Viscerra Vex's Quests

Quest Location: Island of the Dead
Quests Begun From: Viscerra Vex
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Spirit Crystal' quest to access these quests.

You need to gather Spirit Shards from the Crystal Golems like you did before, but we will need more. Remember, if you die we still have a contract!

Items Required:


  • 245 Gold
  • 2,300 Exp


Quest Location: Island of the Dead
Quests Begun From: Viscerra Vex
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Claim Your Doom Weapon' quest to access these quests.

Requirements: Must have Empowered Necrostaff of Doom in your inventory.

Viscerra Vex
Your Staff requires essence from creatures around Lore in order to become even stronger! Seek out and defeat these creatures to empower your Staff.

Items Required:


  • 7,000 Gold
  • 16,800 Exp


Quest Location: Island of the Dead
Quests Begun From: Viscerra Vex
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Requirements: Must have Old Staff Fragment in your inventory to access this quest.

Viscerra Vex
What?! You want to make a staff like the one you found? Didn't I warn you about the dangers of possessing such a staff? Fine, have it your way… The answers you seek can be found in the Necronomicon. That's all that I'm willing to say about this matter.

Items Required:


  • 210 Gold
  • 945 Exp
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