Zoria's Daily Quests

During April Fools' Day

Quest Location: Guardian Tower
Quests Begun From: Zoria
Note: This quest can only be done once per day.

As odd as it may seem, us Guardians do love to have a bit of fun sometimes! This particular season is when we give a bit of reprieve t our Guardians. Share these silly gifts with your fellow adventurers in Battleon!

Items Required:


  • 0 Gold
  • 0 Exp


During Frostval

Quest Location: Guardian Tower
Quests Begun From: Zoria
Note: This quest can only be done once per day.

While the Guardians may seem to be the serious type, we do honor the holiday traditions! As part of the festivities in Battleon, the Guardians like to give back to all the citizens and adventures. You are welcome to take from our treasury to go out and spread holiday cheer!

Items Required:


  • 0 Gold
  • 0 Exp


During Dage's Birthday

Quest Location: Guardian Tower
Quests Begun From: Zoria
Note: This quest can only be done once per day.

The Guardians must always be vigilant and on alert for any threats to the citizens of Battleon. We have been studying the denizens of the Underworld and have recently received news of these Summoning Runes that need to be investigated. Please take this and let us know what you find!

Items Required:


  • 0 Gold
  • 0 Exp


During Talk Like a Pirate Day

Quest Location: Guardian Tower
Quests Begun From: Zoria
Note: This quest can only be done once per day.

I'll admit, sometimes a few Guardians will retire to the town of Lolosia for some much needed rest and relaxation, but what they find there can be quite rowdy indeed! It seems recently that Captain Rhubarb has requested some help from the Guardians as there has been some clashes out at sea with a mysterious Cursed Ship!

Items Required:


  • 0 Gold
  • 0 Exp


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