Umbral Caves
Dungeon Level 12+ (Scaled)
Difficulty: Normal
Recommended Players: 1-5
This cave is the only known source of the highly valuable Wayker's Root, but recently it has also become the home of some unwanted visitors.
- N/A
- Part 1:
- Common Doomwood Chest x0-2
- Giant Spider x5
- Infected Zombie x4
- Mini Spider x5
- Poisonous Gas x1
- Rare Doomwood Chest x0-2
- Uncommon Doomwood Chest x0-2
- Part 2:
- Giant Spider x3
- Infected Zombie x6
- Mini Spider x2
- Part 3:
- Giant Spider x2
- Infected Zombie x4
- Mini Spider x4
- Part 4:
- Common Doomwood Chest x0-2
- Giant Spider x2
- Hulking Spider x1
- Infected Zombie x6
- Mini Spider x4
- Rare Doomwood Chest x0-2
- Uncommon Doomwood Chest x0-2
- Part 5:
- Common Doomwood Chest x0-2
- Giant Spider x6
- Infected Zombie x8
- Mini Spider x4
- Rare Doomwood Chest x0-2
- Uncommon Doomwood Chest x0-2
- Part 6:
- Giant Spider x2
- Infected Zombie x8
- Mini Spider x6
- Part 7:
- Ixtis Harvester x1
- Mini Spider x3
- Part 1:
- N/A
- Part 2:
- N/A
- Part 3:
- N/A
- Part 4:
- N/A
- Part 5:
- N/A
- Part 6:
- N/A
- Part 7:
- N/A
Party Size: 5
- Acid Worn Blade
- Blue Cape
- Chitin Piercer
- Chitinous Shell
- Cloth Scrap
(Dropped during the 'Missing Persons' quest)
- Doom Ripper
- Fancy Health Potion
- Fancy Mana Potion
- Gauntlets of the Night Guard
- Grime Covered Pendant (Dropped during the 'Polishing Silver' quest)
- Ichor
- Insect Head
- Night Guard Boots
- Night Guard Helm
- Night Guard Pauldrons
- Night Guard Uniform
- Pristine Carapace
- Wayker's Root (Misc)
(Dropped during the 'More Medicine' and the 'Strong Medicine' quest)
- Zombie Skin
- When you start a dungeon, you may start off in or with a different part than the ones listed in order. The only exception is Part Seven, which is the boss room.
- Monsters in Part One, Five, and Six will respawn.
- Doomwood Chests will appear randomly throughout parts.