The Shattered Sword


Victor Lionfang (Heir to the Golden Onslaught): Finally, someone in this accursed forest who will actually speak!
Victor Lionfang (Heir to the Golden Onslaught): I am Victor, son of Maximillian Lionfang of the Golden Onslaught. Are you here as an ally?
Hero: Well, I'm not here as an enemy. But… What is this place? I've never seen anything like it before.
Victor Lionfang (Heir to the Golden Onslaught): We are in Seleden, the Red Forest.
Victor Lionfang (Heir to the Golden Onslaught): I sense the presence of an ancient evil in these woods. Perhaps you can feel it, too…
Hero: Well, I feel something. But I might just be hungry…
Hero: I can definitely see it, though!
Victor Lionfang (Heir to the Golden Onslaught): Indeed. It has tainted this entire area. The wildlife… The red mist… Even the sky!
Hero But what are you doing here?
Victor Lionfang (Heir to the Golden Onslaught): I am here in service of my father's war with the Undead Legion.
Victor Lionfang (Heir to the Golden Onslaught): He's been keeping me on the sidelines. He doesn't think I'm ready to lead.
Victor Lionfang (Heir to the Golden Onslaught): But if I could help turn the tide of the war… If I could bring him the key to winning it…
Hero: You'd prove you're a worthy successor and get a fat promotion?
Victor Lionfang (Heir to the Golden Onslaught): Crudely stated, but yes. Precisely.
Victor Lionfang (Heir to the Golden Onslaught): I've heard tales of an artifact, an ancient sword, shattered into pieces.
Victor Lionfang (Heir to the Golden Onslaught): …A sword with the power to destroy Dage and his Undead Legion.
Hero: The key to ending you father's war.
Victor Lionfang (Heir to the Golden Onslaught): It's rumored to be somewhere in this forest. And I will be the one who finds it.

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