Traveling Merchant Gear

Location: Auden - Heartwood Forest

Name Level Price Craft Time Speed Up
Cape.png Auden's Traveling Merchant Pack epicsmall.png 1 Razorback Shell x1, Mossilite x3, Perfect Heartwolf Fang x5, Thornwing Tail x5, Flawless Grizzyboar Tusk x5, 500 Gold 30 Minutes 50 Dragon Crystals
Belt.png Auden's Traveling Merchant Belt raresmall.png 1 Mossilite x2, Thornwing Tail x2, Flawless Grizzyboar Tusk x2, 500 Gold 30 Minutes 50 Dragon Crystals
Boot.png Auden's Traveling Merchant Boots uncommonsmall.png 1 Heartmoss x50, Flawless Grizzyboar Tusk x1, 200 Gold 30 Minutes 50 Dragon Crystals
Glove.png Auden's Traveling Merchant Gloves uncommonsmall.png 1 Heartmoss x50, Perfect Heartwolf Fang x1, 200 Gold 30 Minutes 50 Dragon Crystals
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