Quest Location: Tower of Necromancy - Lobby
Quests Begun From: N/A
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
- Enter the Tower Of Necromancy
- Pull Lever and Open Gate
- Survive the Pit
- Escape the Pit!
- Go to 2nd Floor
- The Necromancy Teacher
- Get Materials From Bone Piles
- Summon a Full Skeleton
- Try summoning again!
- Destroy The Other Skeleton
- Touch the Floor 2 Portal
- Go to Floor 3
- The Re-Re-Reanimator
- Get Materials From Slimes
- Cook Slime Into Zombie Gas
- Test Gas on Bodies
- Talk to Wurbert Again
- Touch the Floor 3 Portal
- Go to the 4th Floor
- Talk to the Giant Necro Teacher
- Research Giants
- Summon a Giant Skeleton
- Touch the Floor 4 Portal
- Go to Floor 5
- Talk to the Pyro-Necro Teacher
- Ready and Fill the Phylactery
- Summon Ice Revenants
- Revenants Defeat Fire
- Touch the Floor 5 Portal
- Go to the Next Floor (1)
- Talk to the Dying Necro Teacher
- Defeat The Fallen
- Defeat The Wraith
- Touch the Floor 6 Portal
- Go to the Next Floor (2)
- Talk to Evette
- Finish All of the Experiments
- Experimenting Forever!
- Escape!
- Touch the Floor 7 Portal
- Go to the Next Floor (3)
- Speak to Axel Dreadrust
- Defeat Undead Rockers
- Summon & Slay Banshee
- Touch the Floor 8 Portal
- Go to the Next Floor (4)
- Talk to Sally
- Search Ghosts for Clues
- Perform a Seance
- Talk to Sally Again
- Touch the Floor 9 Portal
- Go to the Next Floor (5)
- Talk to Mazrak's Doom Staff
- Defeat Mazrak's Doom Staff
- Summon & Slay Dragon
- Touch the 10th Floor Portal
- Go to the Next Floor (6)
- Activate the Switch
- Touch the Floor 11 Portal...?
- Go to the Next Floor (7)
- Talk to the Necro-Rogue
- Summon Your Dragon!
- Defeat the Necro-Rogue's Dragon!
- Touch the Floor 12 Portal
- Defeat The Lich
- Touch the Floor 13 Exit Portal
Enter the tower. There you will find the Book of the Dead. Examine its contents and we will speak further.
You have begun down a path of darkness. Beware, This tower is place of learning… and anything can be a lesson.
Items Required:
- Touch the Book x1
- Interact with Necronomicon (NPC)
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
The "Skellevator" is a portal which teleports you between the floors of this tower. To access it, simply pull the lever.
Items Required:
- Go to the Next Floor x1
- Click on the lever
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
On the way down, you noticed a portal at the top of this pit. Take out the undead in your way and get back up there.
Items Required:
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
This might be another trap. Be careful.
*Whispers* It's good that you're a clever one. I might make it to the top of the tower this time.
Items Required:
- Click on the Portal x1
- Interact with The Skellavator in Tower of Necromancy - Basement
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
This might be another trap. Be careful. Who knows what you'll find on the second floor of this tower.
Items Required:
- Reach the 2nd Floor x1
- Interact with The Skellavator, select 'Floor 2 - Summoning' and walk towards the beam of light
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
There is a necromancer instructor here who seems surprised to see you. Speak to them.
Every necromancer must learn to summon a skeleton. This is the most basic form of magic that a new necromancer learns. Demonstrating mastery of this skill allows you to ascend to the next floor.
Items Required:
- Speak to Morgen x1
- Interact with Morgen
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
You'll find all the bone chips that you need in the piles of bones you'll find scattered around this room.
Items Required:
- Collect Bone Chips from Piles x12
- Click on the piles of bones with a green skull above them
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
Step into the Summoning Circle and use the bone chips that you gathered to create your very own skeleton!
Items Required:
- Cast Summoning Spell in the Circle x1
- Click on the summoning circle
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
Your first attempt wasn't that great. Try again. Step into the Summoning Circle and use the bone chips that you gathered to create your very own skeleton!
Items Required:
- Summon another skeleton x1
- Click on the summoning circle
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
Now that you've proven that you can summon a skeleton, you need to test how effective it is!
Items Required:
- Witness the Undead Battle x1
- Wait for 'Strong Summon' kill 'Chippy'
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
You have completed the Skeleton Summoning test. touch the Skellevator on Floor 2 to continue.
*Whispers* The next floor of the tower awaits, Master.
Items Required:
- Touch the Portal x1
- Interact with The Skellavator in Tower of Necromancy - Floor 2
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
You have passed the test. You may proceed to the next floor of the tower.
Items Required:
- Reach the 3rd Floor x1
- Interact with The Skellavator, select 'Floor 3 - Reanimation' and walk towards the beam of light
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
Another necromancer is waiting to speak with you.
I've always been very good at making new friends… as long as I have the cadavers to make them out of.
Items Required:
- Speak to Wurbert x1
- Interact with Wurbert
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
To make zombies you need Zombification Gas which we make from Green Slimes! I have provided you with all the slimes you'll need to do it.
Good job! Zombies don't make themselves! Well, they do when they bite someone living but you know what I mean.
Items Required:
- Collect Zombie Gas Slime x8
- Dropped by Zombie Slime
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
You should have brought your own cauldron. It was on the skellabus. That's alright, you can use the one I have over there. Cook your slime into the zombie gas and then test it on the bodies.
Items Required:
- Use Cauldron to Make Slime Into Gas x1
- Interact with the cauldron
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
Simply apply a little of the gas to the corpses. It should saturate the bodies right away, then we'll see what happens…
Items Required:
- Apply Zombie Gas to Body x3
- Click on the bodies releasing green bubbles
- Defeat Fresh Zombies x3
- Dropped by Fresh Zombie
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
Well done! You have passed the test! You may proceed to the next floor.
Well done! You have passed the test! You may proceed to the next floor.
Items Required:
- Talk to Wurbert x1
- Interact with Wurbert
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
Your task is complete. Better go and check if you're ready to move on to the next floor.
*Whispers* The next floor of the tower awaits, Master.
Items Required:
- Touch the Portal x1
- Interact with The Skellavator in Tower of Necromancy - Floor 3
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
You have passed the test. You may proceed to the next floor of the tower.
Items Required:
- Reach the 4th Floor x1
- Interact with The Skellavator, select 'Floor 4 - Giant Undead' and walk towards the beam of light
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
Another necromancer is waiting to speak with you.
Go Big Bones or go home… because you need this lesson to pass.
Items Required:
- Speak to Giant Necromancer x1
- Interact with Smidge
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
To summon a Giant Skeleton, you need to learn about giants! Search these stacks for books on Giants.
You are ready. Summon a GIANT SKELETON and smash down that gate!
Items Required:
- Found Book on Giants x12
- Click on the big stacks of books
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
At last! It's time for you to summon a GIANT SKELETON that can break that gate down.
Items Required:
- Summon a Giant Skeleton x1
- Click on the summoning circle
- Break & Pass Through the Gate x1
- Wait for the 'Summoned Giant Skeleton' hit the gate
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
Your task is complete. Better go and check if you're ready to move on to the next floor.
*Whispers* The next floor of the tower awaits, Master.
Items Required:
- Touch the Portal x1
- Interact with The Skellavator in Tower of Necromancy - Floor 4
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
You have passed the test. You may proceed to the next floor of the tower.
Items Required:
- Reach the 5th Floor x1
- Interact with The Skellavator, select 'Floor 5 - Fire Skeletons' and walk towards the beam of light
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
Another necromancer is waiting to speak with you.
Get this right or you're fired, in every sense of the word! HAHAHAHA!
Items Required:
- Speak to Klaze x1
- Interact with Klaze
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
To create Ice Revenants to battle these beautiful flaming works of art, you will need to learn how to store and repurpose life energy. Necromancers use something called a Phylactery for that. Fill it with Fire Skellie energy and we will direct that into your creations.
Items Required:
- Fill The Phylactery x9
- Dropped by:
- Prepare the Vessel x1
- Click on the vessel after the first step
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
Time to bring your icy creations to unlife.
Items Required:
- Use Summoning Circles x3
- Click on the summoning circles
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
Now that you have summoned your ice revenants, they will combat the fire and allow you to pass to the next floor.
Items Required:
- Ice Revenants Destroy Fire x1
- Wait for the 'Summoned Ice Revanent' kill the gate
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
Your task is complete. Better go and check if you're ready to move on to the next floor.
*Whispers* The next floor of the tower awaits, Master.
Items Required:
- Touch the Portal x1
- Interact with The Skellavator in Tower of Necromancy - Floor 5
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
You have passed the test. You may proceed to the next floor of the tower.
Items Required:
- Reach the 6th Floor x1
- Interact with The Skellavator, select 'Floor 6 - Wraiths' and walk towards the beam of light
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
Prepare yourself. My lessons will claim one more fallen hero before I become a wraith myself.
Prepare yourself. My lessons will claim one more fallen hero before I become a wraith myself.
Items Required:
- Speak to Dying Necromancer x1
- Interact with Cromwell
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
These ghastly vision will stare at you with cold, dead eyes. You can feel their hunger. They want to see you fail just as they did. Just as I did.
Items Required:
- Ghostly Heroes Silenced x5
- Dropped by Ghostly Hero
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
The Necromancer has passed but their angry spirit remains in the form of a vengeful wraith! Defeat it and claim the Necromancer's robes.
Items Required:
- Battle the Wraith x1
- Dropped by Cromwell The Wraith
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
Your task is complete. Better go and check if you're ready to move on to the next floor.
*Whispers* The next floor of the tower awaits, Master.
Items Required:
- Touch the Portal x1
- Interact with The Skellavator in Tower of Necromancy - Floor 6
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
You have passed the test. You may proceed to the next floor of the tower.
Items Required:
- Reach the 7th Floor x1
- Interact with The Skellavator, select 'Floor 7 - Experimental' and walk towards the beam of light
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
Another necromancer is waiting to speak with you.
Time to experiment! Let's throw something undead at the wall and see what sticks.
Items Required:
- Speak to Evette x1
- Interact with Evette
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
Complete and then defeat all four of the incomplete experimental abominations!
Items Required:
- Complete Experiments x4
- Click on the pile of flesh
- Experiment Defeated x4
- Dropped by Terrortoma
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
In here she should say some crazy stuff
Items Required:
- Talk to Evette x1
- Interact with Evette
- Slay Terrortomas x20
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
Complete and then defeat all four of the incomplete experimental abominations!
Items Required:
- Defeat the Big Terrortoma x1
- Dropped by Greggy Gutgoblin
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
Your task is complete. Better go and check if you're ready to move on to the next floor.
*Whispers* The next floor of the tower awaits, Master.
Items Required:
- Touch the Portal x1
- Interact with The Skellavator in Tower of Necromancy - Floor 7
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
You have passed the test. You may proceed to the next floor of the tower.
Items Required:
- Reach the 8th Floor x1
- Interact with The Skellavator, select 'Floor 8 - Rock n' Ghosts' and walk towards the beam of light
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
Axel Dreadrust, the Necro Bard is waiting to speak with you.
Items Required:
- Speak to Necro-Bard x1
- Interact with Axel Dreadrust
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
There's a song that can summon a banshee strong enough to destroy all of these Undead Rockers but when I lost control of them they took the sheet music and trashed the place. If you can get the sheet music back, I'll teach you how to summon a banshee!
This is it! This is the song! Take this to the summoning circle and put an end to all this noise!
Items Required:
- Sheet Music Pages Found x12
- Dropped by Eternal Rocker
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
I hope you can read music. If not, those Undead Rockers will stomp us and we'll both B Flat. Just step into the summoning circle and sing the song. The Banshee will handle the rest!
Items Required:
- Rock The Banshee Up x1
- Click on the summoning circle
- Slay The Banshee x1
- Dropped by Suzie
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
Your task is complete. Better go and check if you're ready to move on to the next floor.
*Whispers* The next floor of the tower awaits, Master.
Items Required:
- Touch the Portal x1
- Interact with The Skellavator in Tower of Necromancy - Floor 8
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
You have passed the test. You may proceed to the next floor of the tower.
Items Required:
- Reach the 9th Floor x1
- Interact with The Skellavator, select 'Floor 9 - Sally's Room' and walk towards the beam of light
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
Necro Sally
Another necromancer is waiting to speak with you.
Necro Sally
We are going to have so much FUN!
Items Required:
- Speak to Sally x1
- Interact with Sally
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
Necro Sally
My toys are so happy that you're here! Sometimes someone new will show up but then we plays with them too hard and they break. Then THEY get to be toys too!
Items Required:
- Find Locket Clue x1
- Dropped by Dark Memory
- Find Pocket Watch Clue x1
- Dropped by Undead Pirate
- Find Ribbon Clue x1
- Dropped by Guardian (Monster)
- Find Bowtie Clue x1
- Dropped by Guardian (Monster)
- Find Family Portrait Clue x1
- Dropped by Trickster (Monster)
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
You have enough clues to figure out that this little girl is in need of some serious parenting. Time to call her parents.
Items Required:
- Wake Her Parents' Spirits x1
- Click on the summoning circle
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
Necro Sally
This ought to be interesting.
Necro Sally
I'm sorry… Not really, my parents made me say that. You can go now, I guess.
Items Required:
- Speak to Sally x1
- Interact with Sally
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
Your task is complete. Better go and check if you're ready to move on to the next floor.
*Whispers* The next floor of the tower awaits, Master.
Items Required:
- Touch the Portal x1
- Interact with The Skellavator in Tower of Necromancy - Floor 9
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
You have passed the test. You may proceed to the next floor of the tower.
Items Required:
- Reach the 10th Floor x1
- Interact with The Skellavator, select 'Floor 10 - Mazrak's Room' and walk towards the beam of light
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
Doom Staff
The Necromancer's staff is waiting to speak with you.
Doom Staff
Your puppet is no stronger than mine was and I'll prove it.
Items Required:
- Speak to the Staff x1
- Interact with Mazrak's Doom Staff (NPC)
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
We have a deal. If you win, I'll teach you the spell to summon an undead dragon. If you lose, your puppet is mine.
Items Required:
- Win the Doom Staff's Challenge x1
- Dropped by Mazrak's Doom Staff (Monster)
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
Doom Staff
This spell was too much for Mazrak who had years of training. What do you expect to accomplish?
Items Required:
- Summon Undead Dragon x1
- Click on the summoning circle
- Defeat Skeleton Dragon x1
- Dropped by Skeleton Dragon
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
Your task is complete. Better go and check if you're ready to move on to the next floor.
*Whispers* The next floor of the tower awaits, Master.
Items Required:
- Touch the Portal x1
- Interact with The Skellavator in Tower of Necromancy - Floor 10
- 52 Gold
- 468 Exp
You have passed the test. You may proceed to the next floor of the tower.
Items Required:
- Reach the 11th Floor x1
- Interact with The Skellavator, select 'Floor 11 - The Hallway' and walk towards the beam of light
- 175 Gold
- 840 Exp
Not much choice. You'd better flip the switch.
Items Required:
- Flip the Switch x1
- Click on the lever
- 175 Gold
- 840 Exp
You task is complete. Better go and check if you're ready to move on to the next floor.
*Whispers* The next floor of the tower awaits, Master.
Items Required:
- Touch the Portal x1
- Interact with The Skellavator in Tower of Necromancy - Floor 11
- Touch the Portal Again! x1
- Interact with The Skellavator in Tower of Necromancy - Basement
- 175 Gold
- 840 Exp
You have passed the test. You may proceed to the next floor of the tower.
Items Required:
- Reach the 12th Floor x1
- Interact with The Skellavator, select 'Floor 12 - Necro Duel' and walk towards the beam of light
- 175 Gold
- 840 Exp
Another necromancer is waiting to speak with you.
Show me what you've learned!
Items Required:
- Speak to the Necro-Rogue x1
- Interact with Evette
- 175 Gold
- 840 Exp
Time to fight fire with fire and see how your undead dragon measures up to the Necro-Rogue's!
Items Required:
- Summon Undead Dragon x1
- Click on the summoning circle
- 175 Gold
- 840 Exp
Join in the fight along side your creation and sned that Skeletal Dragon back to the grave!
Items Required:
- Defeat the Skeletal Dragon x1
- Dropped by Undead Dragon
- Defeat The Necro Rogue x1
- Dropped by Pratchett (Monster)
- 175 Gold
- 840 Exp
You have passed the test. You may proceed to the next floor of the tower.
*No description*
Items Required:
- Touch the Portal x1
- Interact with The Skellavator in Tower of Necromancy - Floor 12
- 175 Gold
- 840 Exp
The Necromancer's Staff happened to be the Lich in disguise all along! It's time to settle this once for all!
Items Required:
- Defeat the Lich x1
- Dropped by Noxus the Lich
- 175 Gold
- 840 Exp
You have reached the 13th floor of the Tower of Necromancy. But another shadow will claim Noxus's body soon. You should return to the lobby and regroup.
You have reached the 13th floor of the Tower of Necromancy. But another shadow will claim Noxus's body soon. You should return to the lobby and regroup.
Items Required:
- Touch the Exit Portal x1
- Interact with The Skellavator in Tower of Necromancy - Floor 13
- 175 Gold
- 840 Exp