Title |
Name |
Description |
Requirements |
8th Betrayer |
8th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath |
You have obtained the 8th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath!!! Are you the betrayer or is the blade the betrayer of t's original master? Or is it this all a bad omen of your own blade betraying you? |
Must have used the Nation Loyalty: 8th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath |
Abbadon's Lackey |
8th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath |
You have obtained the Abaddon's Cruelty!!! Earning your position in the Great Demon Abaddon's ranks, becoming one of them. Will you also become a demon yourself? |
Must have used the Nation Loyalty: Abaddon's Cruelty |
AFK Eternal |
AFK Eternal |
You are the absolute best at not doing anything. |
Must have used the AFK Eternal OR Must have completed the 'AFK Eternal (Badge and Title)' quest. |
AFK Hero |
AFK Hero |
You sure like to do a whole lotta nothin'. |
Must have completed the 'AFK Hero Badge & Title' quest. |
AFK Master |
AFK Master |
You stayed in Yulgars AFK for longer than you really should have and all you got was this title. Talk about commitment! |
Must have completed the 'AFK Master (Badge and Title)' quest. |
Anchovy |
A Fish Ale |
You helped Blue Bart with his… unsuccessful experiment into making drinks with anchovies |
Must have completed the 'The Fishiest Ale' quest. |
Archfiend May Cry |
Valnaroth Defated |
You helped Dante slay Valnaroth! |
Must have completed the 'Dante' quest. |
Atlantean Soldier |
Aquella's Chores |
Helped Aquella keep Atlantis safe and clean. |
Must have used the Atlantean Soldier's Badge. |
Au Naturel |
Completed Heartwood and Livingstone Exhibit |
You've completed the Heartwood and Livingstone Museum Exhibit! |
Must have completed the 'Heartwood and Livingstone Museum Exhibit: Complete' quest. |
Bad Boi |
Lost and Found |
You found Fluffy! You tried to return them to their owner but they decided to award you with the puppy instead. |
Must have completed the 'Luring out the Creature' quest. |
Bad Kitty |
No Kitty |
No matter how many times you use this, it never works. |
Must have used the No Kitty |
Bamboozled |
Bamboozled |
You did a job for Bamboozle. Wahoo! |
Must have used the Bamboozle's "Certificate" |
Belongs in a Museum |
Completed Greenguard Exhibit |
You've completed the Greenguard Museum Exhibit! |
Must have completed the 'Greenguard Exhibit: Complete' quest. |
Benefit-less |
Burger Hero: No Benefits |
Maybe if you keep working, eventually the benefits will come! |
Must have used the No Benefits. |
BOne Zone |
BMany: Bone Zone |
Finished the BOne Zone |
Must have used the BOne Zone. |
Briny |
A Fishy Taste |
You helped brew a new drink for Happy Fisk and Blue Bart's Bar in Lolosia, hoping to attract some new Atlantean patrons. |
Must have completed the 'You Are What You Drink' quest. |
Bronze Tier Investor |
Another Free Vault! |
You helped Hootenheim with some more tasks and unlocked another Bank Vault in the Battleon Bank |
Must have completed the 'Proof Investment' quest. |
Build Battle Believe |
First Time Homeowner |
You finally have your very first home! Time to get decorating! |
Must have completed the 'Moving In!' quest. |
Buried the Light |
Completed Underworld Exhibit |
You've completed the Underworld Museum Exhibit! |
Must have completed the 'Underworld Exhibit: Complete' quest. |
Cat Herder |
Cat Person |
You went through trials and tribulations to get your Cat to love you… maybe one day. |
Must have completed the 'Super Fun Toys!' quest. |
Catacomb Delver |
Found the Catacombs Treasure |
You helped Bamboozle uncover the Ultimate Hidden Treasure in the Red Monastery Catacombs! |
Must have used the Catacomb Ultimate Treasure. |
Catnapping |
Tidy Tower |
You helped clean up after a freeloader and now the Guardian Tower has a new permanent "guest"! |
Must have completed the 'A New Resident' quest. |
Centurion |
Centurion |
You've earned 50 Werewolf Arena Tokens by defeating opponents in the Monster Duels: Werewolf Arena. |
Must have used the Centurion Recommendation Letter. |
Champion of Nulgath |
Juggernaut Item of Nulgath |
You have completed one of Nulgath's hardest tasks, a Juggernaut Item of Nulgath. You are no longer just a mere Minion of the Nation, but one of its greatest Champion. Long Live the Nation! |
Must have completed one of the 'Juggernaut Items of Nulgath' quests. |
Chess GameMaster |
Black Chess Trove |
You collected all of the Black Chess Tabards! |
Must have completed the 'Collect the Black King' quest. |
Chess GameMaster |
White Chess Trove |
You collected all of the White Chess Tabards! |
Must have completed the 'Collect the White King' quest. |
Chillin' |
Summer Grilling |
Relaxed and had fun in Heroes Cove all summer long! |
Must have used the Chill Out. |
Chopper |
The Heart of the Wood |
You forged a shiny new axe! |
Must have completed the 'How can she Chop?' quest. |
Cleanup Crew |
Crystal Clear Aquifer |
When the water's strange, and it don't taste good, you're the one to call to clean it up. Bobby B. and the other in Bastion are in your debt. |
Must have completed the 'Slay the Putrid Beast' quest. |
Crate Master |
Crated Them All! |
You are a true master! You traveled Lore and Crated every type of Creature! |
Must have completed the 'Gotta Crate Them All!' quest. |
Creature Researcher |
Mysterious Meteor |
You assisted Aria in her research of the strange creature that landed in Battleon! |
Must have completed the 'Research the Anomaly' quest. |
Crimson Corsair |
Crimson Corsair |
You have completed Gunpowder Mary's quest and you have taken on the guise of the Crimson Corsair! |
Must have completed the 'UNLOCK: Crimson Corsair' quest. |
Crocos' Champion |
Crocos' Champion |
You've unlocked the Keeper of Water's greatest test and lived to tell the tale. You've proven yourself to be Crocos' Champion. |
Must have used the Crocos' Champion Tablet. |
Defender of Battleon |
Battleon Defender Rank 30 |
You have taken up arms to defend Battleon when it was most dire. The citizens of Battleon will always depend on you to defend their kingdom! |
Must have completed the 'Rank 30 - Battleon Defenders' quest. |
Derpicorn Herder  |
20th Derpicorn Trove |
Collected all the 20th Derpicorn Anniversary items! |
Must have completed the 'Derpi-Horn Sword' quest. |
Doom Guardian |
Doom Guardian |
You have collected every piece of the Mighty Doom Guardian equipment. By adopting this armor, you may now call yourself a Doom Guardian. |
Must have used the Doom Guardian title. |
Doom Ringer  |
20th Ring of Doom Trove |
Collected all the 20th Ring of Doom Anniversary items! |
Must have completed the 'Ring Of Doom Grand-Champ Belt' quest. |
Dragon Killer |
Dragon Killer |
You have drenched yourself in the blood of your Draconic enemies. The Mysterious DragonSlayer of the Wasteland recognizes you as an equal. You may now call yourself a Dragon Killer |
Must have used the Dragonkind Hunt: Dragon Killer title |
Dread By Dawn |
Friday the 13th: Cabin in The Globe |
You helped Mysterious Johnson quell a haunted snow globe by stopping the Dreadite Demon that dwelled inside from escaping! |
Must have completed the 'Cabin in the Globe, Pt. 13' quest. |
Dreadful Pirate |
Dread Pirate Roberto |
With Scurvy as your guide, you successfully gathered all the pieces of Dread Pirate Roberto's set! |
Must have completed the 'Roberto's Hat, Sword & Pistol' quest. |
Dreadly Serious |
Little Dread Bested |
You faced Little Dread Riding Hood in single combat near her lodge in Darkovia Forest and proven that you're not a Lycan. At least… not yet. |
Must have completed the 'Fight Little Dread' quest. |
Dricken Chaser |
Dricken Chaser |
Awarded to a hero crazy enough round up 10 armored, half chicken, half dragon…. drickens. |
Must have completed the 'Escaped Battle Drickens!' quest. |
Dricken Groomer |
Junior Peterinarian |
You've reached the rank of Junior Peterinarian in Aria's Pet Shop. Your additional duties now include cleaning up dricken feathers and scales after they molt. |
Must have completed the 'Pet Research' quest. |
Dumpling  |
A Hungry Spirit |
You helped someone find their most favorite thing. |
Must have completed the 'The Fateful Dumpling' quest. |
Dune Scroller |
Nigel's Token of Historical Appreciation |
As a token of his appreciation, Nigel Fuzzybum wanted to give you a gift that holds both sentimental and educational value. Yay? |
Must have completed the 'A Token of Historical Appreciation' quest. |
Earthen Protector |
Earth Day 2024 |
For Soil and Earth! You helped the Voice of the Forest to restore Lore's earth. |
Must have completed the 'The Root Cause IV' quest. |
Elemental Corruptor |
Elemental Studies I |
You studied the elemental corruption in Darlic's Dimension. |
Must have completed the 'Elemental Studies I' quest. |
Employee of the Month |
Employee of the Month |
You did ten times as much work as everybody else and all you got was this badge. |
Must have used the Employee of the Month. |
Eternal Servant of Nulgath |
Shackles of Oblivion |
You have obtained Oblivion's set, the most loyal servant of Nulgath. Becoming a Void Gate-Keeper yourself. Will you recruit others in the Nation's name like how Oblivion Recruited you? |
Must have completed the 'Oblivion's Shackles (Repeatable)' quest. |
Expert Archaeologist |
Cleared Gar-Feld's Pyramid |
You've ventured into the treasure room of the Pyramid of Gar-Feld and secured the second lamp piece! |
Must have completed the 'Collect the Second Lamp Piece' quest. |
Fabulous |
Unicorn Mom |
You successfully raised a fabulous Unicorn! |
Must have completed the 'Nature vs Nurture' quest. |
FG3000 Fan |
FG3000 Enjoyer |
You welcomed FG3000 to AQ3D and got some cool stuff! |
Must have used the FG3000 Style. |
Fired |
Survived all Five Nights |
You managed to keep your wits about you for all five nights at Pizza Hero! And then got fired anyways. |
Must have completed the 'Wooden Fired Pizza' quest. |
Gift Gremlin  |
Never Let Them Stay Up Past Midnight |
You saved the Moglins of Frostvale from remaining Moglinsters forever |
Must have completed the 'Is It Safe To Come Out Yet?' quest. |
Goobuster |
Goo Exterminator Rank 3 |
Goo bustin' makes you feel good! |
Must have completed the 'Goo Exterminator Rank 3' quest. |
Goo-fy Goo-ber |
Goo Exterminator Rank 1 |
You're a gooey exterminator, yeah. |
Must have completed the 'Goo Exterminator Rank 1' quest. |
Goo Gone |
Goo Exterminator Rank 2 |
You're doing your best but there's still more residue. |
Must have completed the 'Goo Exterminator Rank 2' quest. |
Goonicorn |
Goonicorn |
Goonicorn |
Must have used the Goonicorn (Consumable). |
Goonicorn Enjoyer |
Goonicorn Enjoyer |
Goonicorn Enjoyer |
Must have used the Goonicorn Enjoyer. |
Gorse |
Gorse |
Gorse |
Must have used the Gorse (Consumable). |
Gorse Enjoyer |
Gorse Enjoyer |
Gorse Enjoyer |
Must have used the Gorse Enjoyer. |
Green Thumb |
Earth Day 2022 |
You helped the Voice of the Forest grow a special plant! |
Must have completed the 'A New Voice' quest. |
Helping Hand |
A Little Pick-Me-Up |
Got a little help from Senna for a bright-eyed DragonSlayer recruit. |
Must have completed the 'Helping a Recruit' quest. |
Hero of Charisma |
Title: Hero of Charisma |
You've passed the trial of Charisma. |
Must have completed the 'The Legacy of Sir Lanceler: CHA II' quest. |
Hero of Dexterity |
Title: Hero of Dexterity |
You've passed the trial of Dexterity. |
Must have completed the 'The Legacy of Sir Lanceler: DEX' quest. |
Hero of Endurance |
Title: Hero of Endurance |
You've passed the trial of Endurance. |
Must have completed the 'The Legacy of Sir Lanceler: END' quest. |
Hero of Intellect |
Title: Hero of Intellect |
You've passed the trial of Intellect. |
Must have completed the 'The Legacy of Sir Lanceler: INT' quest. |
Hero of Luck |
Title: Hero of Luck |
You've passed the trial of Luck. |
Must have completed the 'The Legacy of Sir Lanceler: LUK' quest. |
Hero of Strength |
Title: Hero of Strength |
You've passed the trial of Strength. |
Must have completed the 'The Legacy of Sir Lanceler: STR' quest. |
If You Build It… |
B.U.I.L.D. |
Joined as a member of B.U.I.L.D. Don't forget about the membership fees. |
Must have used the B.U.I.L.D. Certificate. |
Initiate Loremaster |
Loremaster: Cosmic Raiment |
You completed your first Loremaster research task with the help of Loremaster Hazel! |
Must have completed the 'The Cosmic Raiment' quest. |
Iron Bulwark |
Iron Bulwark: Bulwark |
You've advanced your rank in the Iron Bulwark to Bulwark. |
Must have used the Iron Bulwark. |
Iron Guardian |
Iron Bulwark: Iron Guardian |
You've earned the title Iron Guardian by assisting the Iron Bulwark as a Guardian. |
Must have used the Iron Guardian. |
Iron Knight |
Iron Bulwark: Knight |
You've advanced your rank in the Iron Bulwark to Knight. |
Must have used the Iron Knight. |
Iron Recruit |
Iron Bulwark: Recruit |
You've been accepted into the Iron Bulwark as a recruit. |
Must have used the Iron Recruit. |
Iron Squire |
Iron Bulwark: Squire |
You've advanced your rank in the Iron Bulwark to Squire. |
Must have used the Iron Recruit. |
King of the Ring… of Doom |
King of the Ring… of Doom |
You are the best in the Ring. |
Must have used the King of the Ring OR Must have completed the 'Unlock Rank #60: King of the Ring... of Doom' quest. |
Legatus |
Legatus |
You've earned 300 Werewolf Arena Tokens by defeating opponents in the Monster Duels: Werewolf Arena. |
Must have used the Legatus Recommendation Letter. |
Liberator of Lore |
Voiddiver Salute |
Salute for democracy. |
Must have used the Liberator of Lore. |
Lord of Hard Rocks and Heavy Metals |
Pickaxe of Destiny |
You've obtained the Pickaxe of Destiny, risen to Cave Coal's challenge, and proven yourself to be the true Lord of Hard Rocks and Heavy Metals! |
Must have completed the 'Lord of Hard Rocks and Heavy Metals' quest. |
Love this Game to Death  |
20th Death of Games Trove |
Collected all the 20th Death of Games Anniversary items! |
Must have completed the 'Death Of Games Scythe' quest. |
Loyal Companion |
Give Treat |
Anyone would be glad to get a tasty gift from a friend! |
Must have used the Give Treat |
Lucky Rabbit's Foot  |
Lunar New Year - Hare |
You celebrated Lunar New Year of the Hare 2023! You're stuffed full of Moonlight Biscuits! |
Must have used the The Hare's Charm. |
Lunar Explorer |
Lunar Surface Complete |
You have successfully completed the Lunar Surface Quests and made a new Space Friend! |
Must have completed the 'Death to the Queen' quest. |
Master of the Masquerade |
Master of the Masquerade |
Reached the maximum rank in the Ballroom. |
Must have used Title: Master of the Masquerade. |
Mighty Monster Stalker |
Mighty Monster Stalker |
You've slain your share of evil spirits! |
Must have completed the 'Mighty Treasure Hunter' quest. |
Munifex |
Munifex |
You've earned 20 Werewolf Arena Tokens by defeating opponents in the Monster Duels: Werewolf Arena. |
Must have used the Munifex Recommendation Letter. |
Nation Follower |
Nation Follower |
You have obtained the power of 3 different weapons of the Archfiend Nulgath. Claiming said power has brought the attention of the Nation, from which you can call yourself a follower of. |
Must have used the Nation Loyalty: Nation Follower |
Noodle Brained |
Yokai Chef |
You traveled the world and gathered all the exotic and hard to find ingredients to make Pi Mae's Special Noodles! You probably aren't going to do that again any time soon… |
Must have completed the 'Perfect Assembly (Repeatable)' quest. |
Not the Assistant Manager |
Burger Hero: Assistant to the Assistant Manager |
This isn't a real job position, but it makes you feel good. |
Must have used the Assistant to the Assistant Manager. |
Novice Archaeologist |
Cleared Crocos' Pyramid |
You've ventured into the treasure room of the Pyramid of Crocos and secured the frist lamp piece! |
Must have completed the 'Collect the First Lamp Piece' quest. |
of the Golden Order |
Siege of Souls - Paladins |
Prove your loyalty in the Siege of Souls by defending the Golden Order! |
Must have used the Insignia of the Golden Order |
of the Legion Onslaught |
Siege of Souls - Legion |
Show your prowess in the Siege of Souls by battling for the Legion! |
Must have used the Insignia of the Legion Onslaught |
Optio |
Optio |
You've earned 30 Werewolf Arena Tokens by defeating opponents in the Monster Duels: Werewolf Arena. |
Must have used the Optio Recommendation Letter. |
Part-Timer |
Burger Hero: Part-Timer |
You're a part-timer at Hero Burger! |
Must have used the Part-Timer. |
Paw Patroller |
Paw Patroller |
Huh, that's weird. |
Must have completed the 'Mrrp' quest. |
Pizza Hero |
Secret Pizzas |
You discovered the deep, dark secrets of Pizza Hero |
Must have clicked/tapped on "the head" option by interacting with The TheoryCrafter after getting killed by Golden Bunnz in Pizza Hero Birthday and teleported back to Pizza Hero |
Perfect Werewolf Duelist |
Perfect Werewolf Duelist |
You kept all your combatants alive in the Monster Duels: Werewolf Arena Ranking against another player. |
Must have used the Perfect Werewolf Duelist Letter. |
Phoenix Aficinado |
Phoenix Blade of Nulgath |
You obtained the Phoenix Blade of Nulgath!!! Initiating yourself in the Phoenix arts. |
Must have completed the 'Phoenix Blade of Nulgath (Repeatable)' quest. |
Phoenix Connoisseur |
Phoenix Blade of Nulgath II |
You have obtained the Phoenix Blade of Nulgath II!!! Broadening your knowledge of the Phoenix arts |
Must have used the Nation Loyalty: Phoenix Blade of Nulgath II |
Phoenix Knight |
Phoenix Knight |
You have proven yourself among the tough and strong-willed Phoenix Knights, having received Thok's and the Knights's approval you may call yourself one of them. |
Must have used the Phoenix Training: Knight acceptance letter |
Phoenix Paladin |
Phoenix Paladin |
You have proven yourself among the braev Phoenix paladins, having received Thok's and the Paladins approval you may call yourself one of them. |
Must have used the Phoenix Training: Paladin acceptance letter |
Pilus Prior |
Pilus Prior |
You've earned 40 Werewolf Arena Tokens by defeating opponents in the Monster Duels: Werewolf Arena. |
Must have used the Pilus Prior Recommendation Letter. |
Pixel Perfect  |
20th 8-bit World Trove |
Collected all the 20th 8-bit World Anniversary items! |
Must have completed the 'Pixel Blade of Awe (2)' quest. |
Poop Scooper |
Beginner Peterinarian |
You've reached the rank of Beginner Peterinarian in Aria's Pet Shop. You are now responsible for cleaning up every time a pet has an "accident" on the floor and mucking out Coconut's stall. |
Must have completed the 'Pet Training' quest. |
Praefectus Castrorum |
Praefectus Castrorum |
You've earned 90 Werewolf Arena Tokens by defeating opponents in the Monster Duels: Werewolf Arena. |
Must have used the Praefectus Castrorum Recommendation Letter. |
Prefectus |
Prefectus |
You've earned 200 Werewolf Arena Tokens by defeating opponents in the Monster Duels: Werewolf Arena. |
Must have used the Prefectus Recommendation Letter. |
Primus Pilus |
Primus Pilus |
You've earned 70 Werewolf Arena Tokens by defeating opponents in the Monster Duels: Werewolf Arena. |
Must have used the Primus Pilus Recommendation Letter. |
Reaper Apprentice |
Reaper Apprentice |
You have served under DEATH and reached the rank of Reaper Apprentice! |
Must have completed the 'Klaxx' quest. |
Reaper Neophyte |
Reaper Neophyte |
You have served under DEATH and reached the rank of Reaper Neophyte! |
Must have completed the 'Moltenbane' quest. |
Reaper Novice |
Reaper Novice |
You have served under DEATH and reached the rank of Reaper Novice! |
Must have completed the 'Arzath' quest. |
Reaper Rookie |
Reaper Rookie |
You have served under DEATH and reached the rank of Reaper Rookie! |
Must have completed the 'Herman Tthe Vurrman' quest. |
Reaper Trainee |
Reaper Trainee |
You have served under DEATH and reached the rank of Reaper Trainee! |
Must have completed the 'Brogg' quest. |
Reigning Werewolf Arena Champ |
Monster Duels: Werewolf Arena Champion |
You beat Pit Master Keeli, the reigning champ, in the Monster Duels: Werewolf Arena. |
Must have used the The Werewolf Monster Duel Arena Champion Letter.. |
Repo Hero |
Collected Debts |
Collected various debts from citizens around Lore. |
Must have completed the 'The Dragon's Hoard' quest. |
Restorationist |
Graffiti Eraser |
You've fulfilled your promise to Nigel Fuzzybum by removing the graffiti from the statues around Bastion. |
Must have completed the 'Spotless Statues' quest. |
Ruins Rescuer |
Ruins Rescuer |
You led the charge in defending the Sandsea Desert Ruins from the Voidrakar and kept all Croc Guards alive. |
Must have used the 'Ruins Rescuer' Tablet. |
Sandsea Protector |
Protector of the Sandsea |
You helped Sandsea during its time of need. You've truly proven yourself to be the Sandsea's Protector! |
Must have completed the 'The Future of Sandsea' quest. |
Sandy Claus |
Gifts for the Kiddos |
Well, well, well, what have we here? A kind-hearted soul who brought cheer to all the children in Bastion, that's who! |
Must have completed the 'Gifts for the Kiddos, Pt. 5' quest. |
Savior of Ravenspire |
Savior of Ravenspire |
Awarded for saving the people of Ravenspire from the horrors of the Doom Weapon. |
Must have completed the 'All's Doom that Ends Doom' quest. |
Scarbucks Addict  |
20th Scarbucks Trove |
Collected all the 20th Scarbucks Anniversary items! |
Must have completed the 'The Axe of 999 Corpses' quest. |
Scorned |
Searching the Isle |
You spent time on the gloomy Isle of Scorn and encountered its inhabitants and discovered many of its mysteries. |
Must have used the Searching |
Scroll Scholar |
Lost Sandsea Scrolls Collector |
You helped Nigel find all the lost Sandsea Scrolls… the important ones anyway. He's a picky little historian. |
Must have completed the 'Lost Scrolls of the Sandsea XXXVIII' quest. |
Shark Nurse |
Baby Shark |
You found and cared for a mysterious Egg Purse. What might come of it? Doo doo doo… |
Must have used the Tiny Egg Purse. |
Sir Fainal's Disciple |
Sir Fainal's Disciple |
You are closely following Fainal's teachings. Fainal has become less of a mentor and more of a friend to you. After following his footsteps you may call yourself his first disciple. |
Must have used the Phoenix Training: Letter from Sir Fainal |
Skin of My Teeth |
By the Skin of Your Teeth |
You managed to keep only one Croc Guard alive while defending the Sandsea Desert Ruins. You succeeded but only by the skin of your teeth. |
Must have used the 'By the Skin of Your Teeth' Tablet. |
Slayer of Shadows |
ShadowSlayer II Master Rank |
You've achieved the highest rank possible for a ShadowSlayer! Darkovia and everywhere else in Lore are now safer because of you. |
Must have completed the 'ShadowSlayer II Master' quest. |
Sous-Chef Supreme |
Today's Special |
You helped serve up a new recipe for the Werewolf Conclave. Thanks to you, Chef Rollo has reaffirmed his love for cooking. |
Must have completed the 'Today's Special - Part Twelve' quest. |
Sproutling |
Earth Day 2023 |
You helped spread some new bloom in The Heartwood. |
Must have completed the 'In Full Bloom IV' quest. |
Still A Part-Timer |
Burger Hero: Still A Part-Timer |
You've put in the hours and you're still a Part-Timer! Keep trying! |
Must have used the Still A Part-Timer. |
Swiftcloth Mage |
Listened for a Whyl |
Did some research with Whyl, a Swiftcloth Mage in Arcangrove Tower. |
Must have completed the 'After a Whyl' quest. |
The CyberWolf  |
A Very Cyber Friday 2020 |
You have donned the suit of the CyberWolf during Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2020. |
Must have completed the 'A Very Cyber Friday VIII' quest. |
The Dragon Striker |
An Arrow in Flight |
You helped Arjyn find his place among the DragonSlayers! |
Must have completed the 'Hitting Your Target' quest. |
The Dragon Warrior |
They Way of the Samurai |
Trained with Hensou and learned the Ways of the Samurai. |
Must have completed the 'Return to Hensou' quest. |
the Fast |
the Fast |
You've accelerated at an increasing rate! |
Must have used the Title: the Fast |
The Fixer |
The Fix is In |
You helped support Senator Otho's gambling habits by fixing an upcoming match in the Werewolf Coliseum. Well played. |
Must have completed the 'The Fix is in - Part Eleven' quest. |
The Host with the Most |
Thankful |
You hosted a grand feast for your fellow heroes! |
Must have completed the 'Time to Serve!' quest. |
The Lighthouse Keeper |
The Lost Log |
You found the log of a long-forgotten lighthouse keeper |
Must have completed the 'Return to Hazel' quest. |
The Porcelain Tiger  |
A Special Tradition |
You helped Saber in Battleon Social District craf the fabled Porcelain Tiger Armor |
Must have completed the 'Deliver the Goods' quest. |
The Soaker  |
Water Balloon Master |
You blasted your fellow adventurers with Water Balloons on Pointe Less Isle to stay cool! |
Must have completed the 'Soak Your Friends VII' quest. |
The Wandering Light |
The Wandering Light |
Awarded to those who assisted Lady Phimion in protecting Lore from darkness. |
Must have used the The Wandering Light. |
The Wizard’s Scribe |
Following in the Archivist's Footsteps |
You helped an enthusiastic young mage restore an old tome. |
Must have completed the 'Where It Belongs' quest. |
The Wooden Warrior |
The Wooden Warrior |
Helped Ludrow in Heartwood Forest and learned how to recreate this set of equipment! |
Must have used the The Wooden Warrior. |
Thok's Disciple |
Thok's Disciple |
You are closely following Thok's teachings, like many of his students before you. He quickly became a Mentor figure. After proving yourself to him, you can now proudly call yourself one of his disciples. |
Must have used the Phoenix Training: Letter from Thok |
Tibunus Laticlavius |
Tibunus Laticlavius |
You've earned 150 Werewolf Arena Tokens by defeating opponents in the Monster Duels: Werewolf Arena. |
Must have used the Tibunus Laticlavius Recommendation Letter. |
Time Killer  |
20th AFK Game Trove |
Collected all the 20th AFK Game Anniversary items! |
Must have completed the 'Wait Sign' quest. |
Tiny Fruit  |
Fruitwood Hatchling |
Hatched your own Fruitwood Hatchling during Lunar New Year! |
Must have completed the 'Bonding' quest. |
Tirones |
Tirones |
You've earned 10 Werewolf Arena Tokens by defeating opponents in the Monster Duels: Werewolf Arena. |
Must have used the Tirones Recommendation Letter. |
Training Dummy |
Angered The Master |
You successfully completed a training session! And got lots of bruises to show for it… |
Must have completed the 'Embrace the Rage' quest. |
Tribuni Angusticlavii |
Tribuni Angusticlavii |
You've earned 120 Werewolf Arena Tokens by defeating opponents in the Monster Duels: Werewolf Arena. |
Must have used the Tribuni Angusticlavii Recommendation Letter. |
Trick or Keep  |
Mogloween Trove |
You collected all the new items for the Mogloween Trove! |
Must have completed the 'Complete your Mogloween Trove!' quest. |
Twice Bamboozled |
Helped Bamboozle… Again |
For some reason you trusted Bamboozle again. You wonder if you realize the relevance of his name at all. |
Must have completed the 'Full Bamboozled' quest. |
Ultimate Goo Exterminator |
Goo Exterminator Rank 4 |
Completed your job and exterminated all remnants of goo. |
Must have completed the 'Goo Exterminator Rank 4' quest. |
Valued Bank Customer |
You Own Vault |
You got a free bank vault! |
Must have completed the 'Catch Vulgen' quest. |
Vault Runner |
Into the Vault of the Undying King |
You've ventured into the Vault of the Undying King. No one will notice if you take a few souvenirs with you, right? |
Must have completed the 'Vault of the Undying King, Pt 6' quest. |
Voiddiver Admiral |
Voiddiver Admiral |
You have become a Voiddiver Admiral. |
Must have completed the 'Voiddiver Admiral' quest. |
Voiddiver Cadet |
Voiddiver Cadet |
You've been welcomed into the Voiddivers! |
Must have completed the 'Voiddiver Cadet' quest. |
Voiddiver Captain |
Voiddiver Captain |
You have become a Voiddiver Captain. |
Must have completed the 'Voiddiver Captain' quest. |
Voiddiver Chief |
Voiddiver Chief |
You have become a Voiddiver Chief. |
Must have completed the 'Voiddiver Chief' quest. |
Voiddiver Commander |
Voiddiver Commander |
You have become a Voiddiver Commander. |
Must have completed the 'Voiddiver Commander' quest. |
Voiddiver General |
Voiddiver General |
You have become a Voiddiver General. |
Must have completed the 'Voiddiver General' quest. |
Voiddiver Marshal |
Voiddiver Marshal |
You have become a Voiddiver Marshal. |
Must have completed the 'Voiddiver Marshal' quest. |
Voiddiver Sergeant |
Voiddiver Sergeant |
You have become a Voiddiver Sergeant |
Must have completed the 'Voiddiver Sergeant' quest. |
Voiddiver Super General |
Voiddiver Super General |
You have become a Voiddiver Super General. |
Must have completed the 'Voiddiver Super General' quest. |
We Are Perry |
Shift Logging |
Turned in all five Shift Logs to Mario and got this Pizza Hero Souvenir. |
Must have completed the 'Five Nights at Pizza Hero' quest. |
Wish Master |
Khal-No'Bir's Challenge |
You went toe-to-toe with the great Khal-No'Bir and conquered his challenge! Surprisingly, Khal-No'Bir took the loss really well, too. You ain't never had a sparring partner like the Djinn! |
Must have used the 'Wish Master' Tablet. |
WraithLord |
WraithMancer Rank VIII: WraithLord |
You've achieved the highest rank possible for a WraithMancer. Now everyone must refer to you as the WraithLord. |
Must have completed the 'Wraithmancer VIII: WraithLord' quest. |
Zard Whisperer |
Assistant Peterinarian |
You've reached the rank of Junior Peterinarian in Aria's Pet Shop. Your additional duties now include making sure that the frogzards don't eat ALL of the other pets. |
Must have completed the 'Pet Mastery' quest. |