from the farms where they worked.
Edon (Revenge Obsessed Mage): After that, no farm would hire them and they were cast out.

Hero: So they were stealing.. crops?

Edon (Revenge Obsessed Mage): No, those snakes are much craftier than that.
Edon (Revenge Obsessed Mage): They made it look like a blight wiped out lots of the fields, but really they were hoarding crops …
Edon (Revenge Obsessed Mage): … then, when the crops grew scarce, only the rich could afford to eat.
Edon (Revenge Obsessed Mage): When everyone else came begging, these animals promised them food in return for treasure…
Edon (Revenge Obsessed Mage): … they took family heirlooms and even favors from people who couldn't afford to bribe them.
Edon (Revenge Obsessed Mage): When the farmers found out what was happening, they drove them out and returned the treasure.

Hero: So you're here making sure that justice is served for the good of the community.

Edon (Revenge Obsessed Mage): Me?! Oh…. No.
Edon (Revenge Obsessed Mage): I want revenge!

Hero Did they hurt someone you love?

Edon (Revenge Obsessed Mage): You bet they did. They hurt me!
Edon (Revenge Obsessed Mage): My favorite coffee shop in the world had to close down because of their scam.

Hero: You favorite… coffee shop?

Edon (Revenge Obsessed Mage): In the world!


Edon (Revenge Obsessed Mage): They! Must! Pay!

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