Yulgar's Inn
- Battlemaid?
- Darkon's Debris
- Grenwog?
- Meeting Mawmy'Tha
- Meeting Speck
- Psst...
- Siphoning Crystals
- Yulgar's Inn? (Cutscene)
- Yulgar's Input
- N/A
- 007 Bush
- Arathor
- Arathor Havenshield
- Aurelio Voltaire
- Artix
- Beleen
- Bob the Wizard
- Bryce Platinum
- Bulb Lightmaker
- Darkon (NPC)
- Dottie
- Druid Dalia Swift Paw
- Drummer
- DuckyDucky (NPC)
- Festive Artix
- Guitarist
- Hooper
- Hootenheim
- Legion Acolyte
- Magic Bush
- Mawmy'Tha
- Melodia
- Mia J Park
- Mia J Park Fan (1)
- Mia J Park Fan (2)
- Mia J Park Fan (3)
- Mia J Park Fan (4)
- Piddie the Fool
- Pirate (NPC) (1)
- Serenity
- Speck
- The Giving Shrub (NPC)
- Violinist
- Wandy
- Yulgar
- Zilla (1)
- Alpha Knight Quests
- A Thankful Feast Quests
- Beastmaster Blade Quests
- Community Shop
- Iron Bulwark Knight Quests
- Live Event Rank Quests
- Mystery Collar Quests
- Speck's Mouse Hole Quests
- Thanatosium Warblade Quests
- Yulgar's Blacksmithing Quests
- Yulgar's Quests
- Yulgar's Tap Water Quest
- A Special Boi
- Beastmaster Gear
- Beleen's Birthday Shop
- Burger Hero Decorations
- Bushy Sweater
- Darkon's Birthday Shop
- Get Pizzamancer
- Grenwog Ears & Tails
- Halos of Heroes
- Holiday Presents
- Hooper's Grenwog Shop
- Invisible Shop
- Iron Bulwark Armor
- Live Event Coin Shop
- Melodia's Alpha Knight Shop
- Melodia's Kickstarter Shop
- Pizzamancer Gear
- Special Gifts
- Spring Celebration Shop
- Thankful Feast
- The Giving Shrub (Shop)
- The Woodsman
- The Wreath Of Khan
- Yulgar's Blacksmithing
- Yulgar's Crafting
- Yulgar's Shop
- Your 20th Anniversary Black Dragon Bundle
Access Points:
- /join yulgars
- /join yulgar's inn
- Adventures
- Enter from Battleon Town Square
- Exit from Mouse Hole Lobby
- Exit from Yulgar's Sinkhole
- Exit from Storage Room
- Interact with Arathor in Forest Path
- Interact with Bulb Lightmaker in Thanatosium Deposit
- Interact with Druid Dalia Swift Paw in Arcangrove Forest
- Interact with Druid Dalia Swift Paw in Lolosia
- Interact with Druid Dalia Swift Paw in Heartwood Forest
- Interact with Druid Dalia Swift Paw in Sandsea Desert
- Interact with Druid Dalia Swift Paw in World Tree
- Interact with Druid Dalia Swift Paw in Yokai Forest
- Interact with James McAllister after completing the 'Death to the Queen' quest
- Interact with Travel Portal
- Interact with Yulgar in Yokai Forest Invasion
- Interact with Zilla (1) in Battleon Social District
- Bob the Wizard appears during the 'Thyton's Contact' and 'Destroy the Syphon Crystals' quests.
- Clicking/tapping on the chalkboard next to Yulgar opens the Adventures menu.
Custom Screens
The BattleOn Bed Room
In Development
Nap time? Or just want to relax with a magic book? this is where the magic happens. Coming soon.
Yulgar's Inn Bathroom
In Development
Bladdy meter full? Sorry! You will just have to hold it until the bathroom is ready…