Treefern Ravine
- Iron Bulwark Ambushed By Bandits
- Meeting Up With Arathor
- No Home But All Beans
- Saving Arathor From Grady Deighton
- Alpha Treefern Frogzard x1
- Alpha of Treefern Wolf x2
- Cosmic Wisp (Level 83) x6
- Merchant of Death (Monster) (Level 39) (Version 1) x12
- Sword of Legends x1
- The Dragon of Treefern x1
- Treefern Boar x10
- Treefern Carniverling x18
- Treefern Frogzard x13
- Treefern Gorillaphant x10
- Treefern Rocky x13
- Treefern Wolf x16
- Treefern Wooden Chest x1
- Ailssa Mabbott
- Arathor Havenshield x3
- Bobbert Bobfield
- Forgotten Guardian
- Guardian Gardenia
- Merchant of Death (NPC) x2
- Renato Lancaster
- Stanton Graham
- N/A
Access Points:
- Exit from Treefern Ravine Camp
- Exit from Waterfall Hideout (Dungeon)
- Exit from Waterfall Hideout (Location)
- Interact with Arathor Havenshield in Yulgar's Inn during and after the 'Iron Clad Journey' quest
- Interact with Research Crystal after completing the 'A Race to Reflection' quest
- All monsters in this location level scale until level 44.
- The following monsters respawn every 1 hour: