- Forest Path - Interact with Arathor during the 'Facing the Goliath' quest
Arathor (Knight of the Iron Bulwark): I don't see Morrigan anywhere… Were we too late?
Arathor (Knight of the Iron Bulwark): Wait, what was-
Morrigan (Traitor to the Order): Arathor, you followed me all this way? I'm flattered.
Arathor (Knight of the Iron Bulwark): Morrigan! I give you one warning. Drop that cursed blade and return home with me… You'll get a fair trial.
Morrigan (Traitor to the Order): Go home with you? Don't make me laugh. Are you still holding onto this idea of your precious student repenting for her sins?
Morrigan (Traitor to the Order): You fear the Void, but it's only natural for those who are as simple as you to fear what they do not understand! With this power I can transcend my limits and become more than I ever could be playing knight with you.
Hero (Hero of Lore): Morrigan, I've seen what the Void can do. The price you'll pay for this "power" is unimaginable. It'll consume you!
Morrigan (Traitor to the Order): I must say, I didn't expect to meet you here <Hero>. Word of your triumphs against the Void has traveled far and wide… But your warnings mean nothing to me…
Arathor (Knight of the Iron Bulwark): Don't you hear yourself? You sound mad!
Morrigan (Traitor to the Order): Arathor, you are lucky you've confronted me with <Hero> at your side… or you'd b dead like the others… however, BECAUSE <Hero> is here… that will have to wait till next time…
Arathor (Knight of the Iron Bulwark): Wait, don't go!
«Scene: *A moment of silence*»
Arathor (Knight of the Iron Bulwark): Morrigan…
Hero: She's gone Arathor… We stopped the Voidrakar invasion she started here. We should head back to Battleon for now.